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Trump Alone at the Top

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I don't think Trump lies.


I don't think he tells the truth either, for that matter. I think he's just got a complete disconnect from reality.


The most obvious thing about Trump is he doesn't give a schitt about this country. He cares about himself; getting his name out. The same thing he's ever cared about. It's an even more obvious con than Obama's, and that's saying something.


The most interesting thing happening is the divisiveness among the true, genuine conservative ranks. It's one thing when someone like Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity get in bed with him because they're not much different from Trump: self-promoters of name and personal brand, caring about little other than their next book.


Bill O'Reilly may as well just change the name of his show from "The O'Reilly Factor" to "I'll Suck Trump's Dick" because you can't turn on his show without him interviewing Trump. Same with Hannity. And perhaps most regrettably, same with Greta, who was always someone I enjoyed to watch from time to time.


I thought Laura Ingraham would know the difference, but was wrong.


I thought Breitbart would definitely see the difference, and was way wrong.


I thought Matt Drudge, of ALL people, would see the difference, and he's probably first in line to let Trump stick it ever hole at any time.


There are still a number of true conservatives who haven't fallen to his money; Mark Levin, Dana Loesh, Ben Shapiro, Michelle Fields, etc.


But I've probably cut my Twitter feed in half because while I will never be confused with the great politicos of our day, I can tell an opportunistic nutbag from miles away, and I want no part of a party that leads with Trump in any respect.

Edited by LABillzFan
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The most obvious thing about Trump is he doesn't give a schitt about this country. He cares about himself; getting his name out. The same thing he's ever cared about. It's an even more obvious con than Obama's, and that's saying something.


The most interesting thing happening is the divisiveness among the true, genuine conservative ranks. It's one thing when someone like Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity get in bed with him because they're not much different from Trump: self-promoters of name and personal brand, caring about little other than their next book.



I listen to the POTUS channel on Sirius a fair amount. Pretty good middle of the road shows. Julie Mason is liberal but she has a lot of reporter guests who bring perspective.


One reason I like POTUS is that they play a lot of unedited press conferences. I have heard 3-4 of Trump's. The guy can get rolling about all his hotels, golf courses, casinos at no urging but ask him about foreign policy and he can't tell China from Iceland.


Most pols at his level are narcissists but he's the worst: A dumb narcissist, happy to display his ignorance but no idea how stupid he is.

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The most obvious thing about Trump is he doesn't give a schitt about this country. He cares about himself; getting his name out. The same thing he's ever cared about. It's an even more obvious con than Obama's, and that's saying something.


The most interesting thing happening is the divisiveness among the true, genuine conservative ranks. It's one thing when someone like Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity get in bed with him because they're not much different from Trump: self-promoters of name and personal brand, caring about little other than their next book.


Bill O'Reilly may as well just change the name of his show from "The O'Reilly Factor" to "I'll Suck Trump's Dick" because you can't turn on his show without him interviewing Trump. Same with Hannity. And perhaps most regrettably, same with Greta, who was always someone I enjoyed to watch from time to time.


I thought Laura Ingraham would know the difference, but was wrong.


I thought Breitbart would definitely see the difference, and was way wrong.


I thought Matt Drudge, of ALL people, would see the difference, and he's probably first in line to let Trump stick it ever hole at any time.


There are still a number of true conservatives who haven't fallen to his money; Mark Levin, Dana Loesh, Ben Shapiro, Michelle Fields, etc.


But I've probably cut my Twitter feed in half because while I will never be confused with the great politicos of our day, I can tell an opportunistic nutbag from miles away, and I want no part of a party that leads with Trump in any respect.


A mirror image of the sycophants lining up for their shot of tingles in 2008.

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The most obvious thing about Trump is he doesn't give a schitt about this country. He cares about himself; getting his name out. The same thing he's ever cared about. It's an even more obvious con than Obama's, and that's saying something.


The most interesting thing happening is the divisiveness among the true, genuine conservative ranks. It's one thing when someone like Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity get in bed with him because they're not much different from Trump: self-promoters of name and personal brand, caring about little other than their next book.


Bill O'Reilly may as well just change the name of his show from "The O'Reilly Factor" to "I'll Suck Trump's Dick" because you can't turn on his show without him interviewing Trump. Same with Hannity. And perhaps most regrettably, same with Greta, who was always someone I enjoyed to watch from time to time.


I thought Laura Ingraham would know the difference, but was wrong.


I thought Breitbart would definitely see the difference, and was way wrong.


I thought Matt Drudge, of ALL people, would see the difference, and he's probably first in line to let Trump stick it ever hole at any time.


There are still a number of true conservatives who haven't fallen to his money; Mark Levin, Dana Loesh, Ben Shapiro, Michelle Fields, etc.


But I've probably cut my Twitter feed in half because while I will never be confused with the great politicos of our day, I can tell an opportunistic nutbag from miles away, and I want no part of a party that leads with Trump in any respect.


Only a clueless person could suggest this about Trump when the man put on hold his life as the owner of a successful enterprise comprised of multibillion dollar businesses and a highly rated primetime network program to go and run for president. Do you really think Trumps enjoys the constant crap storm of criticism? The endless days and night of being on the campaign trail? The physical threats to himself and now his family? You need serious help.

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Only a clueless person could suggest this about Trump when the man put on hold his life as the owner of a successful enterprise comprised of multibillion dollar businesses and a highly rated primetime network program to go and run for president. Do you really think Trumps enjoys the constant crap storm of criticism? The endless days and night of being on the campaign trail? The physical threats to himself and now his family? You need serious help.


This is an excellent perspective and a very good point. The campaign is also costing him millions and millions out of his own pocket.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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Only a clueless person could suggest this about Trump when the man put on hold his life as the owner of a successful enterprise comprised of multibillion dollar businesses and a highly rated primetime network program to go and run for president. Do you really think Trumps enjoys the constant crap storm of criticism? The endless days and night of being on the campaign trail? The physical threats to himself and now his family? You need serious help.


So you're saying that he isn't a narcissist that sees this as an opportunity to cement his legacy as the most powerful in the world?




You saying that La needs help? Ironic :lol: :lol:




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Yeah, I also disagree that he doesn't care about the country. Because at the least, as the country goes, so go his business interests. But I do think he loves his country and unlike Barry, isn't ashamed of it.

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Yeah, I also disagree that he doesn't care about the country. Because at the least, as the country goes, so go his business interests. But I do think he loves his country and unlike Barry, isn't ashamed of it.


If he loves his country so much why does he choose his supermodels trophy wives from Eastern Europe?

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I'm not calling you a dummy or anyone else that supports Trump. For the moment I conceded that (Trump dummies) to Gator simply to draw a comparison with what we're seeing on the dem side. In other words, if 33% of republican voters are whacked, then 99% of dems are whacked. Blended together that's over 60% of voters that are whacked.


I guess that means for the moment, you're whacked, but no dummy. :thumbsup::D

I didn't take it personal. Everything is so discouraging. You would think that when the Dem's offer nothing except tired old totalitarian control freaks anyone on the other side would look good. But it seems all they have is more of the same or a total wild card gamble.


Obama was the first black president. Trump will be the first troll president.

Well at least it will be much more entertaining. Alpha male Trump(I think this is partially the reason for his popularity) shooting from the hip with no teleprompter is much better than a spineless metro sexual reading a script. Barry just has that look of a guy with a chip on shoulder because he got bullied as a kid. That nobody has been taking it out on us for the last 8 years.

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Only a clueless person could suggest this about Trump when the man put on hold his life as the owner of a successful enterprise comprised of multibillion dollar businesses and a highly rated primetime network program to go and run for president. Do you really think Trumps enjoys the constant crap storm of criticism? The endless days and night of being on the campaign trail? The physical threats to himself and now his family? You need serious help.


Yeah, he's making a real sacrifice, getting more attention than he's had in decades.


You do know that he makes more money of his name than anything else, right? He sells his name to people who want to put it on their projects. Not "he buys a minority stake." He licenses his last name. His licensing fees are going up 50% with this stunt.


Though it'll be interesting to see what'll happen if he's actually elected. Does all that licensing revert to the White House? Do all those license-holders have to change the names of their projects? Does he set up the Trump Foundation to keep everything "separate" from his public service persona? Hell, it's worth voting for him just to see how they manage that resulting mess.

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Yeah, he's making a real sacrifice, getting more attention than he's had in decades.


You do know that he makes more money of his name than anything else, right? He sells his name to people who want to put it on their projects. Not "he buys a minority stake." He licenses his last name. His licensing fees are going up 50% with this stunt.


Though it'll be interesting to see what'll happen if he's actually elected. Does all that licensing revert to the White House? Do all those license-holders have to change the names of their projects? Does he set up the Trump Foundation to keep everything "separate" from his public service persona? Hell, it's worth voting for him just to see how they manage that resulting mess.


The Trump licensing, business and business interests around the world would be owned and ran by Donald Jr. , Eric and Evanka Trump. The licensing could still remain as Trump but it won't be branded as "Donald" Trump. He will have to give up his business to his 3 grown up children if he becomes president.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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I must admit I've been shocked at how quickly Breitbart and Drudge have become nationalist websites.


I don't think people get it. All the media that are friendly KNOW that he's not a "small gov't conservative." They see that he's a nationalist and they think that's the future.


And they're right.


American conservatism is dead. European-style right-wing nationalism is back, and man, I can't wait to curbstomp cuckservatives and progressives.

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I must admit I've been shocked at how quickly Breitbart and Drudge have become nationalist websites.


I don't think people get it. All the media that are friendly KNOW that he's not a "small gov't conservative." They see that he's a nationalist and they think that's the future.


And they're right.


American conservatism is dead. European-style right-wing nationalism is back, and man, I can't wait to curbstomp cuckservatives and progressives.

Has there ever been a small government conservative? I've never seen it, I've seen conservatives cutting programs they don't like but they usually use any money saved plus more on government programs they do like.

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Only a clueless person could suggest this about Trump when the man put on hold his life as the owner of a successful enterprise comprised of multibillion dollar businesses and a highly rated primetime network program to go and run for president. Do you really think Trumps enjoys the constant crap storm of criticism? The endless days and night of being on the campaign trail? The physical threats to himself and now his family? You need serious help.


Only a clueless person could suggest that it's a truly successful enterprise, because if it was, he wouldn't be able to totally drop out of it on a moments' notice and spend so much time campaigning. Who's running this successful enterprise anyway?


Do you morons even realize how much time is needed to properly run a big business?

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Has there ever been a small government conservative? I've never seen it, I've seen conservatives cutting programs they don't like but they usually use any money saved plus more on government programs they do like.


That's correct. In reality, special interests like the US Chamber of Commerce control the GOP. No matter who is in charge, D or R, you will have pork and corporate welfare.

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For the last six odd years, almost all of the things I wanted to write or say, have been stymied by the modern term referred to as 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS'. Although I consider myself reasonably fluent in English, that term was not in my vocabulary. Curiosity got the better of me so I decided to do a little research, and after two weeks of chasing fruitless leads, I found what I'd been looking for at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence Missouri. An unnamed source there sent me copies of four telegrams between then-President Harry Truman and Gen Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the WW2 Surrender Agreement in September 1945. The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war -- not a word has been added or deleted!

(1) Tokyo,Japan

0800-September 1,1945

To: President Harry S Truman

From: General D A MacArthur

Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions?

(2) Washington, D C

1300-September 1, 1945

To: D A MacArthur

From: H S Truman

Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press,
because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct!

(3) Tokyo, Japan

1630-September 1, 1945

To: H S Truman

From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz

Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically correct mean?

(4) Washington, D C

2120-September 1, 1945

To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz

From: H S Truman

Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of **** by the clean end!

Now, with special thanks to the Truman Museum and Harry himself, you and I finally have a full understanding of what 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' really means .......

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That's correct. In reality, special interests like the US Chamber of Commerce control the GOP. No matter who is in charge, D or R, you will have pork and corporate welfare.


You mean the people who create the jobs and grow the economy?


You sure you shouldn't be voting for Bernie?

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