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Occulus Rift

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Never get anything new, always wait for a second gen.

Or 3rd....or 5th.


The tech sounds great, and the beta reviews were generally good, but it's going to be a while before everything gets ironed out and the software really hits its stride.

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I wouldn't purchase one until I at least tried it first. I have a friend who used one at a work function 6 months ago (with a roller coaster demo) and got nauseous (and no, he doesn't get sick on real roller coasters.) He said lots of people at the function did. It's one of the issues that has delayed the tech from coming to market. The eye and the body can't gibe that they're seeing/feeling different things and it makes people ill. I wouldn't sink $800 into it unless I knew it didn't make me sick first.

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I wouldn't purchase one until I at least tried it first. I have a friend who used one at a work function 6 months ago (with a roller coaster demo) and got nauseous (and no, he doesn't get sick on real roller coasters.) He said lots of people at the function did. It's one of the issues that has delayed the tech from coming to market. The eye and the body can't gibe that they're seeing/feeling different things and it makes people ill. I wouldn't sink $800 into it unless I knew it didn't make me sick first.

Early testing showed that the lag was the main culprit in producing dizziness. It was addressed and the early reviews are better. I'm a little skeptical, but it looks promising. I want to try it with FPS games since I generally can't play those without getting sick (not even minecraft).


Another thing I'm looking forward to trying is combining it with an exercise bike or stepper. A lot of people said they naturally sped up or slowed down based on the scenery without noticing. You end up with a better workout.

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I had a chance to play around with an Occulus Rift at a hackathon a few months ago. I played some sort of game whwre you have to sneak through a labratory without being detected by these monsters or aliens or something, I cant quite remember. It was pretty cool to be "immersed" in the game, and the control was surprisingly fluid.


That said, I prefer the game being on TV though. I like to be able to easily look up from the game and see what's going on around me.


I've been hearing about this VR crap since the mid 90s.

Despite it's limitations, the Nintendo Virtual Boy was an amazing system.
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