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People who actually do annoy you

The Big Cat

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I read them all the time. Do'nt quite see your point.


Well with all do respect, I refrained from making my point because I didn't feel like typing out volume upon volume about why Bush has been a BAD president. Has he done anything illegal besides cocaine? Yes. And yes. AND YES!


But even if this argument was over whether or not a successful presidency is merited by the commander's ability to avoid illegality, then this is a sad state for our country.

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I assume that you were as adamant about the previous(clinton) administration as you are about the present(bush) one.....and if you are going to cite credible sources, I wouldn't use one that admits to being a liberal viewpoint(Talk Left), a message board(for physicists no less), and an article written by John Dean(bitter..table of 1 ;) )


Well with all do respect, I refrained from making my point because I didn't feel like typing out volume upon volume about why Bush has been a BAD president. Has he done anything illegal besides cocaine? Yes. And yes. AND YES!


But even if this argument was over whether or not a successful presidency is merited by the commander's ability to avoid illegality, then this is a sad state for our country.

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Also, women who dig through their change purse for 72 cents instead of just getting the f*%king change when there are five people in line behind her. I have honestly considered murder in some of these situations.


Not just that, but doing it after a 10 minute wait in line. What, you mean I need to pay for this, so maybe I should have dug out my wallet from the suitcase, that doubles as a purse, ahead of time?





And yeah, since turning 40, everyone.

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I assume that you were as adamant about the previous(clinton) administration as you are about the present(bush) one.....and if you are going to cite credible sources, I wouldn't use one that admits to being a liberal viewpoint(Talk Left), a message board(for physicists no less), and an article written by John Dean(bitter..table of 1 ;) )


I was only 16 when Bush took office so was I adamant about Clinton? not really. But, we weren't at war when Clinton was in office ...we also didn't majorly flub the recovery from a natural disaster under clinton...we weren't $11 trillion in dept under Clinton...the Clinton administration actually cared about the environment...at least Clinton never made false promises to Christians (of all people)...the American middle class still had its neck above water with Clinton...do I really need to go on??


As far as the sources, yeah, okay, you got me. I'm at work and didnt' really feel like doing extensive research to prove common sense.

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not to get into a pissing contest, but bush didnt take over and poof all of a sudden a war was imminent, poof, all of a sudden the levy's were failing...poof, all of a sudden planes are used as weapons...there were 8 years of Clinton before him, and 4 years of Bush before him and 8 years of Reagan before him....these situations Bush has "dealt" with are a culmination of things boiling out of control well before he came in


I was only 16 when Bush took office so was I adamant about Clinton? not really. But, we weren't at war when Clinton was in office ...we also didn't majorly flub the recovery from a natural disaster under clinton...we weren't $11 trillion in dept under Clinton...the Clinton administration actually cared about the environment...at least Clinton never made false promises to Christians (of all people)...the American middle class still had its neck above water with Clinton...do I really need to go on??


As far as the sources, yeah, okay, you got me. I'm at work and didnt' really feel like doing extensive research to prove common sense.

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not to get into a pissing contest, but bush didnt take over and poof all of a sudden a war was imminent,


no, he followed the tracks laid by his father's ADMINISTRATION (not his father) I'm talking Rummy, Cheney, etc. He didn't have to appoint those guys and he CERTAINLY didn't have to take our country to war UNDER FALSE PRETENSES! He lied.


all of a sudden the levy's were failing


No, but he was informed of the potential problem 6 months before it happened and did nothing. He also appointed as head of FEMA (by the way the most powerful office in the USA as the director of FEMA is the only person who can dispatch the US Military without congressional consent) man who prior to holding that position was the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association. A position that was terminated, however, after numerous lawsuits were filed against the organization over disciplinary actions, forcing Brown to resign.


all of a sudden planes are used as weapons.


No, but the ONE person who is an expert on terrorism (Richard Clark) who served as terrorist advisor to Reagan, Bush Sr., AND Clinton was fired before 9/11 and replaced with someone with only an iota of the qualifications.


I don't want to piss over this either...but come on, man.

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not to get into a pissing contest, but bush didnt take over and poof all of a sudden a war was imminent, poof, all of a sudden the levy's were failing...poof, all of a sudden planes are used as weapons...there were 8 years of Clinton before him, and 4 years of Bush before him and 8 years of Reagan before him....these situations Bush has "dealt" with are a culmination of things boiling out of control well before he came in

spin it, faster...no one will recognize the bs if it's spinning fast enough ;)

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hind sight is 20/20, I am not absolving Bush of any thing nor am i going to lay total blame at his feet, the groundwork for all of these should have been started years, perhaps decades earlier..now we are charging bush with fixing the levy's in 6 months("...but he was informed of the potential problem 6 months before it happened and did nothing...") revsionist history is great...and I will end my political "rant" now to avoid having this great thread moved to the PPP board


no, he followed the tracks laid by his father's ADMINISTRATION (not his father) I'm talking Rummy, Cheney, etc. He didn't have to appoint those guys and he CERTAINLY didn't have to take our country to war UNDER FALSE PRETENSES! He lied.

No, but he was informed of the potential problem 6 months before it happened and did nothing. He also appointed as head of FEMA (by the way the most powerful office in the USA as the director of FEMA is the only person who can dispatch the US Military without congressional consent) man who prior to holding that position was the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association. A position that was terminated, however, after numerous lawsuits were filed against the organization over disciplinary actions, forcing Brown to resign.

No, but the ONE person who is an expert on terrorism (Richard Clark) who served as terrorist advisor to Reagan, Bush Sr., AND Clinton was fired before 9/11 and replaced with someone with only an iota of the qualifications.


I don't want to piss over this either...but come on, man.

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I was only 16 when Bush took office so was I adamant about Clinton? not really. But, we weren't at war when Clinton was in office ...we also didn't majorly flub the recovery from a natural disaster under clinton...we weren't $11 trillion in dept under Clinton...the Clinton administration actually cared about the environment...at least Clinton never made false promises to Christians (of all people)...the American middle class still had its neck above water with Clinton...do I really need to go on??


As far as the sources, yeah, okay, you got me. I'm at work and didnt' really feel like doing extensive research to prove common sense.


I'm annoyed by partisan lemmings from either side of the aisle.

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I'm annoyed by partisan lemmings from either side of the aisle.


I'm annoyed by people who respond to critcism of our government (a government, mind you that is VERY deserving of criticism) (and a criticism, mind you, which is fundamental to being an American) by calling PARTISANSHIP! PARTISANSHIP!




okay I have to stop now

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I'm annoyed by people who respond to critcism of our government (a government, mind you that is VERY deserving of criticism) (and a criticism, mind you, which is fundamental to being an American) by calling PARTISANSHIP! PARTISANSHIP!




okay I have to stop now


You were being critical of our government? All I read was anti-Bush talking points. You'll have to forgive me for misinterpreting that as partisanship.

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