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SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s speech riddled with White supremacist ideas, according to academics.


By praising America and reflecting on her hard work and accomplishments, the woman who may become the first Black female Supreme Court justice engaged in ideas and language that campus leftists have deemed offensive, racist, or examples of White supremacy.


Campus Reform obtained a transcript of Jackson’s speech. Here are the most problematic excerpts, according to woke and “anti-racist” figures in higher education.








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On 3/1/2022 at 10:31 AM, B-Man said:





SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s speech riddled with White supremacist ideas, according to academics.


By praising America and reflecting on her hard work and accomplishments, the woman who may become the first Black female Supreme Court justice engaged in ideas and language that campus leftists have deemed offensive, racist, or examples of White supremacy.


Campus Reform obtained a transcript of Jackson’s speech. Here are the most problematic excerpts, according to woke and “anti-racist” figures in higher education.








I have mentioned before that my friend, a great grandchild of slaves, was accused of being a white supremacist by the Orlando Sentinel. So simply being very not white does not matter apparently. 

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So the leniency in sentencing of sex offenders in this country is going to get an unlikely platform: Judge Jackson's confirmation process.





“I don’t believe in it being taken seriously,” Durbin said in an interview about the charges leveled by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.). “I’m troubled by it because it’s so outrageous. It really tests the committee as to whether we’re going to be respectful in the way we treat this nominee.”


Durbin’s response — plus a heated reply from the White House — comes after Hawley, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, questioned Jackson’s record on the U.S. Sentencing Commission and as a district court judge in a series of tweets Wednesday, going so far as to say “her record endangers children.” Hawley’s tweets offers a potential preview of Republicans’ questions next week, when Jackson’s confirmation hearings are scheduled to take place.




Hawley alleged that, in a series of criminal cases that came before Jackson during her eight years on the district court in Washington, she sentenced child pornography offenders to prison sentences below what federal sentencing guidelines recommended. For more than a decade, criminal justice reform advocates and many federal judges have complained publicly that — in part due to advances in technology — those guidelines are too harsh in cases involving only receipt or sharing of child pornography materials.


Democrats widely view Jackson’s record as a public defender and her time on the U.S. Sentencing Commission as a selling point for her nomination, arguing that she brings a much-needed perspective to the high court. Republicans, however, are already signaling they’ll make her time as a public defender and on the commission a key focus in their line of questioning. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, is also pushing for additional documents about Jackson’s time on the Commission.


Yes, federal judges in this country believe that the sentencing guidelines for sex offenders who victimize children are too harsh. Chew on that one for a while.

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Awww, karma? Senate Democrats are SUPER mad at Republicans for ‘disrespecting their SCOTUS nominee’ and gosh, they can SUCK IT



Did Senate Democrats fall on the cement, smack their little heads and forget how they treated Trump’s SCOTUS nominee?


Apparently, Senator Dicky Durbin is worried that Republicans aren’t ‘treating their SCOTUS nominee in a respectful manner’.



HA ha.



You know Kavanaugh sees all of this and just shakes his head.






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Democrats and media: Brett Kavanaugh is a serial gang rapist who scalped baseball tickets, fought people in bars, and shouldn’t coach basketball


Josh Hawley: I intend to ask KBJ questions about her record and writings.


Democrats and media: wow, how low can Republicans go?!




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McConnell on SCOTUS nominee: She won’t answer this one basic question. 


“McConnell tipped his hand a little as he said that during the traditional introductory meeting with her in his office, she refused to say if she supports packing the Supreme Court by expanding the number of justices.


He asked, he said, because both RBG and Justice Breyer, who provides the open seat with his retirement, gave their opinions on the subject. Both answered that they do not support expanding the Supreme Court. By not answering a pretty basic question, she likely will not get many Republican senators to vote in her favor.”



Plus: “What we won’t see, as McConnell pointed out this morning, is the kind of hearings that Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett endured at the hands of Democrat opponents. We won’t hear Senator Feinstein insult KBJ’s religious faith, as she did to ACB. Remember when Feinstein said, “When you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you,” of ACB’s Roman Catholic faith? I seriously doubt that Senate Republicans will go back to KBJ’s high school and college yearbooks and ask inane questions about college slang and party language as they did against Kavanaugh. Republicans will likely ask pointed and compelling questions of her, as they should, but probably will not make it personal.”




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Not the brightest crayon in the box!

Sen. Mazie Hirono tells KBJ she wasn’t nominated to fill a quota but then goes on to say she IS filling a quota (watch)








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12 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


I’ve said in the past he’s an idiot for telegraphing it.  If you want to check off all the boxes do it but stay quiet about it.  That so taints her nomination.  They don’t even know how to properly play politics IN politics. :wallbash:

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5 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

I’ve said in the past he’s an idiot for telegraphing it.  If you want to check off all the boxes do it but stay quiet about it.  That so taints her nomination.  They don’t even know how to properly play politics IN politics. :wallbash:


I still maintain that Clyburn requested that Joey say it publicly so he couldn't go back on it later.  Thereby securing Clyburn's support.

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9 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

I’ve said in the past he’s an idiot for telegraphing it.  If you want to check off all the boxes do it but stay quiet about it.  That so taints her nomination.  They don’t even know how to properly play politics IN politics. :wallbash:

I disagree.  Saying he'd nominate the first black woman SCOTUS if elected help him win the primaries and the presidency.  He followed through on that promise.  You may disagree with the tactic but I can't argue the effectiveness of it.

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