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I've lost count of the reasons I had detention growing up. The one that sticks out most in my mind was in 6th grade for burning a classmate's neck with a magnifying glass on a sunny spring day.


Note: In my twelve years of schooling, I had three teachers LITERALLY kick the bucket.


Coincidence? I think not.


About two years ago, i brought mydaughter in to my mom's school to show her off to her co-workers. As I walked past the "Pit" (In-School Suspension) room, I almost had to choke back the tears. Almost. :w00t:

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About two years ago, i brought mydaughter in to my mom's school to show her off to her co-workers. As I walked past the "Pit" (In-School Suspension) room, I almost had to choke back the tears. Almost. :w00t:



Did they re-name it in your honor? "The JoeSixPack Memorial Pit Room"... :lol:

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Nice thread...well as a product of a Jesuit Education in WNY, we didn't call it detention, but JUG...Justice Under God. Each day of JUG counted as 3 units. We didn't sit there in a room, but had to perform all sorts of maual labor in the school, such as painting, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms etc. When I gradauated out of the class of 93 students, I was the leader in JUG by a large margin from our graduating class. A couple of notable examples....


CHS had a walk-a-thon raising money for charity every year. So, my junior year, a couple of us get the bright idea that the walk-a-thon takes too much time, time that would be better spent in the pool hall on Main Street, yep the Hippodrome. So, we joined the walk-a-thon with our classmates and started walking. Then, we ditched around a corner and hid out till the crowd passes. Then, we jumped on the new Buffalo subway, headed downtown to shoot some pool. As the stop opens up right in front of the pool hall and we go to exit the car, who is standing there waiting for us...yep, the Dean of Discipline for CHS. 2 weeks of JUG.


Senior year took Accounting, it was 2 period before our lunch, which was late around 1 PM. So we'd sit in class each various pieces of our lunch, an apple, chips or even a sandwich while we did the work. The teacher, who was new which was the only reason we got away with it that far, finally got fed up with it and said "There will be no dining in class." Well, we didn't think we were dining, but figured we'd show him what dining was. So the next day, I bring in a big bag to class, as the teacher starts his lesson, my buddy pushes his desk so that its facing mine. I then proceed to pull out a cloth tablecloth, cloth napkins, two plates of Mom's china, crystal wine glasses, silverware, a candleabra and candles and some leftover steak and potatoes from last nite's dinner, along with some grape juice. We proceed to set the food out, light the candles, pour the grape juice and dine while discussing the day's lesson. Even the teacher got a kick out of it, even though he said he had to give us JUG on principal. 6 units - Dining in Class


Junior year, class trip to visit LeMoyne Jesuit College. We end up staying at the rectory. Big mistake. The priests failed to lock their liquor cabinet. We raided just about every bottle, trying some stuff that I didn't even know existed. We're completely bombed and hid the empty bottles in the suspended ceiling or filled the Vodka bottles with water. Monday morning comes around, during the announcements the Dean would call down the students he wanted to see (ie You were in trouble and he knew about it). He saves my name for last..."And finally I need to see Dan XXX in my office immediately, and Dan you'd better start sweating." 1 month of JUG including 3 summer Saturdays.


I can continue...but nothing we did was malicious, just for fun. We were also the only ones who had an actual smoking lounge established for us where we could go smoke cigarettes without reprisal. Basically, the Dean was sick of catching us on school grounds and giving us JUG for smoking. He realized we weren't going to quit, so established a smoking lounge for us inside the school. It was a nice perk.

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