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I'm kind of supporting letting her go. But I couldn't go to that hospital every day and watch my child starving to death. Can any of you who are parents imagine what that would be like?


This whole situation is so ugly. :P

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If it is OK to kill her, then why not kill Hunter Kelly?

She is about in the same state as he is.



This post just shows that you know nothing about this case. Hunter was born with Krabbes and has FOUGHT it his whole life. His brain/mind are 100% functioning - he can feel emotion and show it, he can feel pain, he can express himself. He is FIGHTING his illness.


Terri had an eating disorder and caused herself to have a heart attack. Her brain is fried and can show no emotion, probably doesn't feel pain, and is a vegetable. Her body is alive, but her mind is gone. She's a useless blob of tissue.

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You are wrong. She can feel pain and has emotions . Her mind is not gone.


Why the hurry to kill her? If I am wrong, she can die later. If you are wrong she is killed.



Her "husband's" lawyer is an owner of the hospice she is in-coincidence?



What is next? Starving grandma because she is draining your inheritance?

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Her body is alive, but her mind is gone. She's a useless blob of tissue.




Then why be concerned about what her wishes were? What made her "her" is no longer there.



Of course this thread shows why this whole issue has been going on for 15 years now. People have their opinions and nothing will change them. Some issues might have a chance to change people's minds, some issues never will. Just get the case to the supreme court and have them quickly say that they agree that the tube should have been removed. Like it or not, that is what the final outcome will be.

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Then why be concerned about what her wishes were?  What made her "her" is no longer there.

So when you die, the same can be said of your wishes, i.e. your will? While she didn't leave a "living will," she made her wishes know, according to her husband, while she was of sound mind and body (relatively speaking). I mean this woman had an eating disorder because she was self-conscious about the way she looked. Looking at it impartially, do you THINK she wants to be in a PVS and have her face plastered all over the media for all to see now? Again I've been saying "don't pick a side except for Terri's and look at it from her viewpoint."

Of course this thread shows why this whole issue has been going on for 15 years now.  People have their opinions and nothing will change them.  Some issues might have a chance to change people's minds, some issues never will.  Just get the case to the supreme court and have them quickly say that they agree that the tube should have been removed.  Like it or not, that is what the final outcome will be.

I've been advocating allowing Terri to die. What cinched it for me was reading yesterday that a CT scan done on her showed that her cerebral cortex, i.e. that part of the brain that allows someone to truly "live" and not just exist (which is primarily the function of the brainstem, which is intact for her), has atrophied to almost nothing and has been replaced by CSF. Sorry but you CANNOT regrow cerebral cortex. Therefore she will never get better no matter how long you wait and how much physical therapy you give her. Moreover all of her expressions/articulations are merely primitive response. And since the cerebral cortex is the place where sensory information is processed as conscious awareness of pain, she won't truly "feel" any while she is not being fed.


Now I understand the family's plight here, but they're simply being selfish and unrealistic. I told my wife that if, god forbid, we were faced with that situation, we'd have the sense to realize what's in the best interest of our child, not our selfish needs. They've even said that they'd be willing to cut-off her arms and legs (i.e. if they were infected from sores) to keep her alive. Does that sound rational to anyone?

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They've even said that they'd be willing to cut-off her arms and legs (i.e. if they were infected from sores) to keep her alive.  Does that sound rational to anyone?






No it doesn't. It sounds like these people are sick and demented and completed detached from reality.

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Now I understand the family's plight here, but they're simply being selfish and unrealistic.






Or they have extremely strong religious beliefs which we as a society should rip from them because we are all smarter than they are.

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So when you die, the same can be said of your wishes, i.e. your will?


But now we are talking about a legal document. If a legal document exists then following someone's wishes is following the law.


If she had a living will stating her wishes then I also agree they should be followed.


In this case there was no living will but the courts have ruled that they agree her husband has the right to decide for her so that is how it should be followed.


What I don't like is how they are going about following those wishes. Starving someone to death (no matter what their brain condition is in) is inhumane.

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What I don't like is how they are going about following those wishes. Starving someone to death (no matter what their brain condition is in) is inhumane.


Unfortunately mercy killing is illegal, so it's the only alternative left to free her from her 15 years of physical prison. The same people who don't want the feeding tube removed would also be against giving her an injection so her body could quickly stop functioning.

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Im starting to turn here.


The Schindlers are really getting out of hand wit htheir appeals to get every governing officer from Tallahassee to Timbuk Two involved.


How about THIS, Schindlers...


We re-insert the feeding tube.....and YOU, not the FL taxpayers, pay for her care from this moment forward?



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My mom said "think about this as if it was one of your sisters". (I have three older sisters). So I really did think about it. Well, I would let two of them pass away and one live on, in this terrible state. Why? Because I have talked to each of them. One said she wants to live, no matter what. The other two are in my shoes. If I cannot eat on my own, and acute medical procedures can't save me (meaning, sure they could keep me alive, but there's little to no chance they can help me recover), then let me go. When I go back to NY, we will all be making living wills, for just a case like this.

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'Meanwhile, outside of the Pinellas Park, Fla. hospice where Terri Schiavo is staying, police arrested some protesters who tried to get water to her. Another group of protesters claimed they would risk arrest in a similar manner later Wednesday.'


Is it me, or are these people complete idiots? What are they going to do, bring a makeshift feeding tube and put it in her stomache and pour water in...while the security a med staff will just sit by and watch it happen? These people are the ones who should be veggies.

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Next up for the Schindlers..the 12th Circuit...and the 13th and the 14th and the 15th.


This kills me to say it...becuase I do "value life", whatever the !@#$ that means these days....but the decision has been made in full accordance of the law of this land. Every part of our government has weighed it and made their decision. Its time to let it go.

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Im starting to turn here.


The Schindlers are really getting out of hand wit htheir appeals to get every governing officer from Tallahassee to Timbuk Two involved.


How about THIS, Schindlers...


We re-insert the feeding tube.....and YOU, not the FL taxpayers, pay for her care from this moment forward?





They have offered that. Her "husband" rejected it. Also a millionaire has offered to pay for her care.

That too was rejected.

Her "husband is scum on par with OJ and Robert Blake both killed their wives and got away with it.

He will too.

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OK...but its still up to her husband to make the decision, if thats what the law says.


Someone else mentioned it...not sure here or somethere else.....The Republicans have been marching on this "Sanctity of Marriage" crutch for a while now. Well, here it is again, but the ugly side of it. Cant have it both ways, people. But, AS USUAL, people want to follow only the parts of the ideology that they agree with.

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