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The Deep State War Heats Up :ph34r:

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Those paying attention have noticed the spike in awareness of not just people in general but the mainstream media's acknowledgment that a deep state exists. Articles in every major publication have used that term in headlines and as the basis of op eds.


And now that people are wide awake to the notion that there exists channels of power free from oversight and whom are unelected, there is a new movement to redefine the deep state as being something that only exists in nations OTHER than the US. :lol:


It's a desperate move, akin to the fake news mantra started by the fake stream media and then quickly abandoned when they were hoisted by their own petard. But expect it to continue... It started with Bill Maher's show this week and now the Atlantic posts this article which is a laugh a minute:



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It's a common mistake to confuse Never Trumpers with Hillary supporters.


My statement that HIllary is indeed a neocon has nothing to do with your statement.

Re Bolton, it falls in line with what DR and I stated earlier in the thread, that Trump seems to be acquiescing to the neocons.

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My statement that HIllary is indeed a neocon has nothing to do with your statement.

Re Bolton, it falls in line with what DR and I stated earlier in the thread, that Trump seems to be acquiescing to the neocons.


Agreed -- though now Bolton is out, so some hope remains. The rest is for clarity:


Neocon/Neoliberal -- different name, same desire to push their version of democracy through the force of one hegemonic entity that resides above the traditional definition of a nation state.


As stated in the beginning of this thread, trying to reduce the Deep State down to one group, one ideology, one country, one corporation, or any other such reductive interpretation is a waste of time and a disservice to the truth. The Deep State is warring with itself now precisely because there is more than one philosophy as to how best run the world and people inside it disagree as to where to go next.


The neocon philosophy is certainly a favorite among many on the outs in the Deep State today for reasons already covered, but that doesn't mean every neocon is a part of the Deep State or that every part of the Deep State believes in the neocon philosophy. However, the group calling the shots for the Deep State since Kennedy was killed is, above all else, unipolarists who believe the key to stability is one global power -- this is why the neocon philosophy is favored by that group... or was through 43 until it morphed into neoliberalism under 44 and HRC.


GG will see this as a contradiction because he's hung up on labels rather than looking at the evidence dispassionately. He fully believes neoconservatism is the best way to go, and has said so repeatedly. He has a right to his opinion of course, no matter how the evidence has demonstrated that this philosophy is completely incompatible with our democratic republic (and why the neocons under Bush pushed so hard to strip away our civil liberties and constitutional protections -- their philosophy probably would work under a more authoritarian rule). Thus, GG will be the last one that will be willing to look at this topic honestly since he will see any discussion of this as being an affront to his chosen team.


One day he'll get there.

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Oh I'm sorry but you actually don't believe that US foreign policy hadn't been a force for good in the world? And I'm the one who's delusional?


In any event, US foreign policy has always looked outside its borders. I have no clue why you'd pick the JFK administration as the starting point, other than it behind the launching pad for day conspiracists.


So the federal government is full of career bureaucrats who don't like to their power erode with a new administration, especially when that administration is run by an orange turnip. Color me shocked.

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Oh I'm sorry but you actually don't believe that US foreign policy hadn't been a force for good in the world? And I'm the one who's delusional?


I've never said that nor do I believe that.


I said the neocon philosophy is fundamentally incompatible with our form of government.




In any event, US foreign policy has always looked outside its borders. I have no clue why you'd pick the JFK administration as the starting point, other than it behind the launching pad for day conspiracists.


So the federal government is full of career bureaucrats who don't like to their power erode with a new administration, especially when that administration is run by an orange turnip. Color me shocked.


If you want to get to the core of why Kennedy's death was the delineation point you have to look into the postwar Nazi connection with the US IC.


Kennedy was threatening to destroy the paramilitary capability of the CIA -- which in Europe at the time was almost entirely comprised of former Nazis brought over through paperclip and operating under Reinhard Gehlen. These weren't lightweight Nazis, but hardened war criminals who oversaw the extermination campaigns along the eastern front. Gehlen's bread was buttered by, as we now know with the benefit of hindsight and FOIA documents, by over hyping the imminent threat of the Soviets and organizing pro-democracy coups behind the iron curtain. Kennedy's order would have shuttered Gehlen's entire organization.


Who brought Gehlen into paperclip at the end of the war? Allen Dulles when he was OSS, before he became director of CIA. Dulles was the officer who hid Gehlen's identity from the Soviets who, at the time, were promised full access to every captured Nazi especially those wanted for war crimes along the eastern front.


Who did Kennedy fire before being publicly executed? And who was oddly put on the very commission to investigate Kennedy's assassination?




Kennedy was killed because he was a threat to this Deep State.

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Robert Mercer: the big data billionaire waging war on mainstream media


"But there was another reason why I recognised Robert Mercer’s name: because of his connection to Cambridge Analytica, a small data analytics company. He is reported to have a $10m stake in the company, which was spun out of a bigger British company called SCL Group. It specialises in “election management strategies” and “messaging and information operations”, refined over 25 years in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. In military circles this is known as “psyops” – psychological operations. (Mass propaganda that works by acting on people’s emotions.)

Cambridge Analytica worked for the Trump campaign and, so I’d read, the Leave campaign. When Mercer supported Cruz, Cambridge Analytica worked with Cruz. When Robert Mercer started supporting Trump, Cambridge Analytica came too. And where Mercer’s money is, Steve Bannon is usually close by: it was reported that until recently he had a seat on the board."

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Robert Mercer: the big data billionaire waging war on mainstream media


"But there was another reason why I recognised Robert Mercer’s name: because of his connection to Cambridge Analytica, a small data analytics company. He is reported to have a $10m stake in the company, which was spun out of a bigger British company called SCL Group. It specialises in “election management strategies” and “messaging and information operations”, refined over 25 years in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan. In military circles this is known as “psyops” – psychological operations. (Mass propaganda that works by acting on people’s emotions.)


Cambridge Analytica worked for the Trump campaign and, so I’d read, the Leave campaign. When Mercer supported Cruz, Cambridge Analytica worked with Cruz. When Robert Mercer started supporting Trump, Cambridge Analytica came too. And where Mercer’s money is, Steve Bannon is usually close by: it was reported that until recently he had a seat on the board."

here's a more detailed piece on the company.


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Not quite on the topic of the current Deep State war, which has been roiling, but still on the topic of the US Deep State:


Berta Cáceres court papers show murder suspects' links to US-trained elite troops

The Honduran environmental activist’s killing a year ago bears the hallmarks of a ‘well-planned operation designed by military intelligence’ says legal source




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Are you kidding? He manufactured it.



In another vein, I was driving my son's car and listening to the AM radio which only gets one channel - WOR 710 outta NYC and listened a bit on a drive to Rush Limbaugh! Hah! Hadn't heard him in years. Anyway, he was saying that Valerie Jarrett moved in with the Obamas in their new DC digs. And he asked why would she do that? He posits it's to run the shadow government to destabilize, delegitimize, and torment the Trump administration at every turn with every means possible. It was an innarestin' take, I must confess.

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Are you kidding? He manufactured it.



In another vein, I was driving my son's car and listening to the AM radio which only gets one channel - WOR 710 outta NYC and listened a bit on a drive to Rush Limbaugh! Hah! Hadn't heard him in years. Anyway, he was saying that Valerie Jarrett moved in with the Obamas in their new DC digs. And he asked why would she do that? He posits it's to run the shadow government to destabilize, delegitimize, and torment the Trump administration at every turn with every means possible. It was an innarestin' take, I must confess.

Did you think he was just going to walk away?

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Where's the picture of that popcorn eating guy when I need it?



Well, as promised in the OP, the deep state war has really gotten nasty. We've got a sitting president accusing the former president of illegally spying on him, we've got 6 dead Russian ambassadors in less than 3 months, and you have the former AG of the US releasing a video calling for violence in the streets to resist Trump.




It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

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Well, as promised in the OP, the deep state war has really gotten nasty. We've got a sitting president accusing the former president of illegally spying on him, we've got 6 dead Russian ambassadors in less than 3 months, and you have the former AG of the US releasing a video calling for violence in the streets to resist Trump.




It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.


WTF was she thinking?


That's not good.

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