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Williams speech/Alton/Philando/Dallas shootings

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Swat, tactical and critical response teams deployed heavy tonight in CLt. nat guard not out yet.


There is easily double the amount tonight. A lot more organized. A lot more agitated. They need to set a curfew now. It'll be bad tonight


Are media outlets just ignoring the fact someone got shot in the head during that riot last night in Charlotte?[/size]

my locally.

It's been brought up

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Are media outlets just ignoring the fact someone got shot in the head during that riot last night in Charlotte?


That's just normal violence. Not systematic oppression. [/sJW]

Swat, tactical and critical response teams deployed heavy tonight in CLt. nat guard not out yet.


There is easily double the amount tonight. A lot more organized. A lot more agitated. They need to set a curfew now. It'll be bad tonight


It's awful that they feel compelled to give these reprobrates and !@#$s so much prime-time attention where they can showcase their criminality while crying about how victimized they are.


Really, !@#$ the Patriots. I'd rather watch the riots on CNN.

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Edit: 44 rioters arrested


CMPD posting a lot of wants pictures om Twitter. They'll go after people



Police now announcing it is illegal protest


Plain citizens dressed on regular clothes have formed a line in front of police officers to protect them

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Edit: 44 rioters arrested


CMPD posting a lot of wants pictures om Twitter. They'll go after people



Police now announcing it is illegal protest


DOJ is going to have Charlotte's ass.



Plain citizens dressed on regular clothes have formed a line in front of police officers to protect them


This isn't a community protest anymore. This is a professional disturbance, organized by out-of-towners who don't give a **** about the community. This is going to get ugly. People are going to get killed tonight.

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Several dozen tweets, etc aka rumors saying random stores amd Walmarts being raided. They're having to send police just in case to each of these locations stretching police thin. People are headed on cars to these locations asking where the riots are.


This whole thing locally covered is amazing. CBS is doing great.

Not to worry. Most of the talent is NYC

I'm a first union guy. But owned a lot of carolina bank aka trans America aka BoA stock at one point.



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It's tough being a feminist and a racist at the same time:



Lé Cocoapuff (@RespectTheAfro_)
Betty Shelby needs to get a murder charge, but it's a little odd how quick they were to charge her over all these white men killing people.

Complaining that the manslaughter charge is not enough, but was also filed quick only because she is a woman.

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It's tough being a feminist and a racist at the same time:



Lé Cocoapuff (@RespectTheAfro_)
Betty Shelby needs to get a murder charge, but it's a little odd how quick they were to charge her over all these white men killing people.

Complaining that the manslaughter charge is not enough, but was also filed quick only because she is a woman.


Respect the afro? Uh, no.

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Al Bundy is my hero.


Taking Bud to the nudie bar and teaching him the dollar bill on a fishing pole lesson was good parenting.

you ever hear him interview? He got so much ass its not even funny. starting as a young teen he would get women 16-30 all the damn week
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I was talking about Bud



Anyway, it is peculiar that the Fed gov under Obama wants to invade NC with their laws of state rights to protect trannies when we don't even need to have the government protect us from the rest of the country. That 70% is eye popping.

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The Narrative versus the Facts in Charlotte
Jumping to conclusions with police shootings, denying terrorism with bombings.
In Charlotte, a black man is shot and killed by police (specifically, by a black officer, who works under a black chief of police, but don’t let that slow down your “systematic racism” roll). Soon the protests start. The politicians talk. The protests turn violent. The National Guard is called in. Before you can blink, Charlotte is added to the litany of cities cited by the Black Lives Matter movement as examples of “killing of unarmed black men.”
If you hear Ferguson, Staten Island, Baltimore, and Cleveland read together, what pops to mind? That the police were cleared in each case? Probably not. Add Charlotte to the list, because the narrative matters more than the facts. It is apparently of little significance to anyone that Keith Lamont Scott’s death in Charlotte has not been investigated, or that, in the end, the officer’s use of deadly force might well have been justified
As I pointed out within a week of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, federal civil-rights prosecutions are exceedingly rare, and the greater risk is raising community expectations of a prosecution, rather than encouraging the patience to wait for the facts to come out. Unfortunately, when it comes to police-involved shootings, some view the narrative (that structural racism leads to scores of innocent black men being gunned down in the streets by police with impunity) as more important than waiting to see whether a given case actually fits into that narrative.

After Ferguson, U.S. attorney general Eric Holder traveled to Missouri to express his support for the narrative that policing is racially biased, while arguably staying neutral (other than dispatching a huge number of FBI agents to investigate) on the shooting itself. As I wrote after his trip, there may be some short-term political benefit to agreeing with the narrative, but in the long term, if the facts don’t justify a prosecution, the community will have a difficult time when no case is brought (I was unfortunately proven right).

Edited by B-Man
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