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What if Peterman is better than Mahomes??

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The bottom line is no one in there right mind thinks Peterman will have a better career then Mahomes. Some of us feel that Mahomes is the next great QB that will be a game changer. It's fine that you don't want to believe that. But many smart minds like Andy Reid, Sean Payton the NYG brass and many others feel this way about him. They feel he's got Brett Farve talent. What me and Jeff are saying is that it is so foolish to keep passing on QB's in the first 3 rounds of the NFL draft so we can keep drafting corners and running backs and other position players. None of what we just did in this draft will get us to a Super Bowl victory. We need a QB and the Bills traded out of the 10 spot and passed. Me and Jeff feel this is a monumental mistake. Time will tell but for those who keep gushing over what corner back or wide receiver we just drafted make me sick. Because I know none of these players will get us to a Super Bowl victory. It just keeps delaying are chance to get the franchise QB. So me and Jeff magic will be calling anyone out who supports this kind of thinking of drafting only position players during the first 3 rounds of the NFL draft.


Here is an excerpt from the letter Patrick Mahomes wrote to NFL teams. This kid eats, breathes, and sleeps football. He is a football junkie. Andy Reid has already stated Mahomes is getting better every practice. A scary thought!




In three years at Texas Tech, I learned a lot about leading an offense. So much of that has to do with earning respect in the locker room. Leaders set an example for others. I don’t expect to walk in and know everything on the first day of training camp, but I am ready to get started on that process. Right away you’ll see the type of player I am and, more important, the type of player I want to be in the huddle.

I hope the main thing you noticed when you were looking at my college stats was that I improved in every major category each season. That’s what I’m most proud of. I won’t try to predict the future, but I guarantee you that if there’s one thing I do know, it’s how to get better.

And I know that if I want to walk in and make an immediate impact, my mindset has to be that I have to continue to improve every day, every practice, every snap. I’m determined to do that.

I will not whine or complain during the process. I won’t be a distraction, on or off the field.

I will put in the hours to master your playbook. I won’t stop until I get everything right, down to the smallest detail.

I may make mistakes along the way. And I won’t win every single game I play during my career. I won’t retire with a perfect passer rating or zero career interceptions. But I’ll try as hard as anybody.

I’m ready to start the journey to a championship. And, more than anything else in the world, I’m ready to suit up and play some football. The sooner we can get to it, the better.

Just wait until you see me in the huddle. PATRICK MAHOMES II

Edited by jeffismagic
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Here is an excerpt from the letter Patrick Mahomes wrote to NFL teams. This kid eats, breathes, and sleeps football. He is a football junkie. Andy Reid has already stated Mahomes is getting better every practice. A scary thought!




In three years at Texas Tech, I learned a lot about leading an offense. So much of that has to do with earning respect in the locker room. Leaders set an example for others. I don’t expect to walk in and know everything on the first day of training camp, but I am ready to get started on that process. Right away you’ll see the type of player I am and, more important, the type of player I want to be in the huddle.

I hope the main thing you noticed when you were looking at my college stats was that I improved in every major category each season. That’s what I’m most proud of. I won’t try to predict the future, but I guarantee you that if there’s one thing I do know, it’s how to get better.

And I know that if I want to walk in and make an immediate impact, my mindset has to be that I have to continue to improve every day, every practice, every snap. I’m determined to do that.

I will not whine or complain during the process. I won’t be a distraction, on or off the field.

I will put in the hours to master your playbook. I won’t stop until I get everything right, down to the smallest detail.

I may make mistakes along the way. And I won’t win every single game I play during my career. I won’t retire with a perfect passer rating or zero career interceptions. But I’ll try as hard as anybody.

I’m ready to start the journey to a championship. And, more than anything else in the world, I’m ready to suit up and play some football. The sooner we can get to it, the better.

Just wait until you see me in the huddle. PATRICK MAHOMES II


...and I'd bet he actually parted the Red Sea versus Moses........

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The Bottom line is if you don't draft a QB in the first 3 rounds your likely not to find a franchise QB. Regardless if it was Mahomes or Watson. There is a group of us that is tired of this crap and the losing. If you support that way of thinking we feel you are supporting this loser mentallity and you In fact become that way. Resist this at all costs, 17 years and counting, when will you people supporting this way of thinking change your ways. . Your like a wife that keeps getting slapped around and keeps going back for more. Your pathetic for supporting this. I will call you out for doing this everytime. WAKE the F-up

Edited by billsareback
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The Botyom line is if you don't draft a QB in the first 3 rounds your likely not to find a franchise QB. Regardless if it was Mahomes or Watson. There is a group of us that is tired of this crap and the losing. If you support that way of thinking we feel you are supporting this loser mentallity and you In fact become that way. Resist this at all costs, 17 years and counting, when will you people supporting this way of thinking change your ways. . Your like a wife that keeps getting slapped around and keeps going back for more. Your pathetic in supporting this. I will call you out for doing this everytime. WAKE the F-up

...ANY club reviewed your resume' yet and any interview offers?.....you seem to be pretty, pretty sure of your evaluative process as a potential NFL exec.....guess you'll have to "call me out big dawg".....pathetic.....

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If your supporting what happen with the bills in this last draft and your ok with it. Then yes you are supporting losing and you in fact are becoming that, A LOSER




...ANY club reviewed your resume' yet and any interview offers?.....you seem to be pretty, pretty sure of your evaluative process as a potential NFL exec.....guess you'll have to "call me out big dawg".....pathetic.....

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1. Mahomes is NOT on Buffalo's roster.

2.Watson is NOT on Buffalo's roster.

3.Trubusky is NOT on Buffalo's roster.

4. Webb is NOT on Buffalo's roster.

5. TT, Yates, Peterman and Woodrum ARE on Buffalo's roster.


..find ONE in #5 that can process/read the field in time allotted and hit OPEN receivers, be it WR or TE......what the hell are the other choices?...numbers 1-4 are done deals unless you want to go azz backward to whine...Jesus......

You forgot Cardale...
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If your supporting what happen with the bills in this last draft and your ok with it. Then yes you are supporting losing and you in fact are becoming that, A LOSER





A 40 year old man acting like a 13 year old by calling people on the internet losers...I would say that sounds more like a loser than a person who was happy with the draft.

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I feel like Mahomes will amount to be the best QB in the class in a few years. I don't think the others taken in the top of the draft will be anything exciting - they won't translate to the NFL. Peterman might not prove to be a world beater but he is tremendous value for the 5th round. Time will tell what we have

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I like that they acquired an extra 1st rounder in a draft that is regarded as having superior QB quality. This potentially shows planning and vision. I'm NOT against drafting a QB, I just want the RIGHT QB. I can wait a year if that's best in the long run. We don't know what they know, think or are planning. It's a new FO, I'm willing to wait and judge them by what actually happens.


That 17 year thing is true as a team, but this is a new group from the owner on down. Yes, Rex was a mistake, and I felt that from day one. They get a mulligan on that one. We all make mistakes, but they acted quickly and decisively to correct it. I've been disappointed, but not angry. I've got a life beyond the Bills, too. (My college hoops to is pretty good, and I often divert my attention there to feel a little better. :). )

...ANY club reviewed your resume' yet and any interview offers?.....you seem to be pretty, pretty sure of your evaluative process as a potential NFL exec.....guess you'll have to "call me out big dawg".....pathetic.....

Oh, oh! If he's got a process he may actually have a chance!

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we're discussing the Bills and 17 years of losing. if you can't handle go some where else


I think the next draft could be where other Bills fans break. Let's say the Bills win 5-7 games this year which is what Vegas is saying. Then the Bills have two 1st round picks. If Beane and McDermott don't secure a credible QB prospect that fans could get behind let's just say things could get VERY ugly. I know we have lost patience but this entire city could turn on the Pegulas, Russ Brandon, and McBeane.

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I am not a QB scout. If I was I wouldn't be spending time discussing this with you but I would be counting my $$$ from an NFL team that valued my input. I am just a fan that sees patterns in the chaos.


As for Mahomes I watched every throw he made in college and weighed the pros and cons and realized he was exactly who I would draft if I was in charge. Once I saw the arguments against I realized that this had happened before. I see Mahomes as a Derek Carr type prospect who would be discounted by pundits for the wrong reasons.

I watch a couple of his games , what impressed the most was his arm strength , he did made some great throws ,

But for every good throw there's 3 that just makes you scratch your head and wonder what the hell was he thinking , now not an expert by any means but IMO his mechanics and decision making is what scares me about him , maybe all that could be fixed by a great QB coach I don't know , if yes he looks like a B Fabre type ,

IMO the most impressive thing about Mahomes is his arm strength ,

Again this is just my opinion about the kid , and if Bills were going to draft a QB in the first round I was hopping it would be him , but I'm not upset at all that we didn't take him , and I'm pretty happy about having 2 first round picks for next year

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Again, the 17 year thing shows a lack of comprehension of the current situation. That's just immature anger. New owners, new FO, new coaches, new start. The Bills are still in Buffalo, and I'll give them a chance to get it together.

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This a is good well thought out post. The problem is many of us are not willing to wait. The way this is coming togather will probably be around 8-8 this year. So the real good QB's that Mel Kiper says you must take with the first three picks in the first round won't be there. This what Jeffsmagic has been saying the Real good teams know how to evaluate QB's were trying desperately to move up to get Mahomes. They know he was the best player at the most important position in Football they know he was the game changer QB that would turn a franchise around. I think Sean Payyon, Andy Reid and Giants and steelers staff know what there doing. Also Bill Obrien of the Texans made his move to get Watson. These teams get it. Mean while back at two bills drive it's Delay, Punt and draft more corner backs and wide outs. So this was the straw that broke the camels back when we moved out of the Ten Spot and let the Chiefs get Mahomes. This will come back as the key moment in Bills history where they let the next great QB slip away.


I like that they acquired an extra 1st rounder in a draft that is regarded as having superior QB quality. This potentially shows planning and vision. I'm NOT against drafting a QB, I just want the RIGHT QB. I can wait a year if that's best in the long run. We don't know what they know, think or are planning. It's a new FO, I'm willing to wait and judge them by what actually happens.

That 17 year thing is true as a team, but this is a new group from the owner on down. Yes, Rex was a mistake, and I felt that from day one. They get a mulligan on that one. We all make mistakes, but they acted quickly and decisively to correct it. I've been disappointed, but not angry. I've got a life beyond the Bills, too. (My college hoops to is pretty good, and I often divert my attention there to feel a little better. :). )


Oh, oh! If he's got a process he may actually have a chance!

Edited by billsareback
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You think I can't handle a message board just because you're talking tough or something?

He likes to tell people where to go, it's his thing. Rational discussion? Not so much.....

If you are not willing to wait for the RIGHT QB, you just might get the next EJ. THAT would be a mistake. Sometimes patience is the best plan.

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...and I'd bet he actually parted the Red Sea versus Moses........


Maybe I can get a tryout writing a letter like that;)


You better try as hard as you can your going against the best of the best.



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