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Trump and Russia

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Annnnnnd.... There it is.


It's the same story reported over and over again. The Seth Rich conspiracy anonymous guy is sharing his personal "secret DNC data" to others, who now published a report.


Discredit news organizations but eagerly believe this story as "fact" and "proven." No hypocrisy there.


I'll keep waiting to hear more than one anonymous source known as "Forensicator."

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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It's the same story reported over and over again. The Seth Rich conspiracy anonymous guy is sharing his personal "secret DNC data" to others, who now published a report.


Discredit news organizations but eagerly believe this story as "fact" and "proven." No hypocrisy there.


I'll keep waiting to hear more than one anonymous source known as "Forensicator."


The VIPs aren't anonymous. They signed their names to their analysis - the Forensicator is a secondary source verifying their work. William Binney, among the other names on that report, are career cyber guys.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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The VIPs aren't anonymous. They signed their names to their analysis - the Forensicator is a secondary source verifying their work. William Binney, among the other names on that report, are career cyber guys.


If a story is not credited to 'unnamed sources citing unnamed methods', then it's just not trustworthy to the left.

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The VIPs aren't anonymous. They signed their names to their analysis - the Forensicator is a secondary source verifying their work. William Binney, among the other names on that report, are career cyber guys.

You don't even understand your own conspiracies.


"Research into the DNC case took a fateful turn in early July, when forensic investigators who had been working independently began to share findings and form loose collaborations wherein each could build on the work of others. In this a small, new website called www.disobedientmedia.com proved an important catalyst. Two independent researchers selected it, Snowden-like, as the medium through which to disclose their findings. One of these is known as Forensicator and the other as Adam Carter. On July 9, Adam Carter sent Elizabeth Vos, a co-founder of Disobedient Media, a paper by the Forensicator that split the DNC case open like a coconut."

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You don't even understand your own conspiracies.


"Research into the DNC case took a fateful turn in early July, when forensic investigators who had been working independently began to share findings and form loose collaborations wherein each could build on the work of others. In this a small, new website called www.disobedientmedia.com proved an important catalyst. Two independent researchers selected it, Snowden-like, as the medium through which to disclose their findings. One of these is known as Forensicator and the other as Adam Carter. On July 9, Adam Carter sent Elizabeth Vos, a co-founder of Disobedient Media, a paper by the Forensicator that split the DNC case open like a coconut."


Read the VIP report. They did their own work to confirm those findings and referenced those independent findings as verification. It's called Open Source Intelligence work. It's really amazing what you learn when you actually engage and read the material rather than sniping from the sidelines.


Or do you want to tell me again, like you did for months, how the DNI was the compilation of all 17 intel agencies' analysis and consensus and how that was all the evidence you needed? You know, things that have since been shown to be blatantly untrue? :nana:

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More on Guciffer 2.0:


(alternative source disclosure)


Jailed Hacker Guccifer Says US Govt Fabricated Guccifer 2.0 As An “Inside Job”


During his plane ride extradition from Romania to the United States, Guccifer told Fox News , Pamela Browne, that one of his handlers mentioned: “what would your opinion be if another Guccifer showed up?” He then went on to say that “Guccifer 2.0 is an inside job” by US government agencies.




So I think Guccifer two-zero is an inside job,” Lazar added. “I think Guccifer two-zero is something made from some guys at the State Department. Some guys from the cyber command of the NSA, and some guys from the Vault, Vault 7 of the CIA. So there are these guys, you know Pam, I’m in this business for sort of 15 years now, this is my take on this whole. They were setting up something of Guccifer two-zero. Because the State Department guy was asking me, ‘What is your opinion,’ or something like this, ‘what do you say if another Guccifer is showing up?’




Interestingly enough, Guccifer 2.0 documents have been analyzed and its meta data has proven to show fakery from using the language of Russian locale inside a word processor just as Guccifer alluded.

Additionally, the malware sample given that suggest the DNC was hacked has been proven to be a public Ukrainian PHP Shell called Grizzly Steppe the malware was outdated not even private malicious code according to Word Fence which analyzed the sample DHS/FBI provided.

“The IP addresses that DHS provided may have been used for an attack by a state actor like Russia. But they don’t appear to provide any association with Russia. They are probably used by a wide range of other malicious actors, especially the 15% of IP addresses that are Tor exit nodes. The malware sample is old, widely used and appears to be Ukrainian. It has no apparent relationship with Russian intelligence and it would be an indicator of compromise for any website,” Word Fence wrote.


This reporter was handed a leak link dump of Clinton’s email case information from an FBI source a few days ago that documented the entire case against Clinton including that her emails were for saleon the darkweb for several years for $500K. The author of the hacked emails then pulled them and handed them to the FBI. The House and Senate Intelligence Committees also claimed they possessed the so-called “Russian files” consisting of Clinton emails that ended up on ‘Deep Web allegedly by hacking a server setup by Guccifer in Romania. The FBI later confirmed the existence of this server and the files contained on it in the fourth part of its report on Clinton’s email scandal.


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Isn't it convenient that this is buried now that it's realized to be nothing? The media quietly moved on...


Don't worry, Trump will come up with something when he realizes that CNN didn't spend the last 24 hours covering him.

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If this story continues to walk down the path of the current direction, I suspect there could be treason trials for some folks who have done their utmost to derail the Trump presidency. There appears to be the makings for charges of conspiracy, fraud, slander at the very least. It's despicable behavior.

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If this story continues to walk down the path of the current direction, I suspect there could be treason trials for some folks who have done their utmost to derail the Trump presidency. There appears to be the makings for charges of conspiracy, fraud, slander at the very least. It's despicable behavior.


When you work for the government you are usually 100% scot-free on prosecution for your actions unless you were criminally negligent or committed war crimes. Part of the contracts I've signed to prosecute or audit on behalf of the guv.


As ticked as I am about this apparently and admittedly fake investigation going nowhere, there are no grounds for what you suggest.

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If this story continues to walk down the path of the current direction, I suspect there could be treason trials for some folks who have done their utmost to derail the Trump presidency. There appears to be the makings for charges of conspiracy, fraud, slander at the very least. It's despicable behavior.


Bring it on. they opened the door, lets slam it shut behind them.

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Bring it on. they opened the door, lets slam it shut behind them.


It won't be this group, but the GOP will go postal on the Dems a few years after they re-take power, which eventually has to happen.

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When you work for the government you are usually 100% scot-free on prosecution for your actions unless you were criminally negligent or committed war crimes. Part of the contracts I've signed to prosecute or audit on behalf of the guv.


As ticked as I am about this apparently and admittedly fake investigation going nowhere, there are no grounds for what you suggest.

Some of these people weren't working for the government, if I've read things correctly. They were working for the DNC and Hillary's campaign.

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