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Happy Left Handers Day!

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Happy day you lefties!!


Maybe you all can help me out with a question I have. My son writes and colors with his right hand, but shows left handed preference for sports (i.e., lacrosse, hockey, baseball). Ho does throw a baseball with his right hand, but insist (and hits better) batting right. Did you all experience any right/left handed confusion growing up?

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Happy day you lefties!!


Maybe you all can help me out with a question I have. My son writes and colors with his right hand, but shows left handed preference for sports (i.e., lacrosse, hockey, baseball). Ho does throw a baseball with his right hand, but insist (and hits better) batting right. Did you all experience any right/left handed confusion growing up?





I write with my left but do everything else with my right.




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10% of people are left handed, and 22% of twins are left handed. I am a rightie, but fairly ambidextrous. I play hockey and golf leftie, and I am a switchhitter. Batting they say is the dominant eye forward is more important. There have been many MLB players who are rightie, but bat leftie. But one of the rarest things in baseball is a player who is a leftie, but bats rightie. Great trivia question- who is one of the only lefties who bats righty in MLB history?












Rickey Henderson

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Left handed -- writing, throwing a baseball, golfing, tennis, eating w/ utensils


Right handed -- shooting a basketball, throwing a football, hockey shot

Edited by eball
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