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Holiday Time Off

Chef Jim

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Self employed and never get much accomplished anyway during the holidays, so I always take this time off to recharge the batteries and get back to busting my ass in the new year. Took me five years to figure this out but have been doing it for the last 15 years at least. Enjoy!

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Well seeing i can't answer the first question with a yes or no I deem this exercise futile.





Almost all of tech in the valley has done away with the concept of PTO and vacation days etc. It's take what ever you want/need, just get your freakin job done.

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I take the last 3 weeks of the year off every year. It's awesome. No waking up at 4:30 a.m to shovel for an hour before a two hour white knuckled drive that during the summer only takes 40 minutes. They don't mind because I rarely take any time off April-October.



Not this year if you live in WNY. Supposed to be 60 all week & me & my son are actually thinking about go golfing Christmas day. We got a key to Byrnecliff & probably just let ourselves on the course. I am working both weeks & I am working from home the majority of the time these next 2 weeks so it is not too bad. I never understood how anybody could save their vacation time to the end of the year especially in WNY where the weather is usually crappy this time of year. I get 5 weeks & I blow the majority of it in the summer time. I hate being at work when the weather is nice.

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Almost all of tech in the valley has done away with the concept of PTO and vacation days etc. It's take what ever you want/need, just get your freakin job done.


Which is as it should be. When I left the hospitality industry I left my 1 week vacations behind. I was only at one place long enough to take two weeks. I've not taken two since. I take around 4 weeks a year now but in one week increments. Hard to be away from clients and staff needs for longer. However this year I'm saying !@#$ it!! I'm taking two weeks this spring (I hope!!) and going back to Tortola.

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That is how I operate, much to a couple of my past bosses dismay, but i showed them that I don't abuse it, and if i take an hour or 2 off on a friday, i make sure i make it up in the evening or on the weekend. My bosses know my work will get done whether I am at my desk, on my couch or sitting at a bar(of course, I don't broadcast that last part).



Almost all of tech in the valley has done away with the concept of PTO and vacation days etc. It's take what ever you want/need, just get your freakin job done.

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Not this year if you live in WNY. Supposed to be 60 all week & me & my son are actually thinking about go golfing Christmas day. We got a key to Byrnecliff & probably just let ourselves on the course. I am working both weeks & I am working from home the majority of the time these next 2 weeks so it is not too bad. I never understood how anybody could save their vacation time to the end of the year especially in WNY where the weather is usually crappy this time of year. I get 5 weeks & I blow the majority of it in the summer time. I hate being at work when the weather is nice.

I get that. I just hate driving 80 miles (roundtrip) when it's awful out.

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Which is as it should be. When I left the hospitality industry I left my 1 week vacations behind. I was only at one place long enough to take two weeks. I've not taken two since. I take around 4 weeks a year now but in one week increments. Hard to be away from clients and staff needs for longer. However this year I'm saying !@#$ it!! I'm taking two weeks this spring (I hope!!) and going back to Tortola.


Chef Jim and Hospitality in the same sentence. Gold.

So basically, this thread amounts to the OP saying how he married up, has a wife who is a supermodel and is loaded, so he can sit home and watch QVC all day. What is our country coming to?

Isn't that what Curitiba did?

Took last night off. Taking tonight off

But you don't work when you're at work. Doesn't count.

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Yeah, I think Chef Jim and Curitiba have created their own "Brag Box" while the rest of us languish in our 9-5 jobs.

Golfed 9 holes today, picked up my boy at daycare, wife came home from work and I went to a friends house for Ribs and cold beer with a few friends.


Life sux!

Golfed 9 holes today, picked up my boy at daycare, wife came home from work and I went to a friends house for Ribs and cold beer with a few friends.


Life sux!

and now watching CNN and the TED CRUZ love!

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Ok so I'm doing something I've never done before. I'm taking the week off between Christmas and New Years. Every year I sit in my office twiddling my thumbs wondering "why the !@#$ am I here?" So with a half a day Thursday for Christmas Eve it's going to be a nice long 10 days off! It's good to be the boss.


So who else does that on a regular basis?

Our President??? :doh:

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In my line of work, this is a crazy time of year and that includes the week between Christmas and New Year's (benefits, open enrollment, new plans and new payroll deductions for a new year.) I wish I could take that week off. Unfortunately, going to be losing some PTO this year.

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My entire company shuts down Christmas eve through Jan 2nd. Over 55,000 employees get that week paid off...aand after 15 years i now get get 5 weeks of PTO per year. There are two guys in my office who take off from a thanksgiving to New Year.

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