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the Buffalo News has reached an all time low point

Niagara Bill

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I gotta tell you I was one of the people who was willing to give him a chance and I was done with that chance after the Baltimore game. I also have very little problem leaving a decent percentage of the blame for that loss at his feet. If he doesn't pretend like he's Reggie Bush The College Years maybe we aren't out of field goal range at the very least or make a TD drive at best. Just stupid play by him and by Roman for putting him in over Gilly or Williams.

Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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What did you want him to write about in the offseason? Tyrod's status? The new head coach who is not making appearances because he is secluded working? Skurski is going through the list of free agents on the team and commenting on their status. Bush falls in that category. So what's so objectionable about that?


This news bashing is stupid. There is a simple solution: Don't read the News if it gets you so agitated. Go to other sources of material and avoid the paper that you find so upsetting.


There is a weirdness bordering on neuroses with respect to the responses toward the BN and selected writers. If you are so bothered by them just ignore them. The newspaper business in general has been stripped down and financially denuded. The output is the byproduct of that slimming down. What the heck did you expect?

Inserting this back into the discussion for those who didn't read beyond the initial post (of which there appear to be a fair number).

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gotta write something but to be fair they have sucked for quite a while. I laugh when someone will refer to a Jerry Sullivan column- who in the world is still reading this guy? Holy Crap


TBN coverage of the Bills is truly irrelevant. They are a local paper who NEVER break news. In essence, their Bills "coverage" is comprised solely of speculation and opinion. I value 100% of the discussions on this board more than I value any of TBN's "reporting."


The only actual thoughtful writing about the Bills is being done by blogs. If you want news you follow the AP and national guys on twitter. TBN football coverage is as irrelevant as the moribund profession of newspaper journalist.

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Tim Graham's Power Take: NBA and NFL age limits are a discriminatory scheme


NBA Commissioner Adam Silver this weekend reiterated his stance players should wait until they're 20 before they can play.

The NBA union would like the age to be 18. Even that is too high.

An age limit shouldn't exist at all.

The NBA's entry standard remains 19 years old and one year removed from high school. The policy likely will remain when the new, seven-year collective bargaining agreement begins July 1.


In the NFL, rookies must wait three years beyond their high school graduation year.

But hockey and baseball draft high schoolers. There's no age limit for golf, tennis or soccer. Those sports, comprising predominantly white athletes, are meritocracies.

But the NBA and NFL have free-labor development systems to bolster.

Age limits allow colleges to protect their lucrative March Madness and bowl-game broadcast deals, provide leagues with scouting, force players to become free agents that much later into their primes and idiot-proof the process for the weak executives.

The NBA and NFL should stop colluding and let the athletes decide when they turn pro.



New low - the NBA and NFL have age limits due to racial discrimination.

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