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Positives from this season...

Kipers Hair

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On a serious note, I'd like the folks on this board to throw out a positive they think happened form this season. We can the negatives, but what good has ome in 2005?


After the lofty hopes in August - what do you think? I think Jason Peters was a nice find for us....

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McGee is going to be a stud return man and better than average corner for a long time.


Tim Anderson, Angelo Crowell, Eric King, Ryan Denny have all improved as the season has gone on--our depth on D is pretty solid because of this.


The D issues are pretty easily solved---a veteran run stopping DT; TKO back in the line up, a new coverage scheme (which is a given since either coach Szabo, coordinator Gray or both will be gone) and a veteran or rookie pure speed edge rusher and I think the D is a top 12 or so unit again.


On offense--Gandy has been a nice and cheap surprise...

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Jason Peters progressed more as a tackle in one season than most 1st round draft picks do. He can already be left alone in pass protection vs. the best rushers in the game. Still needs work in the running game but doing ok there too.

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This Season showed...


1) That you can't put together an NFL quality O-line with castoffs and scraps.

2) The importance of a dominant DT in todays NFL

3) The continued dominance of the bowling ball named London Fletcher

4) Willis aint sh--

5) The importance of a receiver like E Moulds

6) Why do we have a tight end on the field?

7) Mcgee is a solid lock up.

8) The importance of a solid strength and conditioning coach in Rusty Jones.

Where's the push from either line?

9) how good Lee Evans can be

10) How important having an experienced Head Coach is.

11) Anybody can get hurt, even TKO, thats why depth is important.

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This Season showed...


1)  That you can't put together an NFL quality O-line with castoffs and scraps.

2)  The importance of a dominant DT in todays NFL

3)  The continued dominance of the bowling ball named London Fletcher

4)  Willis aint sh--

5)  The importance of a receiver like E Moulds

6)  Why do we have a tight end on the field?

7)  Mcgee is a solid lock up.

8)  The importance of a solid strength and conditioning coach in Rusty Jones.       

Where's the push from either line?

9)  how good Lee Evans can be

10)  How important having an experienced Head Coach is.

11)  Anybody can get hurt, even TKO, thats why depth is important.



Two things I would add to this list:


A) The offensive problems go beyond a bad offensive line and bad play calling. I think the whole offensive scheme itself is flawed.


The only time the offense had any consistant rythm all year was the Texans game, the game in which they had the longest to prepare for. There have been flashes in Cincy, Miami and KC, but it's been few and far between. If you go back to last year where despite the 9-7 record and prolific scoring, the offense was ranked near the bottom in nearly every category it doesn't look good. I smell something rotten.


The fact that TC was stripped of his playcalling duties in week 5 and the offense didn't get any better with MM calling the shots is of even bigger concern.


This scheme is not very adaptable and very easy to pick up on. Unless you have tremendous talent (like the Steeler teams that MM was used to coaching), it is never going to work.


B) Jerry Gray is not the best DC in the game, or even close. Yes, TKO was injured. Yes, losing P-Diddy hurt the team. But the alarming thing is the lack of half time adjustments made by the defense. Over the past several years, Gray has always shown a knack for making great second half adjustments...however, with the unit's disasterous showing this season, it makes you wonder if those adjustments had more to do with Gregg Williams and Dick Lebaeu than they did with Coach Gray.

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The team always looked pretty sharp and ready to play (save for the second NE game) at the outset of each game. The problems came from the 2nd quarter on.


What does this mean? I think our coaching staff showed that they are pretty good Monday-Saturday, when the game planning is done. However, they are missing something on gameday -- when adjustments are made.


That is one thing that I DID like about the coaching staff in the Cinci win. They showed some ingenuity -- and even some gumption in arguing their case related to the refs' near botch of the on sides kick. Really, it may have been an aberration -- but MM outcoached Marvin Lewis in that game. Let's see if the trend continues against the Jets. After all, MM himself can use a confidence booster heading into the off-season, supposing that he's back next year.

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what good has come???? well we locked up terrance mcgee,aaron schobel and angelo crowell.our big worry going into the season was how horrible ryan lindell was.well ryan actually had a good season.other positives....brian moorman made the pro bowl as a starter.we won our home opener,we had a 300 yard performance out of our qb position this season.we almost beat the patriots,saints,panthers and dolphins.lol you can always find some good.go bills in'06

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