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Rex is torn TT or Cassel


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It's amazing that you can see that in three preseason games.


Personally I think the Bills should hold out for a QB whose ceiling is being able to fly like Superman and shoot laser beams from his eyes like an X-man.


If you can judge people in college, you can judge them in preseason. I'm getting annoyed with this argument. Sure preseason doesn't show everything, but for me it shows enough to get a sense of things.

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It's amazing that you can see that in three preseason games.

Though I don't agree with his comment, it's just as wild as proclaiming that TT is going to be good.....or any other definitive opinion people are espousing about the QBs. Some people are going to be right.....I just hope the coaches are in that group.

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And you somehow believe TT can't complete those same passes?


Well, they did have a comparable number of attempts with 30 for EJ and 31 for TT with EJ averaging 11.9 and TT averaging 7.6. That is telling.

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Okey dokey, Metz.


I never bought the Roman and Cassel report. I think it was always Taylor and that report was leaked to give the appearance of competition. Nothing about Roman's past tells us he would prefer a QB like Cassel over a mobile QB like Taylor.

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Remember two years ago, Jeff Tuel looked UNBELIEVABLE in a preseason game against the Colts? Didn;t he connect with Easley for like 100 yards in ine quarter or something? Actually Easley looked really good in a couple preseasons. I think he might be a more capable receiver than many realize.

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Remember two years ago, Jeff Tuel looked UNBELIEVABLE in a preseason game against the Colts? Didn;t he connect with Easley for like 100 yards in ine quarter or something? Actually Easley looked really good in a couple preseasons. I think he might be a more capable receiver than many realize.


Even in that game Tuel looked more like Taylor than EJ.

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I never bought the Roman and Cassel report. I think it was always Taylor and that report was leaked to give the appearance of competition. Nothing about Roman's past tells us he would prefer a QB like Cassel over a mobile QB like Taylor.

Dude it wasn't a report. It was a dude who told me directly and if I told you who it was and the circumstances surrounding it, you would apologize to me for questioning me. That being said, it was before the Cleveland game and for all I know Roman prefers Taylor now too.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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I never bought the Roman and Cassel report. I think it was always Taylor and that report was leaked to give the appearance of competition. Nothing about Roman's past tells us he would prefer a QB like Cassel over a mobile QB like Taylor.

Except that Kaep was forced on him by Harbaugh?


Roman's past of having Kaep be his starter means NOTHING. Mike Vick played for Rex, does that mean he loves mobile 34 year old QB's? Andy Reid drafted Foles, who can't run at all, when he had Vick. And now Reid has the mobile Smith. What does he prefer? Do we know?

Edited by FireChan
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Dude it wasn't a report. It was a dude who told me directly and if I told you who it was and the circumstances surrounding it, you would apologize to me for questioning me.


I apologize for questioning you. Please forgive me.

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I think one reason for the bills lack of success in recent years they are too busy playing it safe. Cassel is the safe play but the reward is MIN. Where does 9-7 and a mid teen to late teen first round pick get us in the get us in the big picture of things. Tyrod needs his shoot if they start 0-3, there still enough talent to make change and possible run. Even a very good team with a good QB, could start 0-3 to the Colts, Pats, and Miami on the road in Sept. Play Tyrod, see how he does.

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Roman is known to be a smart guy. It would be the height of stupidity and irresponsibility as a OC to have a impenetrable stance on a guy or guys the first month into learning your new system and before the last four weeks of training camp and all of the preseason games. There is zero chance IMO that Roman's mind was made up three weeks ago.


There is a very good chance that three weeks ago he preferred Cassel from what he knew and what he saw.


There is an equally very good chance that his mind has changed slightly or even significantly from what he saw in practices and in games once all three had another month into the system and played some games.

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OK, I'll play your game.


Even in a meaningless preseason game that tells you nothing, Tyrod Taylor could not make those reads or even attempt those throws.


What throws? What reads? A throw to a TE? He completed a couple of those. An intermediate throw? He completed those as well.


Do I know if TT will play as well as he has in the preseason in the regular season? No but the same goes for EJ.

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Roman is known to be a smart guy. It would be the height of stupidity and irresponsibility as a OC to have a impenetrable stance on a guy or guys the first month into learning your new system and before the last four weeks of training camp and all of the preseason games. There is zero chance IMO that Roman's mind was made up three weeks ago.


There is a very good chance that three weeks ago he preferred Cassel from what he knew and what he saw.


There is an equally very good chance that his mind has changed slightly or even significantly from what he saw in practices and in games once all three had another month into the system and played some games.


You underestimate what ego and stubbornness can do. Look at Chip Kelly. Heck, look at Doug Marrone.

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