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Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? NO!

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You know, I can't speak for anyone else. I can only speak for myself, and I'm no teen poster. Just ask my teenager, she'll be happy to vouch for my antidiluvian status. I started watching Bills games with my Grandfather in 1965 (probably earlier, but I don't remember 'em). I remember the AFC championship and the AFC loss. I remember the long slide into mediocrity. I remember the early '80s when it looked like we had something, the back-to-back 2-14 seasons in the mid-'80s, and the glory and heartbreak of the days when we were the team to beat in the AFC East and the Pats** were the lowly Patsies and we went to playoffs and 4 successive Superbowls, and lost every one. I remember the days when OJ could have walked from the airport to the Rockpile on raised hands a la Crocodile Dundee if he'd wanted to, he was that big in our town. I remember the horror of 2001 when the Bills went 3-13 and Alex Van Pelt was our top QB, over Rob Johnson.


And I don't remember a more lackluster, incompetent performance from my Buffalo Bills than I saw yesterday, on offense, as coaches, and for player discipline. Plain and simple - it stunk. And it was presumably the best case for a rose-scented odor, since they had all summer to prepare.


See the silver lining. See the pretty pink cloud. I'm all for you. I admire you, even though I can no longer be you. Yes, Hopeful is transformed to Hapless Fan.


But HOW DARE YOU impugn or minimize the fanhood and experience of those who were totally flummoxed by yesterday as 'teens'? HOW DARE YOU?


That is all.


Now all of you kids, Get Off My Lawn.

Dear god Alex Van Pelt the flying dutchman.

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I do enjoy reading this exact same post every single season. It's comforting, like a family tradition.



I do too. I am now setting my sights firmly on the traditional annual post "who should the bills draft next year?" Usually that post happens in early October but my guess is it will happen after we lose to the Jets Thursday.

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You know, I can't speak for anyone else. I can only speak for myself, and I'm no teen poster. Just ask my teenager, she'll be happy to vouch for my antidiluvian status. I started watching Bills games with my Grandfather in 1965 (probably earlier, but I don't remember 'em). I remember the AFC championship and the AFC loss. I remember the long slide into mediocrity. I remember the early '80s when it looked like we had something, the back-to-back 2-14 seasons in the mid-'80s, and the glory and heartbreak of the days when we were the team to beat in the AFC East and the Pats** were the lowly Patsies and we went to playoffs and 4 successive Superbowls, and lost every one. I remember the days when OJ could have walked from the airport to the Rockpile on raised hands a la Crocodile Dundee if he'd wanted to, he was that big in our town. I remember the horror of 2001 when the Bills went 3-13 and Alex Van Pelt was our top QB, over Rob Johnson.


And I don't remember a more lackluster, incompetent performance from my Buffalo Bills than I saw yesterday, on offense, as coaches, and for player discipline. Plain and simple - it stunk. And it was presumably the best case for a rose-scented odor, since they had all summer to prepare.


See the silver lining. See the pretty pink cloud. I'm all for you. I admire you, even though I can no longer be you. Yes, Hopeful is transformed to Hapless Fan.


But HOW DARE YOU impugn or minimize the fanhood and experience of those who were totally flummoxed by yesterday as 'teens'? HOW DARE YOU?


That is all.


Now all of you kids, Get Off My Lawn.

What a great post and huge transformation. :) :)


I was at the game when they lost to Cleveland. I think the score was 6-3. That game was even worse than this but I get your message.

Edited by Bill from NYC
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What a great post and huge transformation. :) :)


I was at the game when they lost to Cleveland. I think the score was 6-3. That game was even worse than this but I get your message.


Sad, eh? I guess everyone has their limit. After 51-odd years of fandom, the Bills finally did it: They broke me.


Yes, upon reflection, you and a couple others here are objectively correct. There have been worse games. There have even been worse games from the viewpoint of offense, coaching, and game management. About 4 games a year during the 2-14 and 3-13 seasons were worse. I probably didn't appreciate how bad being as I was a kid and had permanently rose-colored glasses then. I suppose it's a sign that despite outward restraint, I actually did have hopes for improvement this season. There was some Koolaid after all, and it turned out I subconsiously had a swig.


I'm sure that pride and hard work will pull the team together and they will have better games this year. That's almost sad, because at this point, I am unfortunately persuaded that the fundamentals in this franchise are, indeed, broken, so the wins are basically Lipstick on a Pig: fun to see, but irrelevant to the essential porcine nature of the beast.

Edited by Hapless Bills Fan
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Yeah I am hardly a troll pal. Been a season ticket holder since 1996. Live 10 minutes from the stadium. It is just discouraging to see the same old movie year after year after year & nothing changes. I don't even get upset with the losses anymore. I am not sure better times are ahead either, not until they clean house, again. The Ryan brothers are in over their heads.

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The Germans bombing Pearl Harbor thing is a reference to the movie Animal House.


Which apparently you haven't seen.


Fair cop. You're correct, that the OP was analogizing Rex, his coaching staff, and the Bills professional football team to a bunch of drunken crass boorish frat boys as cause for Fan Hope, did totally pass me by.


Are you positing Rex and his gang are actually all on "double secret probation"?


Your .gif didn't show up, so sorry I missed the point - fantastically insightful in a similar way to Bluto, I'm sure.

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Bluto was right.


For those who want to give up now, think about it. Rolling over and dying is for losers.


We used to take pride in the fact that we never gave up.


What happened?


I'm not willing to concede the division to the Patriots and I hope no one on the team is either.


I'm not willing to give up on the offense because they had a b ad outing. I've seen what they can do and expect better.


It's Monday and the team lost. We feel like Otter - all bruised and beaten. We may be down, but we're NEVER out!


For those who don't know what I'm talking about...



Sleep well. We have the Jets to deal with for the next few days.

When have you seen what they can do? What does this team do so well that will make most believe tnis team can win? Our team has a nasty little trend and that is 16 years. Going on 17 of no playoffs is very realistic with a subpar coach/staff and a very thin roster in many positions, LB, receiver, and Tight end come to mind. So until the Bills learn to win consistently many will doubt them, including me. To be honest, I think the team is in shambles. I see a grose carry over from last season to this.

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When have you seen what they can do? What does this team do so well that will make most believe tnis team can win? Our team has a nasty little trend and that is 16 years. Going on 17 of no playoffs is very realistic with a subpar coach/staff and a very thin roster in many positions, LB, receiver, and Tight end come to mind. So until the Bills learn to win consistently many will doubt them, including me. To be honest, I think the team is in shambles. I see a grose carry over from last season to this.

Most of the players on this team were less than 10 years old when this drought started.


Should we blame them? Should we blame anyone?


Why not just accept it and move on. Why pin al of our disappointments on these young men?


How about the Ryans? How long have they been here?


We are lucky to have a team in order to have this discussion. Just ask the fans who have lost their team.


The fact that they dropped their first game on the road is not reason to give up hope.


If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I still have a team to root for. A reason to watch the game with more than a passing interest.


If I felt like you, I'd go hiking or something on Sundays.

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Sad, eh? I guess everyone has their limit. After 51-odd years of fandom, the Bills finally did it: They broke me.


Yes, upon reflection, you and a couple others here are objectively correct. There have been worse games. There have even been worse games from the viewpoint of offense, coaching, and game management. About 4 games a year during the 2-14 and 3-13 seasons were worse. I probably didn't appreciate how bad being as I was a kid and had permanently rose-colored glasses then. I suppose it's a sign that despite outward restraint, I actually did have hopes for improvement this season. There was some Koolaid after all, and it turned out I subconsiously had a swig.


I'm sure that pride and hard work will pull the team together and they will have better games this year. That's almost sad, because at this point, I am unfortunately persuaded that the fundamentals in this franchise are, indeed, broken, so the wins are basically Lipstick on a Pig: fun to see, but irrelevant to the essential porcine nature of the beast.


I'm feeling the same way. Not only frustrated by another losing season, but the quality of the product just plain sucks. I said in another thread that watching ARI-NE was such a different experience. Reflexively I was pulling for ARI but i was just happy to actually be entertained by a game rather than seeing how many little ways I can be let down. Let's face it, this team is boring, and maybe worse than that, they have no heart. I guess we're the suckers for sticking with them as long as we have. The first game I remember well was Fergy in 81(?) against San Diego in the playoffs, had a broken ankle. It was a great game - guys like Frank Lewis, Lou Piccone, the Bermuda Triangle, then later the SB teams, those guys were great ballers with personality to match. I just don't see anyone on the current team in that same light.

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I do too. I am now setting my sights firmly on the traditional annual post "who should the bills draft next year?" Usually that post happens in early October but my guess is it will happen after we lose to the Jets Thursday.

The definition of a troll:


One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.
Isn't that what you did by indicating that we will lose on Thursday? Poked the sleeping bear?
I'm not saying that you're not entitled to your opinion, but I was trying to lighten it up, revive people's spirits after a tough loss.
You come along and put the smackdown on it. Did it make you feel better?
If you feel like venting your spleen, why not open a thread about it yourself?
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So far I'm still with Bluto here...that was only 1 game..way too early to write off the season and the team...yet


I was pretty excited in the early off season with the re-signings we made...but losing our top 2 draft picks in the summer did kill some of that enthusiasm...plus the league suspensions...plus that first game didn't display much to be excited about. But the D did play well...lets see what happens here on Thursday night first.


And I do get the frustration people have....especially the loyal season ticket holders...you all commit more time and money making the games in person as opposed to us who watch on TV and make maybe 1 game per year.


If the stars align I can see this team challenging for a wildcard...I can also see this season ending like a dumpster fire. Even tho I feel like we're presently closer to the latter, I will still be cheering for the Bills week in and week out.


The way I see it we either end up challenging for a wildcard, (which will be fun to watch and show progress) or we will fall short and Pegs will clean house over the off-season (which will also be interesting to see unfold and be relative progress too).


Is is an entertaining little thread tho...made me laugh a few times :lol:

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So far I'm still with Bluto here...that was only 1 game..way too early to write off the season and the team...yet


I was pretty excited in the early off season with the re-signings we made...but losing our top 2 draft picks in the summer did kill some of that enthusiasm...plus the league suspensions...plus that first game didn't display much to be excited about. But the D did play well...lets see what happens here on Thursday night first.


And I do get the frustration people have....especially the loyal season ticket holders...you all commit more time and money making the games in person as opposed to us who watch on TV and make maybe 1 game per year.


If the stars align I can see this team challenging for a wildcard...I can also see this season ending like a dumpster fire. Even tho I feel like we're presently closer to the latter, I will still be cheering for the Bills week in and week out.


The way I see it we either end up challenging for a wildcard, (which will be fun to watch and show progress) or we will fall short and Pegs will clean house over the off-season (which will also be interesting to see unfold and be relative progress too).


Is is an entertaining little thread tho...made me laugh a few times :lol:



That's all I was shooting for!

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