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Trump Alone at the Top

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Maher closed that segment by saying that the idea of Trump as a Democrat getting inside the GOP to blow it up from the inside is on par with believing 9/11 is an inside job and that surprised me.



It was also a reference to Trump's own stump speeches which have firmly painted him as a 9/11 "truther". I forget which speech, but he made a comment about it around the time that aired.

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And you're voting Hillary. As you always would.




Because let's be honest, nothing says 'sticking to your principles' like voting for a woman who voted in favor of the one war you've bitched about for the past 11 years. Yeah, nothing says 'I'm a free thinker' like voting for a money-launderer under FBI investigation for bypassing federal laws by setting up a personal server she actually think gets wiped clean with a cloth.


Yeah...those Democrats. Principled. Free thinkers. Each and every one of them.

Edited by LABillzFan
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And you're voting Hillary. As you always would.

and whom are you voting for?




Because let's be honest, nothing says 'sticking to your principles' like voting for a woman who voted in favor of the one war you've bitched about for the past 11 years. Yeah, nothing says 'I'm a free thinker' like voting for a money-launderer under FBI investigation for bypassing federal laws by setting up a personal server she actually think gets wiped clean with a cloth.


Yeah...those Democrats. Principled. Free thinkers. Each and every one of them.

and you?

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I blame the Conservative talk radio/media hucksters and their gullible base of followers who believe their **** MUCH more than GOP "leadership"


The Conservative talk radio/media hucksters have been pretty damned consistent over the years, and have - until Trump came along - backed traditional republican candidates solidly. They play to their audience, who until this election cycle, have largely agreed with you, me, and most other right-leaning people here. Trump is the manifestation of the rank and file's frustration with the party. He bested 16 other candidates, some of them good ones, and he did so fair & square. I don't like it, and neither do you, but to place the blame on right wing media is, in my opinion, wrong.


except that bernie is actually a decent human that cares about americans and says what he believes to be the truth.


You're likely right - he probably is a decent human being, His intentions are likely genuine. He's a socialist. Being a leftist is one thing - the left used to be champions of constitutional liberties and free speech. Socialism is anathema to democratic republicanism, and I will always have disdain for it.



I disagree. This happened because the GOP took advantage of the Tea Party upheaval after Scott Brown got in. Everyone was so stunned, but he got in because he was going to be the vote to help stop Obamacare. Soon after, the GOP kept winning mid-terms in massive ways, as well as big strides in state elections .


Then the right did what it always does, which is pretty much what the left does, which was talk a lot, but do very little. The left cried racism, the right cowered, and left the Tea Party hanging so they wouldn't lose their precious golden thrones.


Now the Tea Party (Ted Cruz) is considered the radical Christian nutbags, and along comes Chuckles the Clown with a marketing plan, and the GOP is getting what it deserves for not fighting back hard enough after the Brown election.


Completely agree. All I would add is that Ted Cruz and anyone like him are both marginalized and despised by the party establishment, which is a major part of my point that they've turned their backs on their constituents and are now reaping the effect of their behavior.

Edited by Azalin
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The Conservative talk radio/media hucksters have been pretty damned consistent over the years, and have - until Trump came along - backed traditional republican candidates solidly. They play to their audience, who until this election cycle, have largely agreed with you, me, and most other right-leaning people here. Trump is the manifestation of the rank and file's frustration with the party. He bested 16 other candidates, some of them good ones, and he did so fair & square. I don't like it, and neither do you, but to place the blame on right wing media is, in my opinion, wrong.



You're likely right - he probably is a decent human being, His intentions are likely genuine. He's a socialist. Being a leftist is one thing - the left used to be champions of constitutional liberties and free speech. Socialism is anathema to democratic republicanism, and I will always have disdain for it.



Completely agree. All I would add is that Ted Cruz and anyone like him are both marginalized and despised by the party establishment, which is a major part of my point that they've turned their backs on their constituents and are now reaping the effect of their behavior.

I couldn't agree with you more. The choices this election cycle are abysmal (Hillary) and scary (Trump). I know what we would get with her and it would be a disaster. I don't know what we would get with Trump in some areas but other areas I'm not worried about. I think his floor is above Hillary's ceiling and his ceiling could be much higher. Gee, I wonder who I'll vote for?

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The Conservative talk radio/media hucksters have been pretty damned consistent over the years, and have - until Trump came along - backed traditional republican candidates solidly. They play to their audience, who until this election cycle, have largely agreed with you, me, and most other right-leaning people here. Trump is the manifestation of the rank and file's frustration with the party. He bested 16 other candidates, some of them good ones, and he did so fair & square. I don't like it, and neither do you, but to place the blame on right wing media is, in my opinion, wrong.




Completely agree. All I would add is that Ted Cruz and anyone like him are both marginalized and despised by the party establishment, which is a major part of my point that they've turned their backs on their constituents and are now reaping the effect of their behavior.

Disagree on the talk radio. They treated trump withwith kidkid gloves because he is ratings gold. It was the exactly same treatment that Obama got from the press in 2008.


There has been very little critical analysis of trump by talk radio, unlike the slams they regularly dished out to other GOP candidates, even though he's by far the most liberal candidate running.


They gave him early legitimacy because it was self serving to do so. I keep hearing that if trump is elected, the press will wake up and keep him in check. Well, where have they been over the last year?


And for Cruz, people don't hate him because he is the Tea Party guy. They hate him because he's a miserable person who hasn't made any personal connections in a job that absolutely requires it.

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And for Cruz, people don't hate him because he is the Tea Party guy. They hate him because he's a miserable person who hasn't made any personal connections in a job that absolutely requires it.



Oh for Pete's sake, what are we all 4 years old now? Does he have to hand out lollipops too? I'm sure you'd be miserable if you had Cruz's intellect and knowledge of history and Mitch friggin McConnell expected you to do his bidding. And they absolutely hate him because he is the Tea Party guy. Because they are told to hate the Tea Party guys. Some tea partiers are labeled dumb...can't accuse Cruz of that, ignorant of history...nope, ineffective....nope......so we'll have to go with mean....and that's enough if the drum beats long enough.



It is amazing to me how easily Republicans can be eliminated for being mean, or "weird", or "dumb" or "crass" or "ugly" or "short" and Trump ends up getting the nomination. Meanwhile Hillary can literally do anything. It does not matter. The whole thing is broken.

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Disagree on the talk radio. They treated trump withwith kidkid gloves because he is ratings gold. It was the exactly same treatment that Obama got from the press in 2008.


There has been very little critical analysis of trump by talk radio, unlike the slams they regularly dished out to other GOP candidates, even though he's by far the most liberal candidate running.


They gave him early legitimacy because it was self serving to do so. I keep hearing that if trump is elected, the press will wake up and keep him in check. Well, where have they been over the last year?


And for Cruz, people don't hate him because he is the Tea Party guy. They hate him because he's a miserable person who hasn't made any personal connections in a job that absolutely requires it.


Ever heard of Mark Levin or Dana Lash? Go ahead and tell me how they're Trump supporters. Please - I'd be fascinated to hear it.


And with regard to Cruz - he's smarmy. He's self-righteous. He's annoying. He's also very solidly TEA party conservative. I was pleased to see that he at least managed to come in 2nd to Trump. BUT - he came in 2nd. Don't like it? Blame republicans, not Trump. The majority of the people who have always sided with you, think that the people you support are bullsh!t. They are correct. They suck, and they have a record that proves it. "We can't pass anything unless we have the house" - well, we gave them the house. "Oh, we can't do anything unless we gain the senate" - we give them the senate, and only ONE republican tries to stop Obamacare via a filibuster - Cruz. How does the party react? They do everything they can to marginalize him. That was enough for me - screw the republicans, and screw everyone who sympathizes with them.


I'll say it again - you're a republican and you don't like Trump? Well, you're not alone. The fact of the matter is that if you're one of those that's been supporting the republican establishment for the last 8 to 16 years, and want more of the same.....thank you very much for what you've done to the party, because there's a hell of a lot of folks out there that think you're as much a part of the problem as Hillary Clinton is.


I agree with them. I don't like Trump, but people like me aren't the ones that handed him the nomination. You are.

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If this is the level of simplicity you're using to judge Trump as a businessman. I wonder what level of simplicity you're using to judge his candidacy?

Not really much to judge at this point. He went from being a sideshow to winning the Republican nomination. So it's a choice between him or Hillary. I've seen what Hillary is about and I don't want it as president.

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Ever heard of Mark Levin or Dana Lash? Go ahead and tell me how they're Trump supporters. Please - I'd be fascinated to hear it.


And with regard to Cruz - he's smarmy. He's self-righteous. He's annoying. He's also very solidly TEA party conservative. I was pleased to see that he at least managed to come in 2nd to Trump. BUT - he came in 2nd. Don't like it? Blame republicans, not Trump. The majority of the people who have always sided with you, think that the people you support are bullsh!t. They are correct. They suck, and they have a record that proves it. "We can't pass anything unless we have the house" - well, we gave them the house. "Oh, we can't do anything unless we gain the senate" - we give them the senate, and only ONE republican tries to stop Obamacare via a filibuster - Cruz. How does the party react? They do everything they can to marginalize him. That was enough for me - screw the republicans, and screw everyone who sympathizes with them.


I'll say it again - you're a republican and you don't like Trump? Well, you're not alone. The fact of the matter is that if you're one of those that's been supporting the republican establishment for the last 8 to 16 years, and want more of the same.....thank you very much for what you've done to the party, because there's a hell of a lot of folks out there that think you're as much a part of the problem as Hillary Clinton is.


I agree with them. I don't like Trump, but people like me aren't the ones that handed him the nomination. You are.

wow. big tent, happy family. not. the republican establishment has been dysfunctional for the last 8-16 years because it bears no resemblance to the functional, usually pragmatic and reasonable republican party of the past. members of that "establishment" are now branded rino's and run off.

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and in that way, you won't waste your vote. hmmm....



So...a vote for anyone other than your candidate is a wasted vote? In a more macro view of the needs of the country, one could say that a vote for the winner was a wasted vote, e.g., see 2008 and 2012.

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Oh for Pete's sake, what are we all 4 years old now? Does he have to hand out lollipops too? I'm sure you'd be miserable if you had Cruz's intellect and knowledge of history and Mitch friggin McConnell expected you to do his bidding. And they absolutely hate him because he is the Tea Party guy. Because they are told to hate the Tea Party guys. Some tea partiers are labeled dumb...can't accuse Cruz of that, ignorant of history...nope, ineffective....nope......so we'll have to go with mean....and that's enough if the drum beats long enough.



It is amazing to me how easily Republicans can be eliminated for being mean, or "weird", or "dumb" or "crass" or "ugly" or "short" and Trump ends up getting the nomination. Meanwhile Hillary can literally do anything. It does not matter. The whole thing is broken.


Having spoken to staffers on the Hill, they have been universally of the opinion that Cruz is hated for no reason other than his singular and remarkable talent for alienating everyone he meets. It's not political, it's personal. Even the Tea Partiers can't stand the doughy little prick. Edited by DC Tom
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So...a vote for anyone other than your candidate is a wasted vote? In a more macro view of the needs of the country, one could say that a vote for the winner was a wasted vote, e.g., see 2008 and 2012.

no, dummy. a vote for someone with zero chance of ever winning the presidency is a wasted vote.

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Oh for Pete's sake, what are we all 4 years old now? Does he have to hand out lollipops too? I'm sure you'd be miserable if you had Cruz's intellect and knowledge of history and Mitch friggin McConnell expected you to do his bidding. And they absolutely hate him because he is the Tea Party guy. Because they are told to hate the Tea Party guys. Some tea partiers are labeled dumb...can't accuse Cruz of that, ignorant of history...nope, ineffective....nope......so we'll have to go with mean....and that's enough if the drum beats long enough.



It is amazing to me how easily Republicans can be eliminated for being mean, or "weird", or "dumb" or "crass" or "ugly" or "short" and Trump ends up getting the nomination. Meanwhile Hillary can literally do anything. It does not matter. The whole thing is broken.


Cruz is hated by nearly every member of Senate & House because he has zero personal skills. There are many brilliantly smart people out there who should be nowhere near running a lemonade stand, let alone the US. Cruz is not a leader of men, he cannot rally his subordinates or gain allies to accomplish his goals. He's missing that major trait that is critical to being an effective executive. The Senate hates him because everything he's done was for self serving reasons and had zero probability of getting accomplished. By its nature, Congress was designed to function as a web of alliances because it's impossible for Senators of the 57 states and representatives of the hundreds of individual districts to be aligned on any topic.


If Cruz is as smart as you give him credit for, he should have been well aware that his 1% voting power in the Senate is meaningless. If he truly cared about affecting change, he needed to do more to build support for his platforms. But instead, he grandstanded for publicity. He was also unable to make a broader case for his presidential bid, outside his core evangelical support and got trounced in the key swing states.


This is also where the talk radio guys had a hand, by setting up unreasonable expectations and propping up Cruz's one man stand as a plausible game plan as opposed to a publicity stunt. Cruz's actions are like Russ Brandon signing Terrell Owens. Grab a headline for a week, get attention on SportsCenter, and fluff over the fact that Dick Jauron is your coach and Trentative is your QB.

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