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Brady 4 game suspension upheld; Will go to court

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This story is becoming repulsive to me.

The Patriots broke the rules, again.

They have been having a 200-day-long temper tantrum on a national stage--I feel as if I'm watching a 6 year old kick and scream on the kitchen floor after being sent to his room to take a timeout for being caught with his hand in an empty cookie jar; crumbs on his shirt; melted chocolate on his face; and a half eaten cookie in his other hand, while 10 of his friends from elementary school sit by and say


even though you were given the longest timeout in family history last weekend for being busted video taping your mother's time in the kitchen, to know exactly when she takes a 5 minute break to take the trash out thus giving you the optimal window to steal cookies in;


and even though every other member of your family knows you steal cookies and have been accusing you of doing so for years;


and even though you petitioned your family to have full access to the cookie jar after mom bakes the cookies but before dessert time, and Mom dubiously said "ok";


and even though once you were given access to that cookie jar, the number of cookies in it decreased at a rate so much faster than every other cookie jar in the city;


and even though other members of the family said "look out at this cookie jar at this specific time, he's going to steal a cookie";


and even though you got caught stealing that specific cookie;


and even though you hired 2 people to stand next to the cookie jar, watch for mom, and then text you to say "oh mr cookie monster, it's time to eat :)";


and even though you destroyed the cellphone that said "oh mr cookie monster, it's time to eat :)";


and even though there's video evidence of one of your newly-hired friends taking the cookie jar down from the shelf, bringing it into a closet for 2 minutes, and then putting it back on the shelf;


and even though you whined so much about being caught with your hand in a cookie jar that the family had to hire lawyers and get a third party to rule that "it was more probable than not that you were stealing cookies", to add some "impartial voice of justice" to a process that always should have (and always was going to) result in you getting a time out for a few minutes;


even though ALL that is true--


his 10 friends from elementary school still sit by and high five each other... "more probable than not... totally an inside job... amiriteorwutguyz... *high five*"


Long story short: it's the fans of the Patriots that are making this more frustrating than Tom Brady himself.


We've always said they were bandwagon fans--but to be so unable to accept the bad part of sports...after being so ungracious as "champions" for the past decade and a half (I live in the New England region, theyre bad, beleive me)... it's just incredibly frustrating to watch an entire fan base fight tooth and nail against their comeuppance. Why follow sports if you're going to bury your head in the sand when things don't go your way?

It's the bad spots that make the victories so much fun. Why defend the honor of a cheater?

That's the heart of it, right there. Why defend the honor of a known cheater? It's as if the entire fan base is willing to turn their back on the moral system of the universe, but then demand that the rest of the country respects their accomplishments. Lol.

But there was no precedent of deserving a timeout for stealing cookies before mom!!!!!

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But there was no precedent of deserving a timeout for stealing cookies before mom!!!!!


Or worse yet:

"Our younger brother (you know, the one who eats glitter and takes a special bus to school) told the news that I stole 11 of the 12 cookies in the jar, but how would he know that! He can't prove it's 11 out of 12!!!! Look Mom, I even made a website that shows I'm innocent, and all my friends from school believe me! It doesn't matter if I've been stealing cookies for 12 years, I'm above punishment, I HAVE GOOD HAIR AND A UNIQUE CHIN. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT THE GOOD LOOKING SON WITH THE PRETTY GIRLFRIEND DOESN'T HAVE TO DO THE WHOLE TIME OUT THING?"

Edited by JohnnyGold
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Or worse yet:

"Our younger brother (you know, the one who eats glitter and takes a special bus to school) told the news that I stole 11 of the 12 cookies in the jar, but how would he know that! He can't prove it's 11 out of 12!!!! Look Mom, I even made a website that shows I'm innocent, and all my friends from school believe me! It doesn't matter if I've been stealing cookies for 12 years, I'm above punishment, I HAVE GOOD HAIR AND A UNIQUE CHIN. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT THE GOOD LOOKING SON WITH THE PRETTY GIRLFRIEND DOESN'T HAVE TO DO THE WHOLE TIME OUT THING?"

it wasn't me mom I swear



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So the patriots leak false information and pretend the NFL did it to try to discredit the NFL and then act all offended. Cheaters gonna cheat. They can't help it. I wasn't for invalidating their championships before, but it has to be considered now.

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So the patriots leak false information and pretend the NFL did it to try to discredit the NFL and then act all offended. Cheaters gonna cheat. They can't help it. I wasn't for invalidating their championships before, but it has to be considered now.


this thread is moving so fast it is hard for a working family man to keep up--can you link to this article? (i'm not being facetious).

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I think he does it for free to keep his amateur status. He's really hoping to receive the gold medal in crazy.

That is probably your most awesome post to date. I think we have an understanding

To me, they are the New England Sociopaths.

getting closer

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will this court be open to the public?


Judge wants Goodell, Brady in court Aug. 12, 19

CSpan? maybe? I'd love to see it


Depends on the judge's preferences. The judge is calling the August 12th conference a "status/settlement" conference, but the focus will likely be on settlement. Different judges have different approaches to settlement discussions; some will only speak to all of the parties together, in which case it might be conducted in open court. Others take a more active mediation role, and will speak with the parties separately in turn, which usually occurs in private. Given the intense media interest, I would bet that Judge Berman will conduct the August 12th conference in private. The August 19th conference is styled as a "status/settlement/oral argument" conference, which, if the parties will be giving argument on their respective positions, will likely be open, at least in part, to the public.


No cameras allowed in federal court in the Southern District of New York, as far as I know.

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The judge is going to say: "Mr. Brady, so I understand the facts here: You directed team employees to set the air pressure of game balls below the limit established by league rules, correct? And this was in a playoff game, correct? And in the process, these employees stole game balls after their air pressure had been measured by an official, correct? And you had multiple phone calls with these employees in the days following the game, correct? Mr. Brady, have you ever heard of a single instance of game balls being stolen from game officials in the entire history of the NFL? So you agree that this is an unprecedented violation? And that therefore it is no surprise that the CBA doesn't cover this specific violation? Do you also agree that the CBA gives NFL players an obligation to share information about cheating? Did you do that? On your way out of my courtroom this morning, I'd like you to stop by my chambers, Mr. Brady. My bailiff and I are going to kick your ass."



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How did the patriots even know the 2lb number was bad? If they had the right numbers, why didn't they put them out there themselves.


Then again, how did they have the right numbers? Maybe it's because they knew how much they deflated the balls themselves.

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How did the patriots even know the 2lb number was bad? If they had the right numbers, why didn't they put them out there themselves.

Then again, how did they have the right numbers? Maybe it's because they knew how much they deflated the balls themselves.

That's an interesting point, but I think it was a different, smaller leak they were referring to in those emails. I also think Patriot* mouthpiece Florio and others are putting way too much emphasis on the Mort report (which I also believe the Pats* did rebut at the time via their own leaks). Instead, to me the smoking gun was and always has been the texts between the two ball boys, which no one has to this point sufficiently explained away for obvious reasons.

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That's an interesting point, but I think it was a different, smaller leak they were referring to in those emails. I also think Patriot* mouthpiece Florio and others are putting way too much emphasis on the Mort report (which I also believe the Pats* did rebut at the time via their own leaks). Instead, to me the smoking gun was and always has been the texts between the two ball boys, which no one has to this point sufficiently explained away for obvious reasons.

a) other than losing weight?

b) why were they fired?

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This story is becoming repulsive to me.

The Patriots broke the rules, again.

They have been having a 200-day-long temper tantrum on a national stage--I feel as if I'm watching a 6 year old kick and scream on the kitchen floor after being sent to his room to take a timeout for being caught with his hand in an empty cookie jar; crumbs on his shirt; melted chocolate on his face; and a half eaten cookie in his other hand, while 10 of his friends from elementary school sit by and say


even though you were given the longest timeout in family history last weekend for being busted video taping your mother's time in the kitchen, to know exactly when she takes a 5 minute break to take the trash out thus giving you the optimal window to steal cookies in;


and even though every other member of your family knows you steal cookies and have been accusing you of doing so for years;


and even though you petitioned your family to have full access to the cookie jar after mom bakes the cookies but before dessert time, and Mom dubiously said "ok";


and even though once you were given access to that cookie jar, the number of cookies in it decreased at a rate so much faster than every other cookie jar in the city;


and even though other members of the family said "look out at this cookie jar at this specific time, he's going to steal a cookie";


and even though you got caught stealing that specific cookie;


and even though you hired 2 people to stand next to the cookie jar, watch for mom, and then text you to say "oh mr cookie monster, it's time to eat :)";


and even though you destroyed the cellphone that said "oh mr cookie monster, it's time to eat :)";


and even though there's video evidence of one of your newly-hired friends taking the cookie jar down from the shelf, bringing it into a closet for 2 minutes, and then putting it back on the shelf;


and even though you whined so much about being caught with your hand in a cookie jar that the family had to hire lawyers and get a third party to rule that "it was more probable than not that you were stealing cookies", to add some "impartial voice of justice" to a process that always should have (and always was going to) result in you getting a time out for a few minutes;


even though ALL that is true--


his 10 friends from elementary school still sit by and high five each other... "more probable than not... totally an inside job... amiriteorwutguyz... *high five*"


Long story short: it's the fans of the Patriots that are making this more frustrating than Tom Brady himself.


We've always said they were bandwagon fans--but to be so unable to accept the bad part of sports...after being so ungracious as "champions" for the past decade and a half (I live in the New England region, theyre bad, beleive me)... it's just incredibly frustrating to watch an entire fan base fight tooth and nail against their comeuppance. Why follow sports if you're going to bury your head in the sand when things don't go your way?

It's the bad spots that make the victories so much fun. Why defend the honor of a cheater?

That's the heart of it, right there. Why defend the honor of a known cheater? It's as if the entire fan base is willing to turn their back on the moral system of the universe, but then demand that the rest of the country respects their accomplishments. Lol.

I agree totally!

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That's an interesting point, but I think it was a different, smaller leak they were referring to in those emails. I also think Patriot* mouthpiece Florio and others are putting way too much emphasis on the Mort report (which I also believe the Pats* did rebut at the time via their own leaks). Instead, to me the smoking gun was and always has been the texts between the two ball boys, which no one has to this point sufficiently explained away for obvious reasons.

I agree, that and Brady's lies and destruction of his cell phone. At this point nothing other than the actual phone is believable. He has already proven he is not honest and therefore can not be trusted.


My daughter recently switched from a Android phone to an iPhone AND when she did, the iPhone had her text messages from her old phone. However, I can't say that all carriers work this way?


Also Ian Rapoport had published weeks prior to the 1st email that "11 of the 12 balls used by the Patriots were under the allowed limit of 12.5 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) of pressure. However, most of the balls were not nearly as deflated as many originally believed.

As far as the 11 footballs that I am told were below the 12.5 PSI, one was about two pounds under," Rapoport said on NFL Network. "Several were about a pound under, and several more were just a tick below 12.5 PSI."


So it's not like everyone was running around using the -2lb premise.

Edited by SRQ_BillsFan
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Pats* fans will tell you the NFL ordered them fired, but the League immediately denied that.

and that emails went back and forth suggesting they were only put on suspension for a few weeks fefore the NFL hammer fell.


curious ... I know one "deflated" ball was sold by a lady in the stands who got one after a score.


Has any of the stolen deflated balls turned up? IIRC a few went missing after the game.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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