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Well, yeah.


But, for today, I kinda like these two better:


Coincidentally, when I read your posts here, in my head I've always imagined you sound just like those two colored ladies.


Perhaps when it comes to women and plastic surgery, this is more your style.



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Speaking of plastic surgery, John Kerry is a peach.

And FTR, I don't think Meghan Kelly's high school graduation picture and one of her today is any kind of proof of anything other than makeup and hairstyle changes over twenty or so years.


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And FTR, I don't think Meghan Kelly's high school graduation picture and one of her today is any kind of proof of anything other than makeup and hairstyle changes over twenty or so years.


Yes, but she asked a question about a presidential candidate fantasizing about one of his employees on her knees giving head. Then implies Megyn Kelly's problem is menstrual. So clearly Megyn is the problem here.


This isn't Trumps fault. Fox News is just trying to bury him...after giving him the mic on all the opinion shows for the past five years.


Besides, I'm sure when Trump is running against Hillary, no one will make an advertising loop of all the ways he's treated women like dirt. You can tell by how many libs are coming to his defense!

Edited by LABillzFan
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Yes, but she asked a question about a presidential candidate fantasizing about one of his employees on her knees giving head. Then implies Megyn Kelly's problem is menstrual. So clearly Megyn is the problem here.


This isn't Trumps fault. Fox News is just trying to bury him...after giving him the mic on all the opinion shows for the past five years.


Besides, I'm sure when Trump is running against Hillary, no one will make an advertising loop of all the ways he's treated women like dirt. You can tell by how many libs are coming to his defense!

I would have loved it if Donald would have just said"i'm sorry, I thought I was dealing with a professional media production " then took of the microphone and walked off stage.

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24 million people watched. The most-watched non-sports cable program of all time: http://edit.adweek.com/tvnewser/fox-news-has-most-watched-primary-debate-ever-24-million-tune-in/269157


Trump is great for the Republican party.


Wrong. Trump is treating the Republican Party like a trophy wife.


It becomes complicated when you have two distinct groups - one who pays into the system, the other who lives off it - and they both have an equal say.

It's like my wife's friend who lets her degenerate grown daughter & son in law live with her. She's the only one contributing to the household finances, but under one person one vote they can vote themselves a bigger portion of her paycheck.

The Founders' solution was to give the power of the vote to land owners. A similar stance today might be that voting would be restricted to net tax payers. That would never fly with the free cell phone crowd.

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Drudge poll has Trump as winner big time!




And Time:





Be nice to see polls that come out later this week


Despite the online polls, I do expect Trump to take a hit in the real polling later.


The RedState dis-invite might actually save him a bit. The establishment should've just been satisfied with the Trump vs Kelly squabble stealing his momentum. But now the dis-invite maybe looks like a conspiracy against him and reminds people that he's an outsider.


Still, I think a small hit in the polls is a good guess.

You might be seeing more of these ladies in the near future.


Agreed. They're awesome.



Wrong. Trump is treating the Republican Party like a trophy wife.


Even if you dislike Trump, you had 9 other candidates acting un-Trump-like and getting exposure to 24 million people, which is probably at least triple the amount of viewers who would've watched without Trump.


It is hard to spin that debate as anything but positive for the GOP.

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If Trump wasn't there the big story would be how Kelly beat up on poor Jeb Bush. She sliced him up with that Iraq question. He had no answer


And Jeb didn't cry about the treatment afterwards like a petulant child.


Great job to pick up the victimization baton, fringe GOP. BTW, how do you square the promise that America will be strong again when your flag bearer curls up after a tough question from a girl?

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The resurrection of Bloom County is the best thing to happen in my life in the past ten years.


(Yeah, it's been a pretty ****ty decade.)


It doesn't have to have been a bad decade for your statement to be true. I still have my Bloom County trade paperback that contained the tear-out record (a vinyl page with a 45 rpm recording on it) of Billy and the Boingers' song 'I'm a Boinger' (once torn out, I slid it into my copy of the 'This is Spinal Tap' sound track). Bloom County and The Far Side have always been untouchable classics.

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Great job to pick up the victimization baton, fringe GOP. BTW, how do you square the promise that America will be strong again when your flag bearer curls up after a tough question from a girl?


Don't you need to get back to the really long, boring, unnecessary discussion about whether Jon Stewart is a dishonest newsman?


Lol, we have all complained about the media for ages. Jon Stewart, Katie Couric, Candy Crowley, whomever.


To me, it'd be funny if THIS is how Trump finally loses poll support.


He doesn't lose it because he's asked a bunch of great policy questions and is dissected on rebuttal by alleged big-brained policy guru Jeb Bush.


Instead, Trump loses because of cries of "sexist!" and faux-outrage over an alleged menstruation joke, tactics borrowed from the Left.



LOL, what a tool that Red State guy is.

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1 person 1 vote.

It's not complicated.


It becomes complicated when you have two distinct groups - one who pays into the system, the other who lives off it - and they both have an equal say.

It's like my wife's friend who lets her degenerate grown daughter & son in law live with her. She's the only one contributing to the household finances, but under one person one vote they can vote themselves a bigger portion of her paycheck.



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