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Any Herbologists out there?

Steve O

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I'm just throwing up a hail mary here, Dad is 97, two upper GI cauterization procedures last week were unsuccessful in stopping internal bleeding, Dr's won't go back in. Probably lower GI bleeding as well, colonoscopy was never an option, probably wouldn't survive the prep. He is at home hospice now, thus the hail Mary.

After doing some research found three herbs that might help slow/stop internal bleeding - Wild Geranium, Birthroot AKA Trillium Erectum, and Yarrow. Couldn't find the first two anywhere in Rochester, only two places had Yarrow, one in capsule form, the other in something called Reckless Blood Tonic. I settled on the latter, guy at the herb shop suggested San Qi formula as well. Didn't have a chance to research it ahead of time but he let me read up on it at the shop, guess it can't hurt at this point.

Anyone heard of either of these or have other suggestions of something that might help? Know there is very little chance at this point but his vitals have been good all week, he's still doing wheelchair exercise videos every day, walks a few steps here and there.

Any input appreciated.

Edited by Steve O
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Isn't a herpetologist a reptile expert?


Holy crap... That's what I thought. I was opening expecting to see some snakes! :doh:

don't know what it is, just corrected topic.


Sorry to hear Steve. Wish I could add something. The only thing I know about herbs is the one legal in Colorado, in my spice cabinet, and the one @ WKRP... :wallbash:

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Holy crap... That's what I thought. I was opening expecting to see some snakes! :doh:


Sorry to hear Steve. Wish I could add something. The only thing I know about herbs is the one legal in Colorado, in my spice cabinet, and the one @ WKRP... :wallbash:

He still golfed 2-3x a week at 92, 5 more average years, who wouldn't sign on the dotted line for that.

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I've been reading a bunch of articles online about growing and possession of marijuana in New York state and am completely confused. Can I grow some weed in my garage for personal use or not? Not that I am smoking it at the present time. But there is a strain called Charlottes web that is very low in THC (4%) which is very low, some strains are 27%. But this strain is very high in CBD's which is the chemical in marijuana that makes you feel good and relieves pain. So it's the best strain to smoke not to get high but get relief from pain. I would like to grow this strain.

Would I get busted for growing this in my garage for personal use?

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Can't offer anything other than encouragement. Good luck.

Thanks, appreciate the encouragement. I've been keeping the possibility of Cassel being our starting QB from him, that might give him a heart attack.

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Sorry to hear that news Steve O. My dad passed away several years ago after a long battle.

It's not my area, but I did do a Google search that has a few hits:




Good luck.

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Steve, sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope I get 97 years.


I looked up several of the herbs in the reckless blood tonic in the German Commission E monographs on the American Botanical Council (site).


Everything seems well intended in that formula. The only thing that jumps out at me is the use of Cinnamonum cassia. Essentially Cinnamon you buy at the grocery store. The Cinnamon that is considered superior is Cinnamonum Verum or Sri Lankan Cinnamon.


The trouble with any dietary supplement, is the quality. Before I gave any dietary supplement to my 97 year old father, I would want to know a bit about it's manufacture. Specifically was it manufactured in a GMP certified facility, and packed/held in a compliant facility. I looked for FDA 483's or warning letter's on David Winston and did not find anything, which is a good sign. However he probably does not manufacture his own products.


Contact the company and ask if it was manufactured in a GMP certified facility (i.e. NSF certification). Ask if they test each finished good lot for potency, contamination, and micros. If they will provide copies of either--even better. You can also ask if they have had any adverse events with the formula.


No I am not a herbologist. I work for a Dietary Supplement company.

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I've been reading a bunch of articles online about growing and possession of marijuana in New York state and am completely confused. Can I grow some weed in my garage for personal use or not? Not that I am smoking it at the present time. But there is a strain called Charlottes web that is very low in THC (4%) which is very low, some strains are 27%. But this strain is very high in CBD's which is the chemical in marijuana that makes you feel good and relieves pain. So it's the best strain to smoke not to get high but get relief from pain. I would like to grow this strain.

Would I get busted for growing this in my garage for personal use?

Yeah, you'd get busted. NY state has some of the stiffest penalties for marijuana presently. Just made level for medicinal purposes in January 2014. It's my understanding, however, that the medical marijuana distribution is heavily controlled (not like CA).


Here in Vermont it is decriminalized. You can have up to 2 ounces in your house for personal use, and can grow up to 6 female plants legally. Walk out in your front lawn smoking a joint, however, will get you arrested.

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Thanks to all for your kind thoughts, prayers, and advice.

Sorry to hear that news Steve O. My dad passed away several years ago after a long battle.

It's not my area, but I did do a Google search that has a few hits:




Good luck.

I noticed at the bottom of the link was a Xarelto law suit add...that is what my father was on for almost a year.

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Yeah, you'd get busted. NY state has some of the stiffest penalties for marijuana presently. Just made level for medicinal purposes in January 2014. It's my understanding, however, that the medical marijuana distribution is heavily controlled (not like CA).


Here in Vermont it is decriminalized. You can have up to 2 ounces in your house for personal use, and can grow up to 6 female plants legally. Walk out in your front lawn smoking a joint, however, will get you arrested.

Can you grow your own for medical purposes? I'm interested in pain relief from a motorcycle accident from years ago, not in getting high. How do they distribute it for medical purposes? Charllotes web seems to be the best fit for my situation.

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97. What is his feelings? Sometimes we our selfish in our wanting to not let people go.


My mom was 92 when she passed. We could have keep her on life support for a long time. There was no hope that she could ever come home or be any resemblance of herself. She was sharp as hell up till she went in to hospital.


Very sorry Steve O but, sometimes it is just time. I will say a prayer for both of you.



Sorry for being the thorn. I

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Can you grow your own for medical purposes? I'm interested in pain relief from a motorcycle accident from years ago, not in getting high. How do they distribute it for medical purposes? Charllotes web seems to be the best fit for my situation.

I don't believe you can grow it. It is only dispensed by 20 hospitals in the whole state, and you have to be really, really, really sick to get it. Not just anxiety or arthritis.

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97. What is his feelings? Sometimes we our selfish in our wanting to not let people go.


My mom was 92 when she passed. We could have keep her on life support for a long time. There was no hope that she could ever come home or be any resemblance of herself. She was sharp as hell up till she went in to hospital.


Very sorry Steve O but, sometimes it is just time. I will say a prayer for both of you.



Sorry for being the thorn. Ialways

If it was Mom (95 herself) it would be much easier, she has let me know she has seen enough of this world. Dad has always changed the subject when I try to bring it up. He is fighting hard. Thank you for the prayer, .no need to apologize, you are not a thorn, I asked for input.

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