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Trump Alone at the Top

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Here's a list of the companies to which Trump's campaign has making payments. Because the list was liking sorted by Trump's name, you don't see the half a million he paid to stay in his own resort, Mar a Lago.


How great it must be to find hundreds of thousands of people willing to give you money, so you can launder it through your presidential campaign and back to your business entities.


We're getting to a point where the last excuse Trump Davidians have to support him -- namely, that 'at least he isn't Hillary' -- is not even close to being true.


But then again, a Democrat is a Democrat is a Democrat...





He's been playing his supporters for fools all along. :lol:

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I can't agree with that. While the definition of "good businessman" is somewhat subjective, had Romney used more of his own money during his run for office, I suspect that he'd have received less grief for doing so than Trump has. Personally, I would prefer to see more candidates funding themselves.

His chances of winning are so slim, that even the most aggressive businessmen would highly question the RoR on this endeavor.

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If he does, it's just more proof he's not a very good businessman.

Huh? You don't become a billionaire by being a bad businessman. And he's already gotten hundreds of millions in free advertising to this point and it's allowed him to be the Repub nominee. If he wants to avoid taking donors' money, he'll self-fund.

You believe that?

Like I said, worse come to worst...

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Huh? You don't become a billionaire by being a bad businessman. And he's already gotten hundreds of millions in free advertising to this point and it's allowed him to be the Repub nominee. If he wants to avoid taking donors' money, he'll self-fund.


What he'll do is what he's already done: loan money to his campaign, use that money to pay his own entities, and then pay the loan back with donor money.


It's a scam, Doc. Plain and simple.

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Huh? You don't become a billionaire by being a bad businessman. And he's already gotten hundreds of millions in free advertising to this point and it's allowed him to be the Repub nominee. If he wants to avoid taking donors' money, he'll self-fund.


Like I said, worse come to worst...

So he's got a lot of money, he must be a good businessman?

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What he'll do is what he's already done: loan money to his campaign, use that money to pay his own entities, and then pay the loan back with donor money.


It's a scam, Doc. Plain and simple.

It's all a scam.

So he's got a lot of money, he must be a good businessman?

What's the purpose of business?

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You have done good work on this. So has this guy (Not BM)


From last September, relevant portion starts 1:14 in, then 3:47


Maher closed that segment by saying that the idea of Trump as a Democrat getting inside the GOP to blow it up from the inside is on par with believing 9/11 is an inside job and that surprised me.


I completely disagree. I would never, ever be surprised to find out Trump remains a Democrat, playing everyone for fools...at the urging of the Clintons....in hopes of wrecking the GOP from the inside out.

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Maher closed that segment by saying that the idea of Trump as a Democrat getting inside the GOP to blow it up from the inside is on par with believing 9/11 is an inside job and that surprised me.


I completely disagree. I would never, ever be surprised to find out Trump remains a Democrat, playing everyone for fools...at the urging of the Clintons....in hopes of wrecking the GOP from the inside out.

oh, come on. the GOP is doing a fine job of wrecking itself. trump just exposed all the idiots. with the number of morons that are being suckered by this flim flam man comprising almost 1/2 the party, it's a wonder it didn't fall apart sooner. it's also a shame, actually.

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This is the Trump campaign in one winning nutshell:



“[Trump] says, ‘These are platinum diamond Harry Winston,’ and he pulls off his cuff links and he gives them to me,” he continued. “And so I’m like, ‘Oh gosh, Mr. Trump, you really shouldn’t do this,’ and he goes, ‘No, no, it’s the least I can do.’”
“So smash-cut to about six months later, I have some jewelry getting appraised at the house and she finished and was leaving, and I said, ‘Oh yeah, you know there’s a couple other pieces I have that I’m very curious about. Would you mind appraising these?’” said Sheen. “She said, ‘Oh, what are they?’ I explained the dinner, this and that, these are from Donald Trump, Harry Winston, flawless Ds, platinum. She took the loupe, spent about four seconds, and kind of recoiled from it — much like people do from Trump.”
“So [the appraiser] says, ‘In their finest moment, these are cheap pewter and bad zirconias.’ And they’re stamped ‘Trump.’ And I just thought, ‘What does this really say about the man? That he said this is a great wedding gift, and it’s just a bag of dog****?’”
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oh, come on. the GOP is doing a fine job of wrecking itself. trump just exposed all the idiots. with the number of morons that are being suckered by this flim flam man comprising almost 1/2 the party, it's a wonder it didn't fall apart sooner. it's also a shame, actually.


I agree with your first sentence completely. The rest, you're just being a partisan d#$k. The GOP leadership has been making promises to their base for years that they have no intention of following up on. Yes, you disagree with most of them - that's fine. What you (and in my opinion, lots of other people) are apparently missing is that the Trump movement is one of populism/nationalism, not of straight political ideology like we've been used to for the last umpteen decades.


He's not a Trojan horse or a Manchurian candidate, he's not a democrat in republican clothing. He's a populist that's pushing an agenda of contradictions (improving jobs and the economy by imposing tariffs on imports? How the #$@& does that work?), while waving the flag and pointing out everything that everyone already knows is wrong in the country, and tossing in a few things that aren't wrong, but saying that they are because it's populist.


The GOP is 100% to blame for Trump's ascendancy, such as it is, but it isn't difficult to grasp why - it's just the flip side of the coin that has Bernie's face on it: total dissatisfaction with the status quo. If the American public at large had any clue how government works, then things might be different. But the absolutely retarded adherence to party leaders that promise one thing and do another is finally having tangible results - and now we have Bernie and the Donald.


Thank you partisan boneheads.

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oh, come on. the GOP is doing a fine job of wrecking itself. trump just exposed all the idiots. with the number of morons that are being suckered by this flim flam man comprising almost 1/2 the party, it's a wonder it didn't fall apart sooner. it's also a shame, actually.


The difference between you and me, beyond the fact that I think for myself, is that I have absolutely NO problem turning against a party I have been aligned with for years. If I think they need wrecking, I'll wreck them.


Meanwhile, you, on the other hand, willingly and unabashedly will follow whomever your party puts up, including a money-laundering liar under FBI investigation. You will do whatever you're told and never question your party because your party is built on mindless fools who need to be told what to do because your collective intellect is so severely stunted, as is evidenced by the last week spent gun-grabbing after a terror attack.

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I agree with your first sentence completely. The rest, you're just being a partisan d#$k. The GOP leadership has been making promises to their base for years that they have no intention of following up on. Yes, you disagree with most of them - that's fine. What you (and in my opinion, lots of other people) are apparently missing is that the Trump movement is one of populism/nationalism, not of straight political ideology like we've been used to for the last umpteen decades.


He's not a Trojan horse or a Manchurian candidate, he's not a democrat in republican clothing. He's a populist that's pushing an agenda of contradictions (improving jobs and the economy by imposing tariffs on imports? How the #$@& does that work?), while waving the flag and pointing out everything that everyone already knows is wrong in the country, and tossing in a few things that aren't wrong, but saying that they are because it's populist.


The GOP is 100% to blame for Trump's ascendancy, such as it is, but it isn't difficult to grasp why - it's just the flip side of the coin that has Bernie's face on it: total dissatisfaction with the status quo. If the American public at large had any clue how government works, then things might be different. But the absolutely retarded adherence to party leaders that promise one thing and do another is finally having tangible results - and now we have Bernie and the Donald.


Thank you partisan boneheads.


I blame the Conservative talk radio/media hucksters and their gullible base of followers who believe their **** MUCH more than GOP "leadership"

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I agree with your first sentence completely. The rest, you're just being a partisan d#$k. The GOP leadership has been making promises to their base for years that they have no intention of following up on. Yes, you disagree with most of them - that's fine. What you (and in my opinion, lots of other people) are apparently missing is that the Trump movement is one of populism/nationalism, not of straight political ideology like we've been used to for the last umpteen decades.


He's not a Trojan horse or a Manchurian candidate, he's not a democrat in republican clothing. He's a populist that's pushing an agenda of contradictions (improving jobs and the economy by imposing tariffs on imports? How the #$@& does that work?), while waving the flag and pointing out everything that everyone already knows is wrong in the country, and tossing in a few things that aren't wrong, but saying that they are because it's populist.


The GOP is 100% to blame for Trump's ascendancy, such as it is, but it isn't difficult to grasp why - it's just the flip side of the coin that has Bernie's face on it: total dissatisfaction with the status quo. If the American public at large had any clue how government works, then things might be different. But the absolutely retarded adherence to party leaders that promise one thing and do another is finally having tangible results - and now we have Bernie and the Donald.


Thank you partisan boneheads.

except that bernie is actually a decent human that cares about americans and says what he believes to be the truth. of course that would never play among the 50% of the repub party that find trump appealing. these are not desirable attributes to those that want to be told what they wishfully believe to be the truth. "if only all those foreigners were gone, america would be great again. i'd have a $25/hour middle class job and a pension". bernie,s contention that concentration of wealth is the problem is backed by plenty of data. it's indisputable. could he change it? probably not but many dems are looking for truth speakers. repubs, not so much.


yes, many, many americans are sick and tired of the status quo. but the outlier they choose as an alternative says much about them and the party they affiliate with.


I blame the Conservative talk radio/media hucksters and their gullible base of followers who believe their **** MUCH more than GOP "leadership"

and they repub pols that empowered them. how many have been featured at cpac? how many senators, congressmen or prez candidates from the right have gone on their show? how many have called them out for their lunacy and rabble rousing?

Edited by birdog1960
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I blame the Conservative talk radio/media hucksters and their gullible base of followers who believe their **** MUCH more than GOP "leadership"


I disagree. This happened because the GOP took advantage of the Tea Party upheaval after Scott Brown got in. Everyone was so stunned, but he got in because he was going to be the vote to help stop Obamacare. Soon after, the GOP kept winning mid-terms in massive ways, as well as big strides in state elections .


Then the right did what it always does, which is pretty much what the left does, which was talk a lot, but do very little. The left cried racism, the right cowered, and left the Tea Party hanging so they wouldn't lose their precious golden thrones.


Now the Tea Party (Ted Cruz) is considered the radical Christian nutbags, and along comes Chuckles the Clown with a marketing plan, and the GOP is getting what it deserves for not fighting back hard enough after the Brown election.

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except that bernie is actually a decent human that cares about americans and says what he believes to be the truth. of course that would never play among the 50% of the repub party that find trump appealing. these are not desirable attributes to those that want to be told what they wishfully believe to be the truth. "if only all those foreigners were gone, america would be great again. i'd have a $25/hour middle class job and a pension". bernie,s contention that concentration of wealth is the problem is backed by plenty of data. it's indisputable. could he change it? probably not but many dems are looking for truth speakers. repubs, not so much.


yes, many, many americans are sick and tired of the status quo. but the outlier they choose as an alternative says much about them and the party they affiliate with.

and they repub pols that empowered them. how many have been featured at cpac? how many senators, congressmen or prez candidates from the right have gone on their show? how many have called them out for their lunacy and rabble rousing?

Is that why Hillary is your nominee? Holy smokes birddog, look in a god damn mirror.

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