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Bills GM wants next coach to revive EJ Manuel

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1) EJ hasn't played enough for us to really know what we have in him.

2) Let's remember the who the coach was (Marrone), and how well he held back the offense overall.

3) "Revive"?? NO! Let's try 'Develop", and Whaley is right to give preference to a coach who is willing and capable of developing a young QB.

4) YES, we need a coach who can succeed with developing EJ where Marrone has failed. If the next coach isn't capable of doing that, then why bother making him the next coach?

5) A 'good' coach isn't afraid to embrace and take on the challenge, and I highly doubt Whaley is going to force feed EJ and EJ alone on a new coach knowing he still needs to have a plan B in place at the position.

6) I have faith in Whaley doing the right thing to keep the Bills going in the right direction. Just leave him alone to do what he's gonna do to make this happen!

Nice post Mr. Whaley ;)

Amazing to see how quickly #2 is assumed to be fact now by so many.

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Manuel at his best cannot get this team to the playoffs.

You have no way of knowing this for sure.

No good candidate is going to take this job if the expectation is EJ starts in 2015.


These guys watch film. They are in the league. They have opinions about EJ already.


I'll bet a lot of this is Whaley trying to address their concerns about EJ and convince THEM that EJ isn't a total disaster.

So if a "good" candidate takes the job with EJ as the expected starter, will you think less of the candidate or re-evaluate your position on EJ?
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I posted a few weeks ago that the New England game was a lost opportunity for EJ, that they should have at least played him in the second half.


Got slammed pretty hard for it by a lot of you.


Now that we see Marrone was just trying to pad his resume by getting a 9th win against scrubs in a meaningless game, and Orton was quitting football altogether the following day, wouldn't it have been nice for a new coach to be able to look at EJ's progress (or lack thereof) in a live NFL game after he sat out a dozen games?


Our goal is to win a championship. Preseason for next year must start the second we are out of playoff contention.

EJ should have started after the bye week once Orton proved that he was not markedly better and was getting similar (if not lesser) results to what EJ had done. This year was a complete waste.
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Right, because the Bills have no QB, no 1st round pick and Whaley wants to save some face.


BAD BAD move by Whaley. I would get a real G.M. in here ASAP and let him take over the search.

If Whaley screws THIS up, he may be setting the franchise back yet another 3 or 4 years...

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True. One guy is a little far fetched. What if he's got a handful of guys he wants to work with, that doesn't include EJ. How do you weigh the value of the HC with the desire to work with EJ? I don't want some bum as HC because he thinks EJ is just swell. And I think we already had a coach who thinks EJ sucks.


Just like any other interview you weigh the merits of the plan and likelihood of being able to execute it vs the alternative options.....

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Right, because the Bills have no QB, no 1st round pick and Whaley wants to save some face.


BAD BAD move by Whaley. I would get a real G.M. in here ASAP and let him take over the search.


If Whaley screws THIS up, he may be setting the franchise back yet another 3 or 4 years...



Maybe the do have a QB, have a dynamic WR to show for that pick and we have an aggressive young GM who is building a winner.


Like I said before, time will tell. Whaley does not appear to be afraid to take chances and Pegula had said in an interview last year that he liked people like that to be working for him.

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The problem w/EJ has since abandoned ship with a mere text. Can only imagine how much further along EJ would be if he had someone of Chip Kelly's caliber to show him the ropes. For that matter, any decent HC who is fair minded enough to give him a genuine opportunity to develop (something Doug "abandon ship with a mere text" Marrone and his inept OC choose not to do). No wonder Jim Plunkett managed to find his groove years later and actually win a Super Bowl (sometimes it isn't the QB as much as it's the drama all around him).

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Maybe the do have a QB, have a dynamic WR to show for that pick and we have an aggressive young GM who is building a winner.


Like I said before, time will tell. Whaley does not appear to be afraid to take chances and Pegula had said in an interview last year that he liked people like that to be working for him.


IMO, the only thing worse than having no QB is trying to force a bad QB on a new HQ.

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Whaley said he wants the coach to "continue to develop Manuel", no where does that say "Whaley is telling candidates that they most ONLY work with EJ Manuel".


TBD, making mountains out of molehills since 1992...

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Whaley also said that EJ was trying to please everyone because he was too much of a nice guy, and that was one of the things holding him back from taking over the team. Orton came in and was the complete opposite of that, and EJ saw it, and soon adapted a different stance. Whether or not he can do it and get the team to believe in him is yet to be determined. But that was one of the problems and that can make him a lot better QB.

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The jury is still out on whether or not EJ is a "bad" QB or not (thank God major league baseball managers don't totally give up on a guy just because he allows one or two hits in the 1st inning). Sometimes it isn't the QB, it's the drama all around him. The drama has since abandoned ship with a mere text. Oh, WAIT! don't forget to take your inept OC with you.

Edited by Lombardi1
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It would appear that Whaley has put all his eggs in the Manuel basket for next season at the very least. He has no choice but to want that it would seem.

All his eggs? I don't get that impression at all. That he sees it as a viable route to discuss? Probably.

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If saving EJ's career is the focus of the search, then, we are Dooomed. the new coach needs to be a O guy, or hire a great OC. He doens't need to have developing EJ as the prime directive. Winning games and making the playoffs is the prime directive....THIS YEAR, not in the future. If EJ can't run with the big dogs, let him sit on the porch.....as they say.

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You have no way of knowing this for sure.

So if a "good" candidate takes the job with EJ as the expected starter, will you think less of the candidate or re-evaluate your position on EJ?


No I'll just see it for what it is: Whaley trying to recruit coaches to come here.


Once they are here they will decide for themselves.

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