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Stranger Things

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Hmm…I might have to check this out.


The plot summary makes me think it has a David Lynch / Twin Peaks vibe, which intrigues me.


But the viewer comments make Spielberg-y references. This worries me. It’s not “cute” in a Spielberg kind of way, is it? I hope it’s more like Poltergeist and a lot less like the Goonies and ET.

Edited by Cugalabanza
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HmmI might have to check this out.


The plot summary makes me think it has a David Lynch / Twin Peaks vibe, which intrigues me.


But the viewer comments make Spielberg-y references. This worries me. Its not cute in a Spielberg kind of way, is it? I hope its more like Poltergeist and a lot less like the Goonies and ET.

It's Spielberesque in some of the imagery. Kids on bikes look a lot like ET. But it's way darker than Spielberg.


Love the 80s vibe to it.


Not cute at all.

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Hmm…I might have to check this out.


The plot summary makes me think it has a David Lynch / Twin Peaks vibe, which intrigues me.


But the viewer comments make Spielberg-y references. This worries me. It’s not “cute” in a Spielberg kind of way, is it? I hope it’s more like Poltergeist and a lot less like the Goonies and ET.


Agree with what Joe said. It's definitely a call back to 80s Amblin movies though with more of an edge.

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Anyone else binge on this show over the weekend?



I'm through the first 6 episodes and am really enjoying it for what it is.




Stranger Things sounds like the name of a porno. Any chance it is set up for episodes 7 and/or 8 to be chock full of Wynonna Ryder living up to her name? I might just skip ahead although she looks a little old in those previews.

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98% audience approval on Rotten Tomatoes. I will have to check this out....will the old lady enjoy it or it's too dark?

Mine doesn't, but she's a big chicken.


It's not gory.


There's a few jump scares and it's got some pretty good suspense.


It's not satanic or demonic.


It's not really violent.


I'm pretty impressed with how well the kids act. Most kid actors suck, these are pretty decent.

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Anyone else binge on this show over the weekend?



I'm through the first 6 episodes and am really enjoying it for what it is.


Me and my family watched it.


I guess the kids had been waiting on it and they thought I'd like it.


Good story and pretty true to 1983........I was also 12 at the time like Eleven and the boys.


It takes place in late autumn 1983 but it's cool that it came out this summer because this summer feels very much like the seemingly endless hot, dry summers we used to have in WNY.


For the past 25 years and then some it's either been hot/muggy or cold and rainy or just all over the place. This one has just been straight hot all day and comfortable at night. Great summer to be a kid in WNY.

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Me and my family watched it.


I guess the kids had been waiting on it and they thought I'd like it.


Good story and pretty true to 1983........I was also 12 at the time like Eleven and the boys.


It takes place in late autumn 1983 but it's cool that it came out this summer because this summer feels very much like the seemingly endless hot, dry summers we used to have in WNY.


For the past 25 years and then some it's either been hot/muggy or cold and rainy or just all over the place. This one has just been straight hot all day and comfortable at night. Great summer to be a kid in WNY.

Who plays the TV meteorologist on the show? He seems to be making quite an impression so he must be doing a good job. I haven't seen the show but my guess is that he did it. Why else feature him so prominently?

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Wow, Winona Ryder got old

If she's all done up and looking hot it really wouldn't fit with the story of a struggling single mom at her wits end. I'm guessing you're the guy who is always surprised when the quiet dorky girl turns out to be a 10 after taking off her glasses and letting her hair down in every 80s movie.

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