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It will get done by tomorrow, my prediction



Dear Gary,


Yesterday afternoon, Bill Daly presented us with an offer from the League that, for the first time, was not linked to League-wide revenues. We appreciated your willingness to adjust your position and we worked to respond in kind. By evening, we had fashioned and reached out to you with an offer from the PA that included, for the first time, a team maximum cap. This offer built upon the 24% rollback and other changes in favour of clubs, which were presented by the Players on December 9, 2004.


As you know, and as Ted told Bill, our offer of a team cap represented a radical step for the PA. We took this step because we too believe that our sport will be damaged greatly by the cancellation of this season and the continuation of the lockout through next season.


Click here to find out more!



We wish that the NHL had offered a no linkage proposal before yesterday so that negotiations in that arena could have commenced sooner. However, we recognize that they did not and we agree that time is short.


In that spirit, and in a final attempt to reach an agreement, we are adjusting our offer of yesterday in two respects. First, we are reducing the maximum individual team cap to $49 million in salary, which does not include the $2.2 million per team in benefits due.


Second, we will adjust our exception provision so that it is available to teams only twice during the six year term and for up to only 10% over the limit of $49 million (to $53.9 million), at the tax rate of 150%. The exception provision is important so that a successful team does not have to arbitrarily dismantle its roster after it has achieved particular success or is in a unique phase of its player roster cycle.


I have attached a short summary of the main deal points discussed by Bill and Ted yesterday, as modified above.


I can be reached at the usual phone numbers.




Robert W. Goodenow

Executive Director & General Counsel




1. Term - 6 full seasons (through 9-15-11).


2. CBA System Incorporation of NHLPA December 9, 2004 proposal into the recently expired CBA, with indexing of financial provisions (per diems, etc.) at 2% per year, with the following additional changes requested by the NHL yesterday:


(a) Increased salary arbitration rights for Clubs -- to be agreed upon. Salary arbitration available after Player leaves Entry Level System.


(b) Cap on Exhibit 5 Individual B Performance Bonuses -- to be agreed upon.


© Replace NHLPA Revenue Sharing Plan with NHL Revenue Sharing Plan to share at least $88M in each year of the Agreement. Clubs may credit any payroll taxes paid against their revenue sharing contribution.


3. Team Payroll Limit - $49M in salary and bonuses


4. Minimum Team Payroll - $25M (each team can fall no more than 10% below only twice during term).


5. Minimum Player Salary - $300K (as per NHL Proposal)


6. Payroll Taxes - $40M - $43M (25%)

$43M - $46M (50%)

$46M - $49M (75%)

$49M - $53.9M (150%) only twice per team during 6 year term


7. Indexing of Tax Rates and Payroll Minimums & Maximums All dollar amounts would be in place for 2004-05 (pro-rated) and 2005-06. Dollar levels for tax rates, payroll minimums & maximums for subsequent years either constant or increased by % change in greater of either hockey related revenues or only the gate receipts and broadcasting segments of hockey related revenues from the 2005-06 base year.


8. 2005 Playoffs 55% of playoff revenues to be paid to Players for the 2005 playoffs.

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Both sides clearly state they dont want to end the season.


Players want the cap to be $49

Owners want the cap to be $40


Now, Im not frigging rocket scientist (DCTom, keep your comments to yourself), but if the players don't concede, they are getting some sort of severance pay of around $10,000 a month. That's nice scratch for not doing sh--, but wouldn't being on a team with a salary cap of $40MILLION a year be nicer?


I am not clear on how these negotiations are handled, but couldn't the players just vote? I have a hard time believing the players would rather sit, cancel this season, possilby destory the NHL for good, than to settle for a $40 MILLION dollar cap...


Am I missing something???


By the way, if there is a season at all, this should be a fun little logistical nightmare for DirecTV... I already had my CenterIce refunded in full, but if they have a 30 game season, you can bet your ass Im calling em up!

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They are just negotiating to get whatever they can get, they will get a deal done very soon. The "Final" offer crap is just a negotiating tactic. The latest offer from the NHL was $42.5 million, players said no and proposed $49 million. The NHL offer was up from $40 million earlier in the day and the NHLPA proposal to that was down from $52 million with a luxury tax.


No way is either side going to jump off the cliff without a parachute over $6.5 million dollars. They will meet in the middle by the 1pm Wednesday deadline and there will be a $45-$46 million salary cap and there will be a 28 game season with a full 4 round playoffs.


If the players don't accept a deal over a couple million bucks when they will have to play for even less next year or watch replacement players take their jobs, they will go down as the stupidest group of individuals ever assembled in the history of pro sports and they know it.


Everyone says October-January hockey is meaningless anyways, so we may just get a 28 game playoff season before the real playoffs. That would be fine with me. Should be an interesting next 13+ hours. Plus, a Salary Cap will help the Sabres out in huge way in the future.

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It will get done by tomorrow, my prediction

Dear Gary,


We wish that the NHL had offered a no linkage proposal before yesterday so that negotiations in that arena could have commenced sooner. However, we recognize that they did not and we agree that time is short.




Robert W. Goodenow

Executive Director & General Counsel



Dear Bob,


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:





Former Hockey Fan

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I think the NHLPA will have to go to 44 million or under. Bettman looks to have thrown down the gauntlet.....saying no compromise from 42.5. 154 days of this, and in the last 48 hours, the NHLPA goes to a cap concept and then drops the cap #. I think the NHL can squeeze more out of them.....the players are probably getting a bit frantic, calling, e-mailing GoodenowWorselater and Saskin-Robbins 39 flavors at this moment.

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No way in hell that teams like the Sabres will ever approach $42M or $45M anyway,,,,it doesn't really matter does it?!? just get it done NOW...they are so close. The majority of teams last year had payrolls under $34M and I'm sure those teams will remain at that level or below. only teams like the Rangers, Detroit, Philly, Toronto will max out at the cap number.

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what were the salaries of the rangers, leafs etc?



2003-2004 Payrolls ($ in US dollars)


Rangers $77M

Toronto $62M

Detroit $78M

Philly $65M

Colorado $61M


Buffalo $33M

Chicago $31M

Boston $45M

Edmonton $31M

Tampa $33M

Pitt $26M

Nashville $23M

Florida $26M

Atlanta $27M

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The Blue Jackets GM has said that their payroll started at 20M (2000/2001) and has grown to 38M last year (2003/2004). That is a 90% increase in just 4 seasons. He also did say that some of the signings that caused that increase were a mistake on his part as well. I don't blame the owners for holding strong on this cap.


** Didn't see the link posted above. 34M for 2003/2004. 70% increase. **

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(still hoping for hockey!)


Question: If they do resolve something today, and make a 30 game season out of this, when would it start? I mean, don't teams have to 1) FIND their players. (some of them playing over in East Bumblef-ck, Europe). 2) Practice to prepare for a season of hockey. 3) Make schedules.


Let's go you f-cks! I wanna see some hockey!!

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(still hoping for hockey!)


Question: If they do resolve something today, and make a 30 game season out of this, when would it start? I mean, don't teams have to 1) FIND their players. (some of them playing over in East Bumblef-ck, Europe). 2) Practice to prepare for a season of hockey. 3) Make schedules.


Let's go you f-cks! I wanna see some hockey!!



In about 2 weeks.

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Like I stated in another thread....



Oh boy, they are getting ready to settle and I'm getting excited. Left wing lock, neutral zone trap, clutch & grab, refs putting away their whistles. Man am I pumped. :D



While the owners, players & Bettman were picking their a$$es over the last 6 months, why didn't they fix the game. They certainly weren't negotiating. :)

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Based on last year's numbers, two teams would be affected by the gap: New Jersey and Boston. 


Hockey salaries database here:




What will be the effective date for the new cap? I don't see how they could enforce it immediately, so I'm guessing it goes in for next season?. As for Boston and NJ, I'd think a 10% haircut could be achieved fairly easily by the normal offseason shuffling.

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While the owners, players & Bettman were picking their a$$es over the last 6 months, why didn't they fix the game. They certainly weren't negotiatin.  :)



On the other hand, this labor dispute is the most excitement hockey's provided in years... :D

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Both sides clearly state they dont want to end the season.


Players want the cap to be $49

Owners want the cap to be $40


Now, Im not frigging rocket scientist (DCTom, keep your comments to yourself), but if the players don't concede, they are getting some sort of severance pay of around $10,000 a month. That's nice scratch for not doing sh--, but wouldn't  being on a team with a salary cap of $40MILLION a year be nicer?


I am not clear on how these negotiations are handled, but couldn't the players just vote? I have a hard time believing the players would rather sit, cancel this season, possilby destory the NHL for good, than to settle for a $40 MILLION dollar cap...


Am I missing something???


By the way, if there is a season at all, this should be a fun little logistical nightmare for DirecTV... I already had my CenterIce refunded in full, but if they have a 30 game season, you can bet your ass Im calling em up!




My guess is is D* and cable will give away cenetr ice. I mean come on a 28 game season, what are you gonna charge, $25 bucks, and maybe 2M sign up. Thats 50M split to 30 teams, just give the dam thing away and try to get some fans interested again.


BTW, how cooked is Goodenow gonna be. I have never been in a union, but sure as stevestojan know that i would be pissed giving up 70% of my pay just to eliminate linkage from the deal that was offered in friggin Sept. Coudnt have gotten that done in DEC maybe. Dam, this dude is cooked

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