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Laptop making strange noises


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I just opened up my new Dell laptop with Windows 10... sooo, it started making some really strange noises. I have no idea what this was... until I remembered waking up in the middle of the night last night terrified as I heard the same bizarre noises. It sounded like a police/fire scanner tonal sequence.


Points will be awarded for the best honest answer. Style, humor and insults are also score-able.


But, seriously, what the hell is happening?

Dell, rhymes with Hell. I had one once, never again.

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what kind of vodka would you recommend?

Vodka? I thought you were talkin about your computer?


Now just run down to autozone, pick up a can of Prestone belt dressing. Get the tiny screwdrivers at Compuserve, take the screen off, take the back off. Pull out the keyboard, youll see a bunch of wires and do-hickeys, dont worry about those, theyll be fine. Pull off the circuit board, you might have to pull pretty hard but dont worry about it, itll be fine. Under the curcuit board youll see a tiny belt attached to a hamster on a wheel. Feed the hamster, spray the belt, put it all back together, and i guarentee you wont hear any strange noises coming from your laptop anymore.

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Vodka? I thought you were talkin about your computer?


Now just run down to autozone, pick up a can of Prestone belt dressing. Get the tiny screwdrivers at Compuserve, take the screen off, take the back off. Pull out the keyboard, youll see a bunch of wires and do-hickeys, dont worry about those, theyll be fine. Pull off the circuit board, you might have to pull pretty hard but dont worry about it, itll be fine. Under the curcuit board youll see a tiny belt attached to a hamster on a wheel. Feed the hamster, spray the belt, put it all back together, and i guarentee you wont hear any strange noises coming from your laptop anymore.

so what do i do with the screw driver? won't it get warm? who wants a warm screw driver?

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My IT GF asks.if any of the keys are depressed. She says some times during the manufacturing process, things can can get wedged underneath. She needs more info. Does this happen when the battery is in? Any corresponding flashing lights? She says....call Dell.

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My IT GF asks.if any of the keys are depressed. She says some times during the manufacturing process, things can can get wedged underneath. She needs more info. Does this happen when the battery is in? Any corresponding flashing lights? She says....call Dell.

battery is in. it happened 3 times now when the laptop is closed, not plugged up, in hibernate when not in use. 2 times at night and once upon opening it from hibernating.


no flashing lights, lasers or extra terrestrials.


i've already viewed way too much porn to take it back to the store for a swap without having to wipe the thing clean, but i still could... read some pamphlet from the CF today about wiping servers so i think it maybe sort of similar and have an old bottle of pledge i need to use.

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