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The Stones....

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I thought that seeing the Stone's performance validated EVERYTHING I've been saying about them since they announced ticket sales for their past tour. They are way too old to be headlining $300 a ticket shows and most especially shouldn't be headlining the half time of the Super Bowl. My 7 year old commented that Mick wasn't siging the song right (He's heard each of those songs on CD).

He was out of breath after doing that little jogging thing he does.

And I don't want to hear how they rock for 65 or 68 years old or whatever they are. They are a washed up nostalgia act, with the same jiggly skin on their arms and belly as my grandmother has.

Considering this was in Detroit, how about a Motown halftime show?

I was scared Mick was going to DIE before the end of their set.

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I thought that seeing the Stone's performance validated EVERYTHING I've been saying about them since they announced ticket sales for their past tour. They are way too old to be headlining $300 a ticket shows and most especially shouldn't be headlining the half time of the Super Bowl. My 7 year old commented that Mick wasn't siging the song right (He's heard each of those songs on CD).

He was out of breath after doing that little jogging thing he does.

And I don't want to hear how they rock for 65 or 68 years old or whatever they are. They are a washed up nostalgia act, with the same jiggly skin on their arms and belly as my grandmother has.

Considering this was in Detroit, how about a Motown halftime show?

I was scared Mick was going to DIE before the end of their set.



Whoa...your SEVEN YEAR OLD thinks the Rolling Stone dont sound right. Well sh--....then should hang it up right NOW, then!


Didnt bother to mention that their loose style of playing, like they showed last night is their trademark and they have been playing that way since 1965, did ya? :(

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Whoa...your SEVEN YEAR OLD thinks the Rolling Stone dont sound right. Well sh--....then should hang it up right NOW, then!


Didnt bother to mention that their loose style of playing, like they showed last night is their trademark and they have been playing that way since 1965, did ya?  :(


I think he meant that Mick sounded like sh--! My insinuation was EVEN my 7 year old could hear it.


Loose style of playing is a cop out for playing like crap. The Stones should have retired 15 years ago and maintained some semblance of dignity.

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Best halftime show ever! Totally outclassed Macca and U2! :(



Rico, since you saw the on tour a few times this year, what'd you think of their performance? Keith didn't look very engaged, but that might be his normal state these days! :w00t:

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It was the first time I can remember when myself and parents watched the entire set at halftime...I didn't like the 2nd song much but I thought it was a great for the most part. Having it in surround sound was pretty cool. It bridged generations in our household. I liked it...and am glad Mick kept his shirt on. They do rock for that age, you've got to credit them for that.


-I thought it was one of the worse National Anthems I've heard

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Rico, since you saw the on tour a few times this year, what'd you think of their performance?  Keith didn't look very engaged, but that might be his normal state these days!   :lol:


I thought it was a smart move to keep the camera on Mick, Keith is very scary looking in HD :(:w00t: .Musically, you have to remember that the magnificent stage + their equipment was set up in minutes & there was no true opportunity to soundcheck like there would be at a show, so they sounded more rough than usual to start. I've heard complaints about the mix, but it sounded good in 5.1, don't know about 2.0 or mono. They did 2 rough dress rehearsals; compare that to the sterile, flaccid, plastic Macca, who worked on it for months & who's bland performances are identical from show to show to show, & I could see why Joe Public might not be as impressed. Bottom line, they & Keith are much better on tour right now than what you saw yesterday, but since I feared it would be a disaster, I give it big thumbs up!


Stones rule, Radio City next month, WOOHOO!!! :w00t:

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Loose style of playing is a cop out for playing like crap.




Bingo. Give that man a cigar.


I saw them at Rich in '75 and thought they were a great live act, generating a lot of excitement, though still diappointed at their half-hearted effort to make the songs sound right. Poorly executed harmonies, playing out of tune, off beat, etc.

The message seemed to be "you should feel privileged to be in our presence - screw actually trying to play well".


Not that many years ago, they did a tour where they did some bar gigs, small arenas, and large stadiums. They had a good backing band, singers - the works. AND....they actually played tightly in order to put out another live album. So, they can do it if they give a shiite. Instead, they thumb their noses at all the suckers putting down a few hundred bucks to see their sorry washed up asses.


They're legends and have a fantastic catelog of work, but they're no longer relevant.


Sorry, but for me, if the music sucks, the show sucks. Mick ain't quite so pretty any more that he can rely on his charisma to carry the band.

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Bingo. Give that man a cigar.


I saw them at Rich in '75 and thought they were a great live act, generating a lot of excitement, though still diappointed at their half-hearted effort to make the songs sound right. Poorly executed harmonies, playing out of tune, off beat, etc.

The message seemed to be "you should feel privileged to be in our presence - screw actually trying to play well".


Not that many years ago, they did a tour where they did some bar gigs, small arenas, and large stadiums. They had a good backing band, singers - the works. AND....they actually played tightly in order to put out another live album. So, they can do it if they give a shiite. Instead, they thumb their noses at all the suckers putting down a few hundred bucks to see their sorry washed up asses.


They're legends and have a fantastic catelog of work, but they're no longer relevant.


Sorry, but for me, if the music sucks, the show sucks. Mick ain't quite so pretty any more that he can rely on his charisma to carry the band.



True to certain extent, but that is their style.

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I think he meant that Mick sounded like sh--! My insinuation was EVEN my 7 year old could hear it.


Loose style of playing is a cop out for playing like crap. The Stones should have retired 15 years ago and maintained some semblance of dignity.




I have been wathching the Stones for years...what we got last night was pretty mucht the way they have always sounded. The Stones are not everyones' cup of tea, true, but I thought they sounded great. If you love real rock 'n' roll, you had to be impressed with some of the guitar licks that Ron and Keith were playing. To complain that Mick sounded bad shows that you don't know a hell of a lot about the Stones...it is like complaing that the Sex Pistols can't play, or Hank Williams Sr wasn't as great a songwriter as Dylan. It seems people have lost the ability to put anything in context anymore...the music industry went to complete hell, when it started catering to seven year olds...


I agree that the Stones have stooped pretty low over the years (playing the Super Bowl halftime show is pretty low) but live, that band still plays as hard as any out there. They didn't rely on back-up singers, fly girls and horns to embelish everything. That was a meat and potatoes rock band out there.


I give them credit for not stooping "we are the world" type garbage that the NFL usually goes for. Maybe you would have preferred Aerosmith! I wouldn't pay $300 bucks to see any band. Rock and Roll lost its' soul some years ago. It seems to be getting harder for people to hear what is inspired, and what is pre-fab!

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I thought they were OK, but not great, i am not a huge fan of their music but you have to give them credit for their age to still be doing world tours. Micks singing didn't sound all that great which leads me to believe they were actually singing and not lip syncing like most performers in these shows.


I have been impressed with the last 2 half time shows. (I thought McCartneys was an excellent performance) I think I prefered the past 2 because they were actual performances that involved only the one band/performer who came up, played a couple of songs and thats it. No crappy medleys, no special guests singing others songs, no special effects, just performers playing as if they were playing one of their shows.


As for the poster who mentioned Eminem cause he's from detroit, I would have become an instant CFL fan if he was the half time show. After the problems they had with JT/JJ a couple years ago, no way will anyone who might do anything controversial will ever perform during halftime.


I have to say, the National anthem could have been 100% better, it was horrible. All I could think of is how much it compared to the skit on SNL this weekend (one of the only skits I saw on the show)

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Micks singing didn't sound all that great which leads me to believe they were actually singing and not lip syncing like most performers in these shows.



I thought Mick sounded pretty good considering the mix was all fuged up at first (way too hot on the vocals, too little on the guitars). The fact it was "real," as opposed to a taped charade like most halftime shows, was enjoyable and Mick's comment about Super Bowl I was funny.

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