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Rex & Polian on ESPN NFL Live - Trade


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27 minutes ago, JohnBonhamRocks said:

Rex Ryan. Sounds familiar, but I can't recall why. Ok, I looked a picture of him up - he used to be a beer vendor, right?



Vinyl graphics salesman. Fired because he couldn't even get that right and had it applied backwards on his own truck. Idiot.

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19 minutes ago, Ifartalot said:

Biggest mistake Pegula made was not sending Brandon, who demanded Wrecks be hired,  out the door with him when Wrecks got canned.


Brandon is to the Pegula's  what Rasputin was to the Czar.

Brandon demanded no such thing. Nice myth to support the anti Brandon crowd, though. 



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23 minutes ago, K-9 said:

Brandon demanded no such thing. Nice myth to support the anti Brandon crowd, though. 



Brandon was complicit with the hiring of Ryan. The "don't let him leave the building" remark attributed to Brandon was buzzing through all the media after Ryan was hired and before he ever coached a game. Brandon never dispelled that quote as false. 



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3 minutes ago, Ifartalot said:

Brandon was complicit with the hiring of Ryan. The "don't let him leave the building" remark attributed to Brandon was buzzing through all the media after Ryan was hired and before he ever coached a game. Brandon never dispelled that quote as false. 



and the classic, hey Rex, Terry prefers red wine...

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1 hour ago, dezertbill said:

Riiiight.  Cuz like Terry is in the draft room calling teams to formulate a trade.  Not that Beane guy. 




Owners set mandates all the time and I’m pretty sure when Pegula’s hired Beane the discussion of getting a franchise QB was a tipping point in Beane being hired.


So, in essence, yes......Pegula may not tell Beane how to do it but the end result better be satisfactory.

Edited by Binghamton Beast
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5 minutes ago, Augie said:


He’d have to be married to a real Big Foot, but after seeing him and his brother, I wouldn’t rule anything out. 

Just remarried...tattoo includes priority UDFAs


Edited by JoeF
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well if Beane doesn't make a trade and another team with far less draft capital manages to move up ahead of us he will immediately be on the hotseat and should be


2 years of trading top young talent away the bills will won't have this much draft stock for a LONG time 

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