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It's both. Ralph represents 'small market' and Buffalo has become that 'small market.'


Think of Snyder, Jones, Kraft, et al. as people who want the NFL to be in the biggest markets. Just as teams moved from Pottsville, Racine, and Kenosha --- they want the Bills out of Buffalo, and they have leverage that can make it happen after Ralph is gone. It is pure Adam Smith and the 'invisible hand.'




The problem I have with this "big market" is that how many more such "big market" cities are there that do not have an NFL team. When I mean "big market" it has to be a substantial revenue stream....For example the Redskins made about 100M more in revenue than the Bills. Is there another city that can generate a disparate revenue or even half of that. I think the answer is no.


The next in line cities other than LA are may be a San Antonio or a Portland. However I don't think any of those cities can provide that kind of revenue stream and are more likely to be in the side where Buffalo belongs. It is also going to be hard for any team to move to LA considering the # of potential issues to face from lawsuits from Al Davis to building a new stadium, to multiple other franchises wanting to move there (San Diego, Jacksonville).

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For God's sake relax. This is being blown out of proportion. It is all political posturing.


Ralph has not yet got the revenue sharing he wants. As you all know, he has been working every pol he can find, including Schumer and Clinton. This latest rant is his way of saying that the NFL can get other stuff done--like funding a new stadium for the Giants and Jets--but has not yet addressed the revenue sharing problem.


Ralph is just keeping the heat on. Everything he is complaining about today on the new stadium in NYC is the same thing he has been harping on since the new CBA was agreed to. Until the final revenue sharing plan is worked out, Ralph will keep this up. But there will be added revenue sharing, and if it addresses Ralph's needs(and other small market teams), everything will be fine. The 30-2 vote on the NYC deal is evidence that other small market owners think they will be taken care of, and they choose not to be front and center like Ralph. each approach has its merits.


At this point, Goddell is an advocate for the small market teams. And even the big guys like Jones and Snyder don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. While there are no guarantees in life, I am fairly confident that there will be ample revenue sharing to protect teams like Buffalo, Green Bay, Indy, Pittsburgh, Jacksonville, Tampa, New Orleans, etc, that the league will be fine, including our home team. So go back to watching the games, and chill about this stuff. I don't mean to sound pedantic, but everyone is really overreacting...CD

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Show some love for the Browns ... some of their fans jump on the Bills bandwagon when Modell stole their team.




As well they should have.


When the Bisons/Bills of the All American Football Conference folded with that league in 1949, Many Buffalonians became fans of the Browns as they entered the NFL along with the 49ers and Colts.


They were pretty much the team followed in the city until the AFL Bills came into being.

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I know my posting this contradicts my message but enough already...frankly 1 thread is enough, I mean hell who cares what your point is, you are commenting on pure speculation.....let it get buried in a single thread where it belongs...if you have something insightful to say that someone hasn't already said(highly unlikely, I might add), then it will get noticed...My god this is ridiculous :lol::bag:

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What I find interesting is how come the voting pattern was exactly similar to that of the CBA. Both Wilson and Brown voted against giving the 300M to the Giants/Jets and yet the other small market teams like Cleveland, Jacksonville, San Diego did not oppose it and voted for it.


I find this interesting, because after the CBA vote, some of these very same owners came out and said the whole process was confusing and they probably should have voted against the CBA and yet 5 months later they are all still voting with the big guys.

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The only guy in the world who could take this franchise and keep it in Buffalo, while keeping it competitve with other NFL cities would be people like Bill Gates.


At least, if the NFL keeps up this moronic type of financing.  It'll be baseball in 15 years, and then no one will care anymore in about 20 of the 32 cities. 



No, I don't believe that is true. Do you have numbers on what Ralph's operating profit/losses are? He might choose to try to get richer by moving or selling, or he could choose to operate the team under the salary cap (eventually significantly so).


Last I checked the Yankees and Red Sox were home in October watching the Oakland A's in the ALCS on TV, so I don't see the baseball analogy working either. It might be harder to win under the cap in the NFL, but it isn't impossible, and there is nothing saying that we will have to live under the cap fundamentally either.

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Screw them. I'd root for the Bears or Giants or not watch football again.


If the Bills ever leave Buffalo, my interest in the NFL will plummet. The NFL is half pro-wrestling and half minstrel show anyway. I'm so sick of the overhyped crap like "Manning v.s. Manning" and the Saints being the "team all of America is behind", as well as watching morons like T.O, Chad Johnson, etc. dance around for our entertainment.


I'll sort of keep tabs on whatever team is on whereever I live but I'll mostly just spend more money watching baseball and hockey.


(BTW, unless Western New York really does come back from the dead, the Bills will move someday. The area continues to suck while other areas are growing rapidly. Can you really imagine the Bills in Buffalo come 2050 unless all the current trends change?)

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The Mayflower trucks are circling 1 Bills Drive like buzzards.

It will get worse with them clogging up traffic on Sunday.

We're doomed!!!!!!


I agree. This whole moving nonsense has gotten way out of hand. Half these people have had the death watch on Ralph since he turned 70. The only difference now is they have a death watch on Ralph, Marv & the franchise.

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Nope...course the fact that I live 8 hours away could have something to do with it.


I would be there if I could!



12 hours away. I usually try and hit one a year as long as vacation and stuff pan out. At the same time, I don't feel as though I should have to go. I go because I want to not because I feel the need to try and save the team.

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If the Bills ever leave Buffalo, my interest in the NFL will plummet.  The NFL is half pro-wrestling and half minstrel show anyway.  I'm so sick of the overhyped crap like "Manning v.s. Manning" and the Saints being the "team all of America is behind", as well as watching morons like T.O, Chad Johnson, etc. dance around for our entertainment. 


I'll sort of keep tabs on whatever team is on whereever I live but I'll mostly just spend more money watching baseball and hockey. 


(BTW, unless Western New York really does come back from the dead, the Bills will move someday.  The area continues to suck while other areas are growing rapidly.  Can you really imagine the Bills in Buffalo come 2050 unless all the current trends change?)




I agree. I couldn't care less about the Manning boys and I'm not even in the vicinity of the Saints, let alone behind them. Maybe they'll win the intercontinental belt this weekend. The NFL as a whole has been getting on my nerves, perhaps that's why I've really been a bigger hockey fan since the strike ended.


Can you imagine WNY in 2050 if they don't get it on track? Forget the football team, that place will look like Chernobyl.

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I know my posting this contradicts my message but enough already...frankly 1 thread is enough, I mean hell who cares what your point is, you are commenting on pure speculation.....let it get buried in a single thread where it belongs...if you have something insightful to say that someone hasn't already said(highly unlikely, I might add), then it will get noticed...My god this is ridiculous :lol:  :bag:


I feel so humiliated. :lol: Whatever should I do to regain my sense of self?


:( ahhhhhhh

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I agree. I couldn't care less about the Manning boys and I'm not even in the vicinity of the Saints, let alone behind them.  Maybe they'll win the intercontinental belt this weekend. The NFL as a whole has been getting on my nerves, perhaps that's why I've really been a bigger hockey fan since the strike ended.


Can you imagine WNY in 2050 if they don't get it on track? Forget the football team, that place will look like Chernobyl.


Obviously you haven't seen the East Side lately. Friggin' Kofi Annan is calling for international peacekeepers..... :bag:

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If the Bills ever leave Buffalo, my interest in the NFL will plummet.  The NFL is half pro-wrestling and half minstrel show anyway.  I'm so sick of the overhyped crap like "Manning v.s. Manning" and the Saints being the "team all of America is behind", as well as watching morons like T.O, Chad Johnson, etc. dance around for our entertainment. 


I'll sort of keep tabs on whatever team is on whereever I live but I'll mostly just spend more money watching baseball and hockey. 


(BTW, unless Western New York really does come back from the dead, the Bills will move someday.  The area continues to suck while other areas are growing rapidly.  Can you really imagine the Bills in Buffalo come 2050 unless all the current trends change?)


It's to market the game, Manning vs. Manning is a pretty big thing and everyone was watching it, it turned out to be a decent game too. I have no problem with the league advertising a prime time game between a hall of fame bound quarterback and his brother.


Yeah, T.O. and Chad Johnson do a lot of sh--, but so what? It doesn't take anything away from the game and some, myself included, aren't a fan of it but there are a lot of people that love to see them do that sh--. And the NFL can't be to blame for that, the NFL tries to prevent them from doing it but they just go on and do it anyways.

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