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Coughlin or Lebeau can help Bills

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Now that the Off Season has officially started for us and most of the NFL how can the Bills get better this off season without much cap space? With most head coaching searches under way it looks like teams are learning towards younger more youthful coaching candidates. With that being said Tom Coughlin and Dick Lebeau 2 HOF type coaches are available for hire and are looking to get in somewhere in some capacity. Should the Bills look to hire one of these HOF caliber coaches to our staff ? Maybe as assistant head coach or some other label like Coach Palmer has on offense as Quality control coach. I would love to see the Bills bring in one of these men they bring in tons of experience that can help mold us into more of a complete team.


Tom Coughlin would be a great asset to Rex Ryan as he can help him with game planning in game adjustments and other things such as holding his players accountable and adjusting himself as a head coach. TC is a well rounded coach that has experience and understands offense and defense philosophies as well as special teams. TC would be a perfect compliment to Rex.


Dick Lebeau would also be a great hire as he can help with the Defense, DL is the master of the zone blitz and Rex can learn a lot from him. The biggest benefit of this hire would be the teaching of these schemes to the players. DL has a way of simplifying these schemes to the players so they can play fast and physical. Believe it or not DL and RR have a ton in common in there schemes as they both run a 3-4 hybrid with a ton of blitz concepts. This combination of coaching would be great to see on sundays.


So fellas who would like to see one of these men get hired by the Bills and who would u rather have?

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Coughlin's time management was worse the Rex's it cost his team at least 3 games this year. In a perfect world I would demote Rex to DC and hire an overseer of Offense and Defense who was only calling the game letting his offensive and defensive coordinators control their sides and only decide on time outs, challenges and going for it on 4th down or kicking. I think the day of head coaches overseeing one side of the team and play calling are gone. There is just too much to handle in an efficient manner on the sideline. Rex is too emotional to do a good job with this IMHO.

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There is no possible way that Rex would invite LeBeau to lead or help the defence. His ego would never accept that any other thoughts on D could be better/

Rex would be an idiot to not want a coach like Lebeau on his staff the man brings a ton of experience and would help with the teaching the players techniques and can show him a thing or 2 bout zone blitz concepts.

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Coughlin got a couple of rings in NY, yes, but his teams were never really overly impressive. They got hot at the right time both years and ended up beating the Patsies twice (which was awesome by the way). He had some good teams in Jacksonville as well. I just think that the game is slowly passing him by. I mean, hell, he's almost 70 years old. Lebeau can still coach defense, but who's to say he would even consider coming here? He too is drawing SS and getting an NFL paycheck.

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Coughlin reporting to Rex? No clue why Coughlin would find that appealing.


Rex bringing in an established defensive coach to help him with his defense? His ego would never let him consider that.


I can't think of a time that Rex has fired a coach or benched a player. Like it or not it's up to him and Thurman to turn it around on D.

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Now that the Off Season has officially started for us and most of the NFL how can the Bills get better this off season without much cap space? With most head coaching searches under way it looks like teams are learning towards younger more youthful coaching candidates. With that being said Tom Coughlin and Dick Lebeau 2 HOF type coaches are available for hire and are looking to get in somewhere in some capacity. Should the Bills look to hire one of these HOF caliber coaches to our staff ? Maybe as assistant head coach or some other label like Coach Palmer has on offense as Quality control coach. I would love to see the Bills bring in one of these men they bring in tons of experience that can help mold us into more of a complete team.


Tom Coughlin would be a great asset to Rex Ryan as he can help him with game planning in game adjustments and other things such as holding his players accountable and adjusting himself as a head coach. TC is a well rounded coach that has experience and understands offense and defense philosophies as well as special teams. TC would be a perfect compliment to Rex.


Dick Lebeau would also be a great hire as he can help with the Defense, DL is the master of the zone blitz and Rex can learn a lot from him. The biggest benefit of this hire would be the teaching of these schemes to the players. DL has a way of simplifying these schemes to the players so they can play fast and physical. Believe it or not DL and RR have a ton in common in there schemes as they both run a 3-4 hybrid with a ton of blitz concepts. This combination of coaching would be great to see on sundays.


So fellas who would like to see one of these men get hired by the Bills and who would u rather have?

Do you not understand the HUGE egos of these men? Every one of them thinks their way is better than the other guys way. Why do you think Jim Schwartz left? They can't coexist with each other.

Edited by old school
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Coughlin got a couple of rings in NY, yes, but his teams were never really overly impressive. They got hot at the right time both years and ended up beating the Patsies twice (which was awesome by the way). He had some good teams in Jacksonville as well. I just think that the game is slowly passing him by. I mean, hell, he's almost 70 years old. Lebeau can still coach defense, but who's to say he would even consider coming here? He too is drawing SS and getting an NFL paycheck.


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Now that the Off Season has officially started for us and most of the NFL how can the Bills get better this off season without much cap space?

Re-sign our good players, draft well, add depth through free agency.

Edited by BlueFire
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My first choice would be to bring Jim Schwartz back as Asst. HC so if/when Rex sucks again next year, the transition to the new HC would be quick & smooth during the bye week. My 2nd option is to bring Pettin back as DC & either get rid of or demote DT.

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My first choice would be to bring Jim Schwartz back as Asst. HC so if/when Rex sucks again next year, the transition to the new HC would be quick & smooth during the bye week. My 2nd option is to bring Pettin back as DC & either get rid of or demote DT.

Greg Roman may end up as HC in 2017.



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