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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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:lol::lol: Good on Bernie.


During Hillary's primary loss to Obama, I wasn't as engaged in the process as I am now, so I was surprised to recently find out that Hillary was very much in this same place back then; she had the superdelegates, but Barry had the mo, ultimately leading to some of the superdelegates changing from Hillary to Barry.


She seems to be playing Jauron-ball now; keeping things low and quiet after Bernie decisively swept the West. Now she is refusing to debate him unless he changes his tone, which to me says she is VERY worried about a repeat of history.


I explain all of this because Hillary is starting to come across as the Leodis McKelvin of the DNC. With a lead against the Patriots* and little time left on the clock, there is NO WAY he's going to fumble the punt this time.


Right? :unsure:

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During Hillary's primary loss to Obama, I wasn't as engaged in the process as I am now, so I was surprised to recently find out that Hillary was very much in this same place back then; she had the superdelegates, but Barry had the mo, ultimately leading to some of the superdelegates changing from Hillary to Barry.


She seems to be playing Jauron-ball now; keeping things low and quiet after Bernie decisively swept the West. Now she is refusing to debate him unless he changes his tone, which to me says she is VERY worried about a repeat of history.


I explain all of this because Hillary is starting to come across as the Leodis McKelvin of the DNC. With a lead against the Patriots* and little time left on the clock, there is NO WAY he's going to fumble the punt this time.


Right? :unsure:


That's a great analogy. :lol:


I already miss Leo.

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That's a great analogy. :lol:


I already miss Leo.


No it's a terrible analogy. Keep the football over on the dork board.


Here's a shock:


Despite my political beliefs, I'd vote Sanders over Trump in a general election.




This is weird. I was thinking the exact same thing this morning.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Here's a shock:


Despite my political beliefs, I'd vote Sanders over Trump in a general election.


But I will never, and i mean NEVER vote for that woman. I'd sooner vote for the protofascist than that shrill, criminal harpy.


!@#$ her.


I don't think you are alone. The Democrat party should ignore the vast number of people who dislike here and will NEVER vote for her at their own peril.


But hard core Democrats don't understand this. At the caucus on Saturday some lady was yammering on about friends of hers who said they would vote for Trump if Hillary gets the nomination and she couldn't understand it. I told here there are MANY Americans who are fed up with business as usual paid for politicians (which Hillary exemplifies) and are mad as hell. She looked at me like I had 2 heads. Clueless. But it seems the party big whigs are like her.

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I don't think you are alone. The Democrat party should ignore the vast number of people who dislike here and will NEVER vote for her at their own peril.


But hard core Democrats don't understand this. At the caucus on Saturday some lady was yammering on about friends of hers who said they would vote for Trump if Hillary gets the nomination and she couldn't understand it. I told here there are MANY Americans who are fed up with business as usual paid for politicians (which Hillary exemplifies) and are mad as hell. She looked at me like I had 2 heads. Clueless. But it seems the party big whigs are like her.


It's interesting. I've mentioned recently how I've not really seen any Hillary bumper sticker here in The People's Republic of NorCal. It's been predominantly Bernie ones. Well I've notice three Hillary ones the past week and zero Bernie. And the drivers of those three cars were women. And now that I think about it compared to the Obama stickers of 2008/2012 there are very few Hillary OR Bernie bumper stickers here. That actually says a lot.

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I don't think you are alone. The Democrat party should ignore the vast number of people who dislike here and will NEVER vote for her at their own peril.


But hard core Democrats don't understand this. At the caucus on Saturday some lady was yammering on about friends of hers who said they would vote for Trump if Hillary gets the nomination and she couldn't understand it. I told here there are MANY Americans who are fed up with business as usual paid for politicians (which Hillary exemplifies) and are mad as hell. She looked at me like I had 2 heads. Clueless. But it seems the party big whigs are like her.


What makes it shocking is I'm a libertarian.




My protest vote of the past several decades hasn't gotten me anywhere, though.

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Hey Bernie...........get the idea yet ?......................The (ironically named) democrat Party wants Hillary in.............not you








Get used to it, Bernie. The overlords have spoken, and their SoProg sheep will quietly do as they're told because they are mindless nutbags.


But hey...at least they don't consider themselves a slightly-smarter racist skinhead.


So they have that going for them, Which is nice.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Sanders is winning the battle of ideas: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/274810-sanders-is-winning-the-battle-of-ideas


To use a phrase that President Kennedy often employed, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) is winning the battle of ideas in the presidential campaign by a landslide.

The RealClearPolitics average of polls shows Sanders defeating Republican front-runner Donald Trump by more than 17 percentage points, defeating Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) by 10 points and defeating Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) by 2 points, a smaller margin but still advantage Sanders. Sanders runs stronger than Hillary Clinton (D) in match-up polling against all three Republican contenders.

In the Democratic race, Clinton has been moving to adapt the Sanders tone of progressive populism, which is good for Clinton, good for Democrats and a major victory for Sanders.

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Sanders is winning the battle of ideas: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/274810-sanders-is-winning-the-battle-of-ideas


To use a phrase that President Kennedy often employed, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) is winning the battle of ideas in the presidential campaign by a landslide.

The RealClearPolitics average of polls shows Sanders defeating Republican front-runner Donald Trump by more than 17 percentage points, defeating Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) by 10 points and defeating Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) by 2 points, a smaller margin but still advantage Sanders. Sanders runs stronger than Hillary Clinton (D) in match-up polling against all three Republican contenders.

In the Democratic race, Clinton has been moving to adapt the Sanders tone of progressive populism, which is good for Clinton, good for Democrats and a major victory for Sanders.


Ok kind of busy here so couldn't really read much of the article but what the !@#$ is the battle of ideas???

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