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How Much $$ Is To Much $$

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Since free agency hit the NFL it has been 10 times harder to build & sustain a winning team or as they called it back in the day "A Dynasty".


This next couple of years the Bills will be hard pressed to keep a lot of the players that are up for new contracts because of the ridiculous amounts of money the players are expected to get paid .


The NFL finally got smart & put a rookie salary cap on the players coming into the league so they would have to prove themselves before they went out to make the big bucks , and the Vets could get more money as it should be.


Along with each team having a salary for said team per year & the rookie salary cap should there be another cap put in place ? Should there be a limit on how much one individual is allowed to get paid per contract or per year ?


The reason why i ask this is because in the Bills situation we have Mario making a huge contract , Hughes now making a large contract & next year Dareus will be opting to make the same money as Suh got which with the salary cap per team hurts each team that tries to keep their corp players to build a good team for a long period of time .


Not to mention Glenn, Gilmore, Bradham , & others coming up for new contracts .


How much money is to much ? I know it's a dangerous game but when it comes down to pay day some of these guys are making in the Hundreds of Thousands per game which is only what 3 hrs tops ?


I know i'll probably catch some hell for this but i would like to see some kind of cap put on individual contracts as to help keep a player on a team . You know that Dareus & others want to hit the FA market in order to start a bidding war just to see who will pay the most money .


Then in a few short years the team finds them selves in the position of not having enough funds to keep the players around because of other contracts like the Bills have . Even despite what Hughes said how much he loved playing with these guys & how good they played off of each other if he would have hit the market he would have been gone . He even said there would be no home town discount ...


Albert Haynesworth was doing great till he went for the big money & where did that go ? Isn't it better to stay with a scheme & a team that has a chance to put your self in the record books by winning a SB , or is it better to go down as having the biggest pay day & then being a bust ?


If your going to make big bucks just go be a lawyer or something .


The contracts are getting way to expensive , starting to be like B Ball pretty soon players will be playing to half empty stadiums because ticket prices will be outrageous & no one will be able to afford going to the games because of the ridiculous contracts .


When or where will it stop ??

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As currently structured, the Bills lack top-end talent at the most expensive position, which is QB. If you cap individual salaries at some level, the teams with top end QBs would benefit more than us, because they could keep those QBs and divert some of the money that would otherwise go to those QBs to salaries for players at other positions.


Even if it wasn't anti-American, why would you want to put the Bills at a bigger competitive disadvantage to the teams that already have top end QBs?


Common, man!

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As currently structured, the Bills lack top-end talent at the most expensive position, which is QB. If you cap individual salaries at some level, the teams with top end QBs would benefit more than us, because they could keep those QBs and divert some of the money that would otherwise go to those QBs to salaries for players at other positions.


Even if it wasn't anti-American, why would you want to put the Bills at a bigger competitive disadvantage to the teams that already have top end QBs?


Common, man!

This is a very good point CSWID.


To cap contracts is only going to help the good teams. This might seem fine to a Bills fan ATM as we now have a slew of talented players, but I think we would have suffered in the recent past. Likely we wouldn't have signed Mario....who posibly would have gone to a contender team(Pats?). Also, what if the Dolphins got Suh for a much cheaper price? Do they then keep Clay? Does he go to a team like the Packers who have more cap dollars from Rogers?

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I think the answer is to cut out the costs which can be replaced and dedicate all the cash which football teams collect from fan and see that devoted only to producing the best product.


Looking at things from this cost/benefit I think the intelligent thing to do is not necessarily to cut the costs paid in a free market to the players, but instead look to cut the cash paid to th owners and Roger Goodell.


Why would you advocate first cutting the payments that a player like Mario Williams gets from the market when it would seem more rational to me to first chuck the $40 million + paid to Goodell to seemingly routinely make bad decisions or to an idiot like Jerry Jones to add ridiculously little to the product.


You seem to be advocating taking cash away from someone (as un-American as that is) If we are gonna live in your fantasy world where this could happen, rather than worry about the 60+% of the total receipts going to the players it makes more sense to eliminate the 39% which goes to the owners who really add little to the quality of the product. I'd much rather see 32 teams using the Green Bay Packers model than the current limited value being provided by team owners and Roger Goodell to the game.

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Sooner or later each team will have to designate two or three "Big Money" players and then fill in the rest of the roster with second tier players. In most cases, the QB will be one of the Big Money players, along with a DE or LB. The GM will have to figure out how to manage the money so that the drop off to the second tier players is not too debilitating. That will be a new GM skill that people will be talking about for the next few years. And comparing current or future GMs to those in the past will no longer be relevant (cough, cough, Polian).

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It makes every draft pick critical to be right. Knowing good players to trade for like Hughes. Outside the salary cap a team can get the best coaches possible and more then in the past to be more thorough.


A much bigger scouting staff to find the best players even in other countries.

Edited by ALF
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Since free agency hit the NFL it has been 10 times harder to build & sustain a winning team or as they called it back in the day "A Dynasty".


This next couple of years the Bills will be hard pressed to keep a lot of the players that are up for new contracts because of the ridiculous amounts of money the players are expected to get paid .


The NFL finally got smart & put a rookie salary cap on the players coming into the league so they would have to prove themselves before they went out to make the big bucks , and the Vets could get more money as it should be.


Along with each team having a salary for said team per year & the rookie salary cap should there be another cap put in place ? Should there be a limit on how much one individual is allowed to get paid per contract or per year ?


The reason why i ask this is because in the Bills situation we have Mario making a huge contract , Hughes now making a large contract & next year Dareus will be opting to make the same money as Suh got which with the salary cap per team hurts each team that tries to keep their corp players to build a good team for a long period of time .


Not to mention Glenn, Gilmore, Bradham , & others coming up for new contracts .


How much money is to much ? I know it's a dangerous game but when it comes down to pay day some of these guys are making in the Hundreds of Thousands per game which is only what 3 hrs tops ?


I know i'll probably catch some hell for this but i would like to see some kind of cap put on individual contracts as to help keep a player on a team . You know that Dareus & others want to hit the FA market in order to start a bidding war just to see who will pay the most money .


Then in a few short years the team finds them selves in the position of not having enough funds to keep the players around because of other contracts like the Bills have . Even despite what Hughes said how much he loved playing with these guys & how good they played off of each other if he would have hit the market he would have been gone . He even said there would be no home town discount ...


Albert Haynesworth was doing great till he went for the big money & where did that go ? Isn't it better to stay with a scheme & a team that has a chance to put your self in the record books by winning a SB , or is it better to go down as having the biggest pay day & then being a bust ?


If your going to make big bucks just go be a lawyer or something .


The contracts are getting way to expensive , starting to be like B Ball pretty soon players will be playing to half empty stadiums because ticket prices will be outrageous & no one will be able to afford going to the games because of the ridiculous contracts .


When or where will it stop ??

A thoughtful post. The NFL, imho, should negotiate and adopt an NBA style cap on what one player can earn. Of course, its easier to do that in the NBA, where there are only 5 starters per team........still...that is where your arguments here are heading.

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Why don't we cap what the owners make instead

Rather than cap them, my hope is that the players would just cut them out of the process. The owners were a necessary part of the process back in the day when the NFL was being constructed as these sportsmen were the main source of capital.


However, its a new day and with the TV nets being the main source of capital, the individual owners are little more than a relic of the past. It would be a tough transition because players careers are so short, but if the end result of getting rid of the team owners and replacing them with a series of Green Bay management style teams we would cut costs by about 40% which could be split between even more $ for the players and even a cost savings for fans.


I have zero desire to watch Jerry Jones don shoulder pads. Why do some fans want to see the players cut out rather than have the owners cut out as long as we are choosing fantasies?

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Who exactly is the 'we' in that absurd scenario?

You know, "we". As in "us", the Stalin family.


(Too far?)


I'll vote with my feet if I can't take it anymore. So far, I don't begrudge the owners anything. If tickets, parking and beer (or the Sunday Ticket) are too expensive, I'll stop paying... as much as I'd hate that.

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Since free agency hit the NFL it has been 10 times harder to build & sustain a winning team or as they called it back in the day "A Dynasty".



3 teams (NE, Steelers, Giants) have played in 10 of the last 15 Super Bowls.


Find a franchise QB and you van let a guy like Mario walk any time you want.


The salary cap is dominated by the TV money. Even so, there were zero blackouts last season. Attendance has been stable for the pat 8 years in total tickets sold. NFL player's contracts are not guaranteed, so there can be no comparison to MLB.


Stop worrying.

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The NFL has a good system. There's no need to change it. Capping what one player can make only makes sense in a league with a soft salary cap (like the NBA). Since the QB position is so much more valuable than any other I don't see a soft cap as a good solution in the NFL. Teams will make mistakes giving certain players over-inflated contracts; that's just part of the game.

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You know, "we". As in "us", the Stalin family.


(Too far?)


I'll vote with my feet if I can't take it anymore. So far, I don't begrudge the owners anything. If tickets, parking and beer (or the Sunday Ticket) are too expensive, I'll stop paying... as much as I'd hate that.

You do realize don't you that the owners have already been capped by the CBA agreement with the NFLPA near the end of the last century? Rather than the Stalin family imposing a cap on the owners, it was the owners themselves that heartily rejected a free market when the players threatened to decertify themselves as a bargaining agent for the players after the owners simply crushed the AFL-CIO led NFLPA by imposing a lockout on the players during their mid-80s contract dispute.


The owners so effectively destroyed the NFLPA with the hiring of "replacement" players that a talented tenth of players led by Gene Upshaw were able to team up with some smart NYC lawyers to sell the players on the idea of threatening decertification which would have forced the owners into a free ,market where they bargained with individual players to sign personal services contracts.


It became clear that a "free" market would kill the NFL and the owners rushed to agree to a complex CBA which sheltered a ton of income for the owners for items such as designated premium seats.


Upshaw and his talented of smart NFL players agreed to the new designated gross system since it delivered more $ to the players than ever before. They held their fire until the CBA called for a mandated renegotiation early in the 21st century. Upshaw started off these "negotiations" by unilaterally announcing the end of designated grosses and declared the new cap would not only be calculated off of total gross receipts, but that the player share needed to start with a 6!


The final agreement awarded the players 60.5% of the total gross receipts.


The problem here is that actually many ideological fools do not realize that the NFL in no way is a free market (the NFLPA and the owners have been allowed by the courts to restrain trade for individuals by forcing NFL players to participate in a draft which forces individual Americans to only negotiate with one team. Even further the courts have allowed the NFL and NFLPA to bar adult Americans from even playing NFL football until they are 21. How un-American, how downright Cuban to force adults to play and live where they are assigned by a draft rather than choose to live wherever they want like most Mericans.


The NFL is perhaps the greatest version in the world of doing business based on a social contract rather than a free market.


You do understand this don't you?

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