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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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You hold up the Nordic countries as the great socialist success story when in truth it does not resemble the brand of socialism you or Bernie Sanders subscribe to.

tell me what part of this is not entirely consistent with what i've written on ppp:

universal healthcare, free education through university levels, comprehensive care for the elderly and the disabled, paid parental leave following childbirth, and extensive employment and pension benefits. Compassion and care for the well-being of all citizens, diligently managed and woven into the DNA of the citizenry, while building wealth, successful global commerce


i'll admit that i didn't express it as well but those are the same principles. and they are very similar to nbernie's and entirely consistent.

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I see. You can't explain it.


More name calling. Nice.

How is it my job to educate you?


And no, it isn't "name calling". In the world I work in, if you offered such an uneducated opinion on a relevant matter, you'd be fired. No questions asked.


There is merit in that.

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you might want to read the economist link as well.

I'll post a more detailed response in the morning, but why haven't you used Volvo or Saab as examples? Just asking?

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It's not and I never said it was. Keep your knowledge under your hat. Smart.

No, you seem to think it is. You have access to the materials that I read, and you've dismissed my summary opinion as bull ****; yet you refuse to read the source material, and have even defended your functional ignorance by stating that those who signed the law didn't read it either.


Then you have the gall to demand I reexplain facts that you've already dismissed out of hand, so that you can redismiss them out of hand, still having never bothered to actually educate yourself.


How could anyone read what you're writing and not think that you're an absolute moron.


Read the !@#$ing law, then form an opinion. That's how knowledge works. How is it possible that you don't get this?

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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It's not and I never said it was. Keep your knowledge under your hat. Smart.

That's not how this site works.


Unless you demonstrate a basic level of competence in a subject, you will be treated as an abject idiot. People who refuse to do basic homework to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject get treated worse than abject idiots.


It's not our job to educate you.

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That's not how this site works.

Unless you demonstrate a basic level of competence in a subject, you will be treated as an abject idiot. People who refuse to do basic homework to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject get treated worse than abject idiots.

It's not our job to educate you.



I thought the way it worked was if someone spouted an opinion and someone else asked them to clarify, they would post up some explanation or link or something Germaine. Not a link to the Encyclopedia Britanica.


Silly me. Sillier even is that you are the decider on who is worthy to discuss things.


Have you read the whole Patriot Act like Magox? Impressive that he has.

Edited by reddogblitz
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I thought the way it worked was if someone spouted an opinion and someone else asked them to clarify, they would post up some explanation or link or something Germaine. Not a link to the Encyclopedia Britanica.


Silly me. Sillier even is that you are the decided on who is worthy to discuss things.


Have you read the whole Patriot Act like Magox? Impressive that he has.



Edited by Azalin
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I never offered any opinion other than I think it's good Bernie voted against it and I still do. I just asked you to clarify yours which obviously you can't or won't do.


If you have to read the whole Patriot Act to discuss it, then you and a few others can discuss it in a telephone booth. Good for you for reading. Would be nice if you could share some of your magnificent insights, but alas, for some reason won't.


More name calling. Nice.

You are putting yourself at a disadvantage when you haven't read the material. Frankly speaking, you aren't looking very bright here and that is doing a disservice to yourself. Just because you are arguing with a prick or two doesn't mean you are right. Man up and read the Act.

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i thought we were discussing bernie sanders and his particular leanings in regards to socialism, not how you or anyone else chooses to define it:




We are discussing socialism, so why in the world would you post a link to an article that says these things:


As a result, Finland has become much more market- and entrepreneur-friendly. It has produced an impressive number of start-ups, including 300 founded by former Nokia employees


Today fashionable young people worship successful tech entrepreneurs such as Niklas Zennström, the co-founder of Skype, and Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon, the co-founders of Spotify. Mr Winbladh says that his biggest problem is to attract young talent from other start-ups. They all shudder at the thought of spending their lives in big organisations.


Despite all this entrepreneurial energy, the Nordic region still finds it hard to turn start-ups into enduring companies. There are too many examples of successful entrepreneurs who have upped sticks and gone elsewhere. These include not just members of the post-war generation such as Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of giant IKEA (who lives in Switzerland), and Hans Rausing, the founder of Tetra Pak, a huge packaging company (who went to live in England), but also members of the up-and-coming generation. Mr Zennström, along with many of the brightest Swedish investors and entrepreneurs in his age group, lives in London. Too many successful start-ups still choose to sell themselves to foreign (mainly American) multinationals rather than becoming local champions.



So basically, Nordics are trying to create their own Silicon Valley, and that to you is a hallmark of socialism?


Now on to Ikea.


I know that you haven't received your marching orders from the coastal urban progressive overlords about Ikea, because they love the idea of a company making stylish and cheap good that adorn their apartments (especially when they can pay a handyman $75 to assemble the particle wood junk). Too bad they can't extend the same olive branch to Walmart, which makes cheap stuff for people in rural America. Because you know, cheap stuff for urbanites is cool. Cheap stuff for country bumpkins is not.


But let's look under the covers. Has Walmart ever used slave labor in their business? If you care about CO2 emissions why are you ambivalent about a single company that uses 1% of global wood stock for its product? Let's call Bill Nye and ask him if trees are important in controlling CO2 levels. But yeah, it's Walmart that's the bad guy.


As to Ikea's business model, how is a global giant with operations in 42 countries a symbol of socialism? Only 5% of their costs are incurred in Sweden.



I thought the way it worked was if someone spouted an opinion and someone else asked them to clarify, they would post up some explanation or link or something Germaine. Not a link to the Encyclopedia Britanica.


Silly me. Sillier even is that you are the decider on who is worthy to discuss things.


Have you read the whole Patriot Act like Magox? Impressive that he has.


Perhaps you should change your screen name to Low Information Voter. Do you have all information spoon fed to you? How do you trust the source of your news if you're unwilling to do basic homework? You were given a summary and the full Act. You don't need to read the entire law, and just glance at the section headings and skim the paragraphs to see that the bulk of the law lifted other regulations or amended existing laws to include "terrorism" in the definitions.


Why do you think the law which encompassed so many Federal departments passed so quickly?

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Interesting. So at least in non-election years, Matthews can on occasion stop shilling for Dems. That was almost as entertaining as Pelosi's MtP interview where she declared NG isn't a fossil fuel.

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We are discussing socialism, so why in the world would you post a link to an article that says these things:



So basically, Nordics are trying to create their own Silicon Valley, and that to you is a hallmark of socialism?


Now on to Ikea.


I know that you haven't received your marching orders from the coastal urban progressive overlords about Ikea, because they love the idea of a company making stylish and cheap good that adorn their apartments (especially when they can pay a handyman $75 to assemble the particle wood junk). Too bad they can't extend the same olive branch to Walmart, which makes cheap stuff for people in rural America. Because you know, cheap stuff for urbanites is cool. Cheap stuff for country bumpkins is not.


But let's look under the covers. Has Walmart ever used slave labor in their business? If you care about CO2 emissions why are you ambivalent about a single company that uses 1% of global wood stock for its product? Let's call Bill Nye and ask him if trees are important in controlling CO2 levels. But yeah, it's Walmart that's the bad guy.


As to Ikea's business model, how is a global giant with operations in 42 countries a symbol of socialism? Only 5% of their costs are incurred in Sweden.



Perhaps you should change your screen name to Low Information Voter. Do you have all information spoon fed to you? How do you trust the source of your news if you're unwilling to do basic homework? You were given a summary and the full Act. You don't need to read the entire law, and just glance at the section headings and skim the paragraphs to see that the bulk of the law lifted other regulations or amended existing laws to include "terrorism" in the definitions.


Why do you think the law which encompassed so many Federal departments passed so quickly?

I can't believe Low Information Poster isn't already posting here. Can someone tell him both Obama and Clinton drop by to post sometimes?

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We are discussing socialism, so why in the world would you post a link to an article that says these things:



So basically, Nordics are trying to create their own Silicon Valley, and that to you is a hallmark of socialism?


Now on to Ikea.


I know that you haven't received your marching orders from the coastal urban progressive overlords about Ikea, because they love the idea of a company making stylish and cheap good that adorn their apartments (especially when they can pay a handyman $75 to assemble the particle wood junk). Too bad they can't extend the same olive branch to Walmart, which makes cheap stuff for people in rural America. Because you know, cheap stuff for urbanites is cool. Cheap stuff for country bumpkins is not.


But let's look under the covers. Has Walmart ever used slave labor in their business? If you care about CO2 emissions why are you ambivalent about a single company that uses 1% of global wood stock for its product? Let's call Bill Nye and ask him if trees are important in controlling CO2 levels. But yeah, it's Walmart that's the bad guy.


As to Ikea's business model, how is a global giant with operations in 42 countries a symbol of socialism? Only 5% of their costs are incurred in Sweden.


Yes, ikea has lost its way re social justice. the founder lives in switzerland now as the piece says. and yes, he's exploiting the environment and workers. but the point is that he and his company are a product of an economic system much closer to socialism than our own. a system that achieves many of the goals american liberals seek. and that same system continues to produce entrepeneurs encouraged and supported by the state. its a model sanders has mentioned and clearly admires. its a model for the more progressive western european countries and they've actually incorporated it much more than we have. i believe bern would attempt to do the same.


as far as walmart vs ikea, i just assembled a sauder bookcase from wallyworld. it just doesn't have the design and style of ikea and i think the quality is lower as well. when walmart catches on to the post modern trend aNd starts selling stuff that might show up on a madmen episode, i'll buy. by then, there will probably be a newer, more interesting design trend. it's not about city versus country.

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Yes, ikea has lost its way re social justice. the founder lives in switzerland now as the piece says. and yes, he's exploiting the environment and workers. but the point is that he and his company are a product of an economic system much closer to socialism than our own.


Put. The. Shovel. Down.

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