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Trump Alone at the Top

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Rubio should have a bright political career ahead of him. He's got the tools and his head and heart are mostly in the right place IMO. Surprised he's not running for re-election to the senate but maybe Florida rules don't allow that? His resume is a little light yet IMO. He needs to age a bit and get some more experience in something meaningful. He's so damn young looking (which will serve him well later) but some that I know feel that he sounded inexperienced at times and his looks unfortunately backed that up rightly or wrongly.


Immigration (for the GOP primary) and his youthful looks were two obstacles he had to overcome and although they were things that he could have overcome, it was those 5 minutes in N.H that did him in. He rebounded in S.C but the damage had been done, not because of any sort of residual effect that it had in voters mind but because he didn't knock out Kasich. Kasich staying in the race is what did Rubio in, but the blame for that lied on squarely Rubio's shoulders.

Surprised he's not running for re-election to the senate but maybe Florida rules don't allow that?


I think the calculation is that having more political experience is not seen as a positive as much as it used to. From what I'm hearing, his plan is to remain visible and run again in 2020.

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Where we disagree is with Rubio being genuine. He's not. He's as bought and paid for as Hillary. He's also as self absorbed as she is. He speaks from his wallet as much as she does, which is why he'd get slaughtered by her. Give the DNC machine five months to focus solely on Marco and he'd be toast.


Rubio never had a chance to win the nomination let alone the presidency. Maybe in a few more cycles, maybe.


Yeah, we'll just have to disagree on this because I have no way to effectively *prove* how he strikes me as genuine.


What I do know is this: every person running for president, no matter who they are, is self-absorbed and with a crazy ego. Every person running for president, no matter who they are, have ties to money. Look at the reports coming out today about Trump keeping most of the donations he raised for the vets the night he skipped the debate. This is a common thread with all of them.


Rubio will return and I would not be surprised to see him be a GOP presidential frontrunner...especially if Hillary ends up winning 2016, because no matter what happens in this cycle, you can absolutely bet that the presidential campaigns of nutbags like Christie and Trump will likely never, ever happen again.

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Immigration (for the GOP primary) and his youthful looks were two obstacles he had to overcome and although they were things that he could have overcome, it was those 5 minutes in N.H that did him in. He rebounded in S.C but the damage had been done, not because of any sort of residual effect that it had in voters mind but because he didn't knock out Kasich. Kasich staying in the race is what did Rubio in, but the blame for that lied on squarely Rubio's shoulders.


I think the calculation is that having more political experience is not seen as a positive as much as it used to. From what I'm hearing, his plan is to remain visible and run again in 2020.


Getting raped in his home state had something to do with it, I'd say. And Kasich's vote share wouldn't have helped Rubio there.

Also, yes, Florida doesn't allow you to run for both Senate and President.

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Getting raped in his home state had something to do with it, I'd say. And Kasich's vote share wouldn't have helped Rubio there.

Also, yes, Florida doesn't allow you to run for both Senate and President.

He lost the race well before FL. When he went after Trump's hands etc. his campaign imploded. Even like I said earlier, the key moment for him were those 5 minutes in N.H.

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He lost the race well before FL. When he went after Trump's hands etc. his campaign imploded. Even like I said earlier, the key moment for him were those 5 minutes in N.H.


He turned into one of the children instead of remaining the adult. If he'd stayed the grown up, he would be in Kasich's position right now with a good shot at the nomination on a second ballot. He blew himself up and turned in his character in favor of trying to out-Trump Trump. It was horribly disappointing. He's damaged goods and won't be back as presidential candidate. No one will be lining up to back a guy who couldn't win his home state despite all the money lined up behind him.

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He's damaged goods and won't be back as presidential candidate. No one will be lining up to back a guy who couldn't win his home state despite all the money lined up behind him.


Well, considering that Rubio has already been contacted by a number of donors who have told him that they are most likely going to back him in 2020, you'd be wrong about that. And not only are you wrong, he will be one of the front runners.

Edited by Magox
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Rubio looks like a great candidate until he opoens his mouth.


His standup routine with the cell phone reading Trumps tweets followed by him saying that was not really him and he shouldn't have done it speaks volumes about his genuineness.


His timing was off. In a status quo election he might have had a chance.

Edited by reddogblitz
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EXCLUSIVE: BOSTON GLOBE set to publish fake newspaper tomorrow, in lampoon Trump edition of Sunday paper...


Cfn5lAiVIAgNxj9.jpg Question for all.............Is this a legitimate thing for a News Paper to do ?





I have no qualms with honest criticism of any candidate, and Trump brings this on himself.


But making up stories as news?



Appears to be advocacy rather than informing

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EXCLUSIVE: BOSTON GLOBE set to publish fake newspaper tomorrow, in lampoon Trump edition of Sunday paper...


Cfn5lAiVIAgNxj9.jpg Question for all.............Is this a legitimate thing for a News Paper to do ?





I have no qualms with honest criticism of any candidate, and Trump brings this on himself.


But making up stories as news?



Appears to be advocacy rather than informing


That's the media's job. It certainly isn't honest reporting anymore. At least not in the traditional sources.

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That's the media's job. It certainly isn't honest reporting anymore. At least not in the traditional sources.



Then..................(not to get into your money / Free speech discussion)........... :lol:



What difference does it matter how much money any candidate is given ?.......Controlling the media message is so much more important.



Trump is far from my first choice, but this Boston Globe business is gutter stuff.




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Then..................(not to get into your money / Free speech discussion)........... :lol:



What difference does it matter how much money any candidate is given ?.......Controlling the media message is so much more important.



Trump is far from my first choice, but this Boston Globe business is gutter stuff.





I agree completely that controlling the message is important. My entire hypothesis depends upon that fact, which is why the big moneyed corporate interests bought the media years ago. The same money that is corrupting our republic has been controlling the message for a good while now.


Actually the decline in the media from a legitimate 4th estate to the reality show ratings chaser it's become today is a perfect mirror for what's happening to the political system. Think it's bad now? Just wait another 8 years.

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Well, considering that Rubio has already been contacted by a number of donors who have told him that they are most likely going to back him in 2020, you'd be wrong about that. And not only are you wrong, he will be one of the front runners.


That article has 1.5 people who still support Rubio. It's a start.


Don't let your bias for him get in the way of objectivity. He had the best positions and got wiped off the map. Big establishment donors backed Bush and Rubio and got obliterated. They won't back guys who showed themselves to be losers in 2016. Big $$ will be looking for someone who can at least make a showing in their home state. And Rubio didn't resonate with the Rs so he won't cause a grass roots revival.


All the above from a Rubio supporter. But I see he is not a winner now. Time to move on to 2020 and who can unseat Clinton.

Edited by Observer
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Well, after several critical responses came out,


The Globe came out with the spin that "what are we upset about ?, its just an insert with Stories (made up) about President Trump in 2017, not the real front-page"


Well..............no sh*t.




The insert includes an editor's note that reads, "This is Donald Trump's America. What you read on this page is what might happen if the GOP front­runner can put his ideas into practice, his words into action."




"Many Americans might find this vision appealing, but the Globe's editorial board finds it deeply troubling," it added.




The Globe's "Ideas" editor explained Saturday that they're merely trying to start a conversation about what a Trump presidency would look like.




I look forward to their fake headline insert for Hillary and Bernie..............Don't you ?





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Well, after several critical responses came out,


The Globe came out with the spin that "what are we upset about ?, its just an insert with Stories (made up) about President Trump in 2017, not the real front-page"


Well..............no sh*t.




The insert includes an editor's note that reads, "This is Donald Trump's America. What you read on this page is what might happen if the GOP front­runner can put his ideas into practice, his words into action."




"Many Americans might find this vision appealing, but the Globe's editorial board finds it deeply troubling," it added.




The Globe's "Ideas" editor explained Saturday that they're merely trying to start a conversation about what a Trump presidency would look like.




I look forward to their fake headline insert for Hillary and Bernie..............Don't you ?






And some asshat told me recently that the media doesn't control the narrative in this country... :wallbash:

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And some asshat told me recently that the media doesn't control the narrative in this country... :wallbash:

Hmm. I don't know about that...how many times did the media declare Trump dead? In fact, they are doing it again, and will continue...right up until the NY primary results come in. If they truly controlled the narrative, Trump would be dead and buried, and Macro Rubio the presumptive nominee. Also, Bernie would be dead and buried.


None of these things are true. I would say that they have full control how a news cycle starts, and how it ends, most of the time. But, they've certainly lost full control of the narrative in between. The illegal immingrants flooding the borders and South American countries colluding to send children...displayed as mass chaos on TV...certainly walloped the media's illegal immigration narrative upside the head. They never saw it coming, and found themselves chasing after a story that they had 0 control over. Same thing is true with the Clinton Email server. They've never had control of that narrative. Sure they've tried to play whackamole with it, but the moles, literally, are winning. Every day/week new info is leaked, and "the media" is forced to report it, regardless of the narrative.


After NY, it will back to how "irregular this whole Trump thing is". Thus far I have seen 1(one) media talking head fully recant on their assessment of Trump. The rest have dissembled.


Also, I don't think "the media" is monolithic anymore. Often it much depends on which media we are talking about, and which story we are talking about.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Well, considering that Rubio has already been contacted by a number of donors who have told him that they are most likely going to back him in 2020, you'd be wrong about that. And not only are you wrong, he will be one of the front runners.


Unless he's contacted by tens of millions more voters, he will be dead in the water again.


There are a number of problems with a Rubio candidacy:

  • He's unpopular in his home state of Florida, which has a strong Tea Party faction. Florida remembers Rubio's betrayal on immigration. They went for Trump this cycle but if Trump were out of the race, they would've gone for Cruz. If Rubio can't deliver Florida in the general election, what's the point?
  • Rubio is Cuban, and non-Cuban Hispanics (such as Mexicans) tend to dislike Cubans, as I'm sure you're aware. Using Rubio to win over the Hispanic vote will not work
  • Really? Rubio's not going to serve in office the next four years before making another run at president? The candidates with experience this cycle like Jeb had horrible personalities and speaking skills and other defects, but next cycle, there will be experienced candidates who can speak and inspire. They'll learn from the Jeb experience, and then they'll hammer Rubio for not accomplishing anything, and they'll be right
  • Rubio is attached to an ideology -- neoconservatism -- that looks to be dead to me. I think conservatism itself might be dead within the next few years as the demographics continue to turn towards the Democrats' favor, but the particular strain of neoconservatism is for sure dead.
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Unless he's contacted by tens of millions more voters, he will be dead in the water again.


There are a number of problems with a Rubio candidacy:

  • He's unpopular in his home state of Florida, which has a strong Tea Party faction. Florida remembers Rubio's betrayal on immigration. They went for Trump this cycle but if Trump were out of the race, they would've gone for Cruz. If Rubio can't deliver Florida in the general election, what's the point?
  • Rubio is Cuban, and non-Cuban Hispanics (such as Mexicans) tend to dislike Cubans, as I'm sure you're aware. Using Rubio to win over the Hispanic vote will not work
  • Really? Rubio's not going to serve in office the next four years before making another run at president? The candidates with experience this cycle like Jeb had horrible personalities and speaking skills and other defects, but next cycle, there will be experienced candidates who can speak and inspire. They'll learn from the Jeb experience, and then they'll hammer Rubio for not accomplishing anything, and they'll be right
  • Rubio is attached to an ideology -- neoconservatism -- that looks to be dead to me. I think conservatism itself might be dead within the next few years as the demographics continue to turn towards the Democrats' favor, but the particular strain of neoconservatism is for sure dead.


Without a crystal ball, nobody's speculation of the future for any of candidate is worthwhile. Could anyone 4 years ago have predicted with any credibility that Trump, Cruz and Kasich would be the finalists in the Republican Primary? Same for a guy named Bernie Sanders giving Hillary and increasingly tough run? There is not a less exact science IMO than political predictions. Rubio lost me when he pushed that garbage immigration bill after it was exposed as garbage, but he has some very good qualities and he can recover politically and it's anyone's guess what can and will play out in 4 years.

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