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Czech has a weak defence, US can score on them.



Czech has a big defense, and the US team so far is trying that stupid vertical passing sh-- that plays RIGHT into Czech strengths.


That second Czech goal, though... :huh:. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, most of the time it's best to be both...

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Czech has a big defense, and the US team so far is trying that stupid vertical passing sh-- that plays RIGHT into Czech strengths. 


That second Czech goal, though... :huh:.  Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, most of the time it's best to be both...



I know next to nothing bout this futbol, but I know this.....every team I pull for never gunna win SQUADOOSH. WTF, why was I excited for this. Least the trny over early, cause they can't beat Italy can they? I thought i saw italy one of the Favs

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I know next to nothing bout this futbol, but I know this.....every team I pull for never gunna win SQUADOOSH. WTF, why was I excited for this. Least the trny over early, cause they can't beat Italy can they? I thought i saw italy one of the Favs.


BTW had FIFA gone to new rules like the NHL so comebacks are possible now?



Supposedly the Czechs are ranked #2 in the world, so the good news is that we're not exactly losing to a team we're SUPPOSED to beat. We are playing some uninspired soccer today, to say the least.


Our next game against Italy is now a must win.

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Supposedly the Czechs are ranked #2 in the world, so the good news is that we're not exactly losing to a team we're SUPPOSED to beat. We are playing some uninspired soccer today, to say the least.



I was trying to decide between watching the game at lunch or driving ice picks into my balls...


I'm glad I chose the latter... :huh:

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What is Italy ranked?



I think somewhere between 14-18, but not sure....But the only reason people thought we could beat the Czechs was becasue they've had some injuries as of late. So this isn't exactly an upset, but there's no excuse for us to be playing this sloppy.


If I were Bruce Arena, I'd be having them do wind sprints until they vomit after the match today, a la that scene in "Miracle". This is unacceptable.

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I was trying to decide between watching the game at lunch or driving ice picks into my balls...


I'm glad I chose the latter...  :lol:



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Watching Team USA on offense is so like watching the Bills on offense. Rosicky has a great shot. Is it just me or does it seem every team has a guy that can rocket a shot from far out except the US?

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Watching Team USA on offense is so like watching the Bills on offense.  Rosicky has a great shot.  Is it just me or does it seem every team has a guy that can rocket a shot from far out except the US?



Exactly....that's what was bothering me during the friendly matches. I figured they were just holding back, but I guess not. The US team seems to have very little firepower on offense, and mostly relies on taking half an hour to set up some sort of fancy play. I'm sorry, but sometimes you just gotta rip it!


Our best play this match has been the "pass back to the goalie". I'm really surprised at how much they are pussying out.

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watching the match was liek watching a bunch of worthless invalids try and play soccer. that was absolutely pathetic.


Memo to team usa: its tough to score when you never SHOOT THE FUGGIN BALL!

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I just watched the game at the pub...the truth of the matter is that expectations are just way too unrealistic for the US side. Everytime I watch them play, you can just see how much quality they lack as side when compared to other strong soccer nations. Reyna was by far the best US player on the pitch with some nice touches and his balls were quality.


As for the rest, they just can't provide that decisive touch when it matters. To me, the USA play a bit like the English team, but with less talent. No real creativity, no real flare, dependent largely on a high work rate, pace up front and crosses played into the box.


Czech's midfield played with such quality, it was a pleasure to watch. Well, debating if I watch the Ghana vs. Italy game or I stick around the office and get caught up on some work.

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I just watched the game at the pub...the truth of the matter is that expectations are just way too unrealistic for the US side. Everytime I watch them play, you can just see how much quality they lack as side when compared to other strong soccer nations. Reyna was by far the best US player on the pitch with some nice touches and his balls were quality.


As for the rest, they just can't provide that decisive touch when it matters. To me, the USA play a bit like the English team, but with less talent. No real creativity, no real flare, dependent largely on a high work rate, pace up front  and crosses played into the box.


Czech's midfield played with such quality, it was a pleasure to watch. Well, debating if I watch the Ghana vs. Italy game or I stick around the office and get caught up on some work.


And yet we keep hearing how so many kids play soccer that it's only a matter of time...blah, blah, blah. Kids have been playing soccer long enough in the USA that if we were ever going to grow some decent native talent, we'd have done so by now. Maybe the coaching of youth soccer isn't good enough? By the way, how many of the USA World Cup team are foreign-born? We couldn't field a team of native players if we had to.



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