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Goodell and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad game..

Big Turk

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Goodell says he doesn't like this game. He said nobody else liked it either.


He said it was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad game. He said you are not even listening to me or watching the game either.


He said that's it. I'm moving to Australia.




But the game will still suck.


Even in Australia.

Edited by matter2003
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Maybe just make the probowl a skills competition. There's too much of an injury risk for a pointless game.


Would you watch a skills competition? I wouldn't.


I'm not sure changing the venue to Australia would attract many more players. It certainly wouldn't provide motivation to play harder.


The NFL is in a bind. Hawaii used to a big draw. So was the Pro Bowl paycheck. And players used to be more reckless with their bodies.


Too many things have changed over the years. It is hard to imagine the NFL ever fielding hard-fought competitive Pro Bowls again. So you give up and play flag football? Host skill challenges?


I don't think there is a good solution.

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The baseball all star game determines home field advantage for the world series.


Make the pro bowl NFC vs AFC, and the winning conference automatically wins all coin tosses for cross conference games for the next season.

That's not really much at stake, and the players still wouldn't risk injury for it, but it's the best idea that I could think of right away.


I think a skills competition could be good, but they would have to make the events safe, which might make it boring. If they had a lot of interviews and open-mike banter, it could be entertaining. A little. Once.

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Yeah well it may not have been a great game but it was still a big litmus test for Tyrod Taylor. He came in with the game on the line for Team Rice, the whole world was watching, it was his big moment and he failed to deliver. I was encouraged by some of the progress he had made throughout the season but his performance against Team Irvin in Honolulu just shattered any confidence he may have had. You could clearly see he was a broken, defeated man afterwards. I just hope he's able to shake off that loss in time for the regular season. Though I feel the damage from Team Rice's loss may be something he is simply never able to recover from. I guess we'll see.

Baseball can have an all star game, players rarely get hurt. But the chance at injury makes the pro bowl game absurd. It should not be played. Moving it just makes it more absurd.

Ths baseball all star game is great. The other three are garbage. It's funny cause when I was a kid, the other three were not a complete joke at all but they have each steadily regressed. Meanwhile the baseball all star game has still totally maintained its dignity. The homefield for the World Series thing is kinda silly but it takes nothing away from the game itself.
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Go back to AFC vs NFC to start with


This was the dumbest idea ever. Years ago if I happened to flip the game on I could instantly tell who was who and weather the AFC was on offense or defense. I actually had a rooting interest and that meant I might sit there and watch.


Now, why the !@#$ would I care about Team Deion and Team Irvin or whatever idiots they have as captains? I don't have the slightest idea what team the Bills players were on, if they were all on the same team or not and I certainly didn't care enough to find out.

Ths baseball all star game is great. The other three are garbage. It's funny cause when I was a kid, the other three were not a complete joke at all but they have each steadily regressed. Meanwhile the baseball all star game has still totally maintained its dignity. The homefield for the World Series thing is kinda silly but it takes nothing away from the game itself.


Baseball has always been head and shoulders above the other sports, but it's not what it used to be. When I was a kid, the MLB ASG was probably the 3d biggest sporting event of the year, because it was almost the only time you got to see all these great players from other cities. Getting to watch Rod Carew bat was really exciting. Today with the net and TV access to any game and endless highlights, there are no more mysteries; we don't see anything we haven't seen a million times.

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Wait....you mean nobody wants to hear Michael Irvin try to speak english?


Thats really the best part of it all. Fun drinking game: every time Irvin says something that isn't a word or isn't a complete thought, you must drink.


Hammered in 10 min

if you could make it ten minutes, you are a much better man than i. my guess is you would be needing an ambulance in under five.

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The solution is simple...money!


If the NFL really wanted to make it special, a game with all it's best players (save those in the Super Bowl, though even that could be changed if they played it at a later date*), at international locations, could be a global phenomenon, maybe even surpassing the Super Bowl.


If they made the prize big enough, it would motivate the players. In reality, a big payout is more important to these guys than their own teams records. And the game would hold greater interest for the foreign fan, feel more like "their game", than an American event.


It would be a huge boost to the NFL's globalization goals.



* For instance, get rid of the silly week off before the Super Bowl, and play the Pro Bowl 2 weeks after the Super Bowl instead.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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I agree.


Also make it somehow worth winning. Not $, since the players have plenty of that.


In baseball, it used to be home field for the World Series. That wouldn't work in this case.


Any suggestions out there?

there has to be some kind of rivalry, some motivating force

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IMO, all of these ideas will end up just as bad as what the NFL has tried the last few years. The game will never be competitive, no matter the location or gimmick.


For those that have never been, Pro Bowl week in Hawaii is full of events that the various players attend. Nothing ground breaking, but just various things for people to attend and get to see some of the leagues best players in person (especially in a location that never gets to see NFL players).


I don't see any harm in keeping an All-Pro event in various cities and even countries. Maybe keep a skills competition. But trying to milk TV viewership money out of it is just never going to produce real results. Pay the players some extra money, give them the All-Pro title for their contract negotiations, let them promote their various charities, let non-NFL locations get some access to the sport, and call it a day.


Otherwise, just let the whole idea go.

there has to be some kind of rivalry, some motivating force

Serious question; does anyone really care about NFC vs AFC anymore? It's pretty much the last thing I think about when rooting for any team. I"m not saying there's no reason to care, it's just been so long since I've though about it I'm surprised to hear that others do.

Edited by Acantha
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IMO, all of these ideas will end up just as bad as what the NFL has tried the last few years. The game will never be competitive, no matter the location or gimmick.


For those that have never been, Pro Bowl week in Hawaii is full of events that the various players attend. Nothing ground breaking, but just various things for people to attend and get to see some of the leagues best players in person (especially in a location that never gets to see NFL players).


I don't see any harm in keeping an All-Pro event in various cities and even countries. Maybe keep a skills competition. But trying to milk TV viewership money out of it is just never going to produce real results. Pay the players some extra money, give them the All-Pro title for their contract negotiations, let them promote their various charities, let non-NFL locations get some access to the sport, and call it a day.


Otherwise, just let the whole idea go.

Serious question; does anyone really care about NFC vs AFC anymore? It's pretty much the last thing I think about when rooting for any team. I"m not saying there's no reason to care, it's just been so long since I've though about it I'm surprised to hear that others do.

No i dont think so Acantha.


I was thinking like a game of one on one basketball. Where some pride comes into play and it's still fun.


But you are correct, its not about the competition. Its about some face time and camaraderie. I can accept that. But if it's viewership the NFL wants the current offering is not going to generate a growing audience.

Maybe they will turn it into something like "Celebrity Survivor " :w00t:

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