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Espn NFL Nation reporters predict 5-11 season for Bills

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I think if Marrone was still coach of this team they would't be doing it either. But after he quit many here want to paint Marrone as the biggest POS coach this organization has ever seen so they want to take away the winning record.


I might be on board with questioning the result of the game if the Pats were beating the Bills until they pulled Brady and then the Bills came back. But the fact is the Bills led start to finish and while the Pats didn't play all their starters the Bills were down two of their best defenders. And as much as I dislike Marrone he had the team prepared to play that week when they could have just packed it in after the Raiders debacle.

Agreed on that.....


I am really happy that we went from Marrone to Ryan and now some lame coach thinking we were gonna improve on a 9-7 record.......


that actually was one of my biggest fears when Marrone bolted......but Pegula did it right

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How many times have we imporved on paper in the last 13 years? How many coaches were better than the last.

I think this is the year we go at least 11-5 but can you really dispute a losing record with the QB situation???

IMHO, this year is drastically different than previous improvements.


Established and successful head coach (other than how he went out on the Jets), established and successful OC, we didn't lose any probowl level players, but we did pick up a couple probowl level players. It's hard to argue that we didn't improve over the offseason, and we have minimal weaknesses heading into the draft. The only two reasons we don't get respect are uncertainty at QB, and a recent history of failure.


So he has the Pats scoring almost 70 more points than they put up last season and about 50 more than any other team did last season. Not sure I see that happening.

You're misreading what NFL Nation prediction is... Rodak's (and mine) methodology for this is taking the prediction of every opposing writer for each game. It gives a general idea of what the collective thinks of your team... in this case, they have little respect for the Bills, and a boatload of respect for the Patriots. Outside of that, it doesn't mean too much.

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I don't know how it's put together, but I am envisioning a giant conference call with all team's reps present and discussion regarding how things play out. If that's actually the case, I would imagine Rodak is by far one of the weakest representatives in the room. That's how things like losses to Jacksonville are allowed to fly, we don't have anyone on our side pounding the table claiming it's BS.

I think the writers are all independent. They probably dont conference. But you gotta like that jacksonville writer: at least he sticks up for his team, unlike Rodhack

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you gotta like that jacksonville writer: at least he sticks up for his team, unlike Rodhack


Not sure what you're talking abuot as I'm pretty sure Rodak would stick up for the Pats.

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NO...its not a hollow victory....there are plenty of other teams in the NFL that win games this way and it is a REAL victory and part of what comes with a 16 game season.


A win is a win....just like a loss is a loss

You're a great poster, but I completely disagree with you on this. There is zero history that we would have hung in and won vs Pats* in their place with a small lead and Brady playing the 2nd half. Zero. Nada. None. We lose tat game with Tommy-boy playing the 2nd half.

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I am totally sick of the typical Buffalo Bills trashing. Look I get it, as much as we all respect Ralph Wilson, for all intents and purposes he was cheap at the worst possible times. But this is a new era and the media needs to get it in their head that the Bills are a totally different organization under Terry and Kim Pegula. This record prediction is conceptually and plausibly BANKRUPT.

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You're a great poster, but I completely disagree with you on this. There is zero history that we would have hung in and won vs Pats* in their place with a small lead and Brady playing the 2nd half. Zero. Nada. None. We lose tat game with Tommy-boy playing the 2nd half.


Maybe they do and maybe they don't. History has no influence on the outcome of that specific game. It's pure speculation on your part. All I know for sure is the Bills actually won the game.

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Maybe they do and maybe they don't. History has no influence on the outcome of that specific game. It's pure speculation on your part. All I know for sure is the Bills actually won the game.


And more to the point, who's to say the Bills didn't let up in the second half, seeing that they had the lead and that the Pats* had put their backups in.

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It may have been pointed out already but if you take out the 3-3 from the AFCE reporters that leaves us 2-8 against the rest of the league. We are evidently one of the worst teams in football.


Yea. 1-3 against the AFC South, the worst division in the AFC last year.

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whoa guys, whoa... this 5-11 stuff has little to do with the football facts. the simple fact is until the media couldn't care less about this franchise or the area. they spend about 20 minutes mocking the bills w-l record and move on to "cooler" places and franchises.... gotta have very thick skin if a Bills fan. Respect will come very slowly if at all from this media world...will need to win win and win some more b4 any big media types start showing up///

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