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Read this article...especially you have kids


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I guess at 52 I have lost touch with the college culture, but I have a daughter in 10th grade and a son in 8th, and we have discussed this article a lot last few days. Makes me so sad to hear grads saying rolling stone had a liberal agenda etc trying to discredit the article, instead of pure outrage their school let this go on.


Even sadder that this culture I guess is prevalent at many schools...


A sobering read








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If you've been raped, go to the police and not some college administrator. The college's best interests are to either make sure it goes away, or railroad the accused out of the school. Neither of which is a just resolution. There's no need for some kangaroo court when there's professionals that have to allow the accused constitutional protections.

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If you've been raped, go to the police and not some college administrator. The college's best interests are to either make sure it goes away, or railroad the accused out of the school. Neither of which is a just resolution. There's no need for some kangaroo court when there's professionals that have to allow the accused constitutional protections.


What was amazing to me is how her friends discouraged her to report the rape as that would hurt her social status.


Guess that " culture" of drugging drinks , forceable sex, gang sex on the guys side......and the acceptance of that behavior just blows my mind.


I had as much fun as anyone in college, that chit would have never flown in my crowd, or at my school.


Scares the hell out of me as a parent.

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Leave it to Rolling Stone to blame events on the lack of a liberal feminist presence on campus, and completely ignore the extreme role underage binge drinking plays.


My daughter just turned 1. She will soon be enrolled in MMA fighting classes. I will teach her that if he is ever in an uncomfortable situation with a boy, just to grab for testicles and twist.




Krav Maga is a dad's best friend.

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Leave it to Rolling Stone to blame events on the lack of a liberal feminist presence on campus, and completely ignore the extreme role underage binge drinking plays.

Don't forget the "we don't want to teach our youths about consequence because it might damage their delicate self esteem" mantra of the average "parent."

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I read this this week and am I the only who find this whole story to strain credulity?


A seemingly normal guy takes her to a party and then asks if she wants to go somewhere quieter.


Now, climbing the frat-house stairs with Drew, Jackie felt excited.


Excited for what? They don't say. She wants to get laid this quick and this easy?


Then, it turns into a totally brutal gang rape straight from a war zone.


She doesn't report it to anybody, because her friends don't want to not be cool.


And, then this (Drew being the pseudonym for her "date"):


Two weeks after Jackie's rape, she ran into Drew during her lifeguard shift at the UVA pool. "Hey, Jackie," Drew said, startling her. "Are you ignoring me?" She'd switched her shift in the hopes of never seeing him again. Since the Phi Kappa Psi party, she'd barely left her dorm room, fearful of glimpsing one of her attackers. Jackie stared at Drew, unable to speak. "I wanted to thank you for the other night," Drew said. "I had a great time."


What?!? I have such a hard time believing that!!


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I read this this week and am I the only who find this whole story to strain credulity?


A seemingly normal guy takes her to a party and then asks if she wants to go somewhere quieter.


Now, climbing the frat-house stairs with Drew, Jackie felt excited.


Excited for what? They don't say. She wants to get laid this quick and this easy?


Then, it turns into a totally brutal gang rape straight from a war zone.


She doesn't report it to anybody, because her friends don't want to not be cool.


And, then this (Drew being the pseudonym for her "date"):


Two weeks after Jackie's rape, she ran into Drew during her lifeguard shift at the UVA pool. "Hey, Jackie," Drew said, startling her. "Are you ignoring me?" She'd switched her shift in the hopes of never seeing him again. Since the Phi Kappa Psi party, she'd barely left her dorm room, fearful of glimpsing one of her attackers. Jackie stared at Drew, unable to speak. "I wanted to thank you for the other night," Drew said. "I had a great time."


What?!? I have such a hard time believing that!!




Ummm What?


Did you not get the point of the article was the atmosphere of intimidation and institutional denial that exists at UVA? She's obviously traumatized and has received some bad advice. She should have gone to the police that night.

Edited by gomper
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That is just horrible. I'm happy to report not all frats are bad, my son who did attend SDSU and joined a frat, when my son and his friends heard about an incident at a party they were attending, took care of business and the a-hole in question wont be trying that chit anymore. My daughter attends a college that doesn't have frats, nor does she drink alcohol plus she can the crap out of most guys anyways. So I thankfully don't have to worry about that scenerio with her. Knock on wood.

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I read this this week and am I the only who find this whole story to strain credulity?


A seemingly normal guy takes her to a party and then asks if she wants to go somewhere quieter.


Now, climbing the frat-house stairs with Drew, Jackie felt excited.


Excited for what? They don't say. She wants to get laid this quick and this easy?


Then, it turns into a totally brutal gang rape straight from a war zone.


She doesn't report it to anybody, because her friends don't want to not be cool.


And, then this (Drew being the pseudonym for her "date"):


Two weeks after Jackie's rape, she ran into Drew during her lifeguard shift at the UVA pool. "Hey, Jackie," Drew said, startling her. "Are you ignoring me?" She'd switched her shift in the hopes of never seeing him again. Since the Phi Kappa Psi party, she'd barely left her dorm room, fearful of glimpsing one of her attackers. Jackie stared at Drew, unable to speak. "I wanted to thank you for the other night," Drew said. "I had a great time."


What?!? I have such a hard time believing that!!






You're reading far too much in to it. The author, in typical Rolling Stone fashion, thinking they're "edgy" by writing in a highly exaggerated, dramatized form.


I've seen this reported elsewhere, better. It's not the people involved that aren't credible, it's Rolling Stone's pitiful excuse for "writing."

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You're reading far too much in to it. The author, in typical Rolling Stone fashion, thinking they're "edgy" by writing in a highly exaggerated, dramatized form.


I've seen this reported elsewhere, better. It's not the people involved that aren't credible, it's Rolling Stone's pitiful excuse for "writing."


Yeah, I hate Rolling Stone. Except for their rock articles, which is why I still get it.


But, it's hard to tell where her story ends and RS starts dramatization starts.


Did you not get the point of the article was the atmosphere of intimidation and institutional denial that exists at UVA? She's obviously traumatized and has received some bad advice. She should have gone to the police that night.


Ummm What?

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When I was in high school (I played some college as well) I was a O and D linemen........and when I was at a party I heard noises that got my attention from another room....I went in and one of my teamates had a female cornered in the room.......that kid went flying through a door from my charge (that I ended up having to pay for....but I never liked the kid anyway) and the kid missed some games from getting hurt by that.


I never mentioned this to my son who followed suit and was a linebacker for his high school.....one morning he was telling me how he was at a party and nearly the EXACT same thing happened at this party with my son (along with one of his friends) did the exact same thing in the exact same situation. My kid (confirmed by other peole that know him) was always a "anti bully" type in high school.....couldnt stand it when the stronger picked on the weaker.


I was proud that I didnt even have to tell him right from wrong......stop raising these damn kids like they have a sense of entitlement and teach them to be gentlemen off the field and "turn the cap" on the field.


I know my story didnt happen in college.....but some of these kids are just one step away from being in college.

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When I was in high school (I played some college as well) I was a O and D linemen........and when I was at a party I heard noises that got my attention from another room....I went in and one of my teamates had a female cornered in the room.......that kid went flying through a door from my charge (that I ended up having to pay for....but I never liked the kid anyway) and the kid missed some games from getting hurt by that.


I never mentioned this to my son who followed suit and was a linebacker for his high school.....one morning he was telling me how he was at a party and nearly the EXACT same thing happened at this party with my son (along with one of his friends) did the exact same thing in the exact same situation. My kid (confirmed by other peole that know him) was always a "anti bully" type in high school.....couldnt stand it when the stronger picked on the weaker.


I was proud that I didnt even have to tell him right from wrong......stop raising these damn kids like they have a sense of entitlement and teach them to be gentlemen off the field and "turn the cap" on the field.


I know my story didnt happen in college.....but some of these kids are just one step away from being in college.


Well done John and good for your kid. You raised him right.

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You're reading far too much in to it. The author, in typical Rolling Stone fashion, thinking they're "edgy" by writing in a highly exaggerated, dramatized form.


I've seen this reported elsewhere, better. It's not the people involved that aren't credible, it's Rolling Stone's pitiful excuse for "writing."


The problem Tom is that alums in Richmond, especially at my kids school, are using "the liberal" angle as a rationalization that this is just the liberal media out to get "The University" and, unfortunately , teenagers can be very impressionable when their friends are all espousing a unified opinion.

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