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I forged hall passes and the like, complete with the forged teacher's or administrator's signature of your choice, and sold them to fellow students.


Never got suspended; never even got caught, the forgeries were that good (even when they figured out what was going on, they still never traced it back to me). But I sure as hell would have gotten a week or so if I had been caught.

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Senior in high school, blew off the last class of the day to go to opening day at Silver Stadium.


Back in school the next day, teacher asks me where's my excuse. I told him I went to the game. I figured since he was a big baseball fan he'd let it go. He didn't. Said "I'm gonna have to report you." I said fine.


I go down to the vice principal's office. He asked me what happened. I said I went to the game because it was opening day and I don't miss opening day.


He goes, "You realize I have to give you ten periods of restricted study hall for that."


I go, "Yep."


He looks at me. "Well. I guess you're just going to have to ask yourself if it was worth it to skip school to go to the game."


I look at him. "Oh yes, sir. It was."


He looks at me for a long while as if I'd just taken a big stojan on his desk. Finally, he says, "That will be all."


In the end I had a friend forge excuse notes to get me out of about eight of the ten periods of study hall. :o

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Sorry for not being educated in British terminology...


What is a line?



I will not forget my homework again.....(or whatever the infraction was)


Then write this "line" 499 more times on the blackboard. Or on paper.


I still think its one of the best punishments. Perhaps kids would write more legibly if they had to do that today.

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On the bus going home I watched a person get restrained while another student had peeled the strips of duct tape off the seats, and proceeded to wrap the restrained students head with the tape.... It was a 85 degree day, and the glue was very tacky, poor kid screamed and the bus driver turned the offenders in... He eventually grew back his mullet......Hiho hiho, it's off to school we go, we learn some junk, and then we flunk ,Hiho hiho....

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On the bus going home I watched a person get restrained while another student had peeled the strips of duct tape off the seats, and proceeded to wrap the restrained students head with the tape.... It was a 85 degree day, and the glue was very tacky,  poor kid screamed and the bus driver turned the offenders in... He eventually grew back his mullet......Hiho hiho, it's off to school we go, we learn some junk, and then we flunk ,Hiho hiho....


way to just sit there and watch. We shouldnt need Good Samaritan laws- people should be able to figure out on their own they need to intervene sometimes

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True story, in 5th grade, this kid who was once a friend of mine stole a Thurman Thomas card from my bag. Two days later, another friend of ours told me that he pulled it out of his bag in class and was bragging about it. So when we got to gym class that day, we were playing basketball and when I got the ball, I took the ball and bounced it off his head knocking him down, then kicked him a couple times while he was down. Went straight to his bag in the locker room and took my card back. Got suspended a week for it, but it was well worth it.

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5th grade, during lunch i decided to stand up for this one kid who i didn't even like that much just because my neighbor was being a dick to him...we ended up jawing away at each other until we came to blows...right in front of the principal's office that had glass windows that went from the ground to the ceiling...we were also throwing each other into it...needless to say, i got suspended and spent the next day locked up in a room somewhere in the school with my neighbor...suspension is so retarded...all you do is sit around and read anything you want to read



6th grade, still at mill middle and also during lunch, i'm with my friends and all of a sudden, a meatball hits me in the crotch...after it falls of, i notice a red stain and this shrimpy kid giggling like a maniac...i'm not sure where i came up with this idea, but i took a full spoonful of yogurt, walked up directly behind him and splatted it right onto his back...you know what someone looks like when they've got an itch in the middle of their back they can't scratch? that's what he looked like

a lunch lady came by and asked what went on...he pointed at me, she came over and sent me to the principal's office...i pointed at my crotch and she said, he's going to the office as well after he cleans up...well, the stinking kid never showed up and I got detention alone

my mom never found out about that one...i got home earlier than her one day and got the detention slip in the mail

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way to just sit there and watch.  We shouldnt need Good Samaritan laws- people should be able to figure out on their own they need to intervene sometimes


The student was rescued by the driver, I myself unfortunately did'nt intervene, although I was 11, 90 lb's white kid who was going to school in dorchester mass. in the 70's, this was during the bussing chaos day's.... The real travesty was the kid's getting bussed back to roxbury, and watching adult's throw rock's at the busses and scream at children who were not welcome, in thier section of boston...I did help out other students. although I took a lot of beatings going to school and back home.... It was a facet of hell that I was in, there are many thing's I wish were different back then...I am still here, alot of my classmates are not, violence in the city......AHH war stories, I rather look at the comical side of it....And it's still raining, better buy a life preserver!!!!!!!!

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Just as I was about to walk through the door to shop class, I took the drawing board I kept under my arm (the one you got when you were learning architectural schitt), and for some reason decided to tap the red fire alarm just outside the door. Oddly enough, I lost my grip on the board, it fell forward and didn't tap the alarm so much as it slammed it in and set it off. Normally that's not that big of a deal, but on this particular day we were having a pretty heavy snowfall. 700 kids from K-12 were sent outside. Virtually no one was wearing a coat.


Four days in-school suspension.

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Getting smashed on Southern Comfort at a high school dance, sophmore year. Vice Principal drags me into his office to B word me out and I barf all over his floor.


Good times.


An Animal House Flounder moment!


Week two of Kindergarten I was standing before the man. It didn't get any better from there, and went downhill when I became a teenager.

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Getting smashed on Southern Comfort at a high school dance, sophmore year. Vice Principal drags me into his office to B word me out and I barf all over his floor.


Good times.


Shortly thereafter, girls were allowed to attend St. Joe's dances, thanks Mark!

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I forged hall passes and the like, complete with the forged teacher's or administrator's signature of your choice, and sold them to fellow students. 


Never got suspended; never even got caught, the forgeries were that good (even when they figured out what was going on, they still never traced it back to me).  But I sure as hell would have gotten a week or so if I had been caught.


I didn't bother with forging signatures, I'd sign my own name. Beginning of every year the school would give us the rules/regulations. I noticed my senior year that under Hall Passes, it only said you needed one, not who was authorized to sign them. So it was easy enough to get a pad of them off a teachers desk.


My only detention story is lame compared to everyone elses. I got Det because I did not dress out for gym class one day because I forgot my gym clothes at home. Turns out we were doing wrestling that day and several other people also did not dress out either, so we were all sent to the principals office to get detention.

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1. Spanish teacher brought in a tortilla machine... I made a burrito... out of of glue bottles and paper.


2. Trip to that prison in Angola for the scared-straight program because I played prank-phone-call the the Asst.


3. At least once a month... day off for "smokin' in the boys room."


4. I had NEVER drank before. Buddy of mine thought it would be fun to bring some whiskey to school. A two liter filled to the top of the black "bottom." I slammed the whole thing before I got on the bus.. this was 10th grade I believe. Got up during 1st period english, said "Boner!" and fell flat on my face.



5. Climbing on the roof out the Mezz Gym Window.


...I can go on... I was a real bastard. Hamburg High.



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