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The number one album in America

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Real question to the fans- when you buy a disc like this do you really re-listen to it frequently? After the initial amusement it seems like it would lose its luster pretty quick.... Or is it just not my cup of tea?

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i have it in my google music catalog and just hit shuffle, i always listen to them when they come into rotation


Real question to the fans- when you buy a disc like this do you really re-listen to it frequently? After the initial amusement it seems like it would lose its luster pretty quick.... Or is it just not my cup of tea?

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no it doesn't, it was a social media blitz that caused it to win the popularity contest, nothing to do with quality. there is a ton of quality music still being made


Just goes to show you the quality of music being made today.

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no it doesn't, it was a social media blitz that caused it to win the popularity contest, nothing to do with quality. there is a ton of quality music still being made


And you have to look like crazy to find because good music doesn't get noticed or promoted because there's no money in it because it's not appreciated today.

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I have 417 albums. I start and play them all simultaneously each and every morning with my cup o' joe just so I can remember my roots

my sarcasm meter is off this AM


you have 417 record players?


even consecutively their isn't enough time in the day.

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And you have to look like crazy to find because good music doesn't get noticed or promoted because there's no money in it because it's not appreciated today.


Not to attack you specifically but I really don't get the people that just poo poo new music that is made today....good music is an individual opinion based on how your brain interprets it and results in the pleasure it provides....that's why we enjoy it. For me if the song has a good melody or great vocals I'm all about no matter who it is. There are a lot of songs that are considered great that are just not at all appealing to my ears. To each his own

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And you have to look like crazy to find because good music doesn't get noticed or promoted because there's no money in it because it's not appreciated today.

Actually, there are more tools today (apps, message boards, etc...) to find the music you like than ever before. Once upon a time you had to slug your way through crappy album after crappy album, all based on what your local store had in stock. It could be a fun way to spend some time, but I rarely found any great new music.


I haven't tried to listen to music on the radio in near 10 years. That's where the problems are and it's easy to avoid it.

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I understand what you're all saying. Sure there is good music out there today with different, and better, ways to find it than ever before. I guess my issue is comparing it to the music I grew up with and there is no comparison. I consider myself lucky for being born when I was to experience the music that was being created. A whole new genre was being created. Growing up in the 60's and 70's was an amazing time for anyone who liked music. Music was always a part of my family growing up. So when you look at the bands and musicians of that era and compare to today you'll come to the same conclusion that I have. There is nowhere near as much good music being made. Fair or unfair that's just the way I look at it. I was going to add a list off all the great musicians over those 15 or so years but it would be too long and take way to much time to list.

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I agree that there is a lot of good music out there. But what passes for popular music right now is just absolutely frightening in terms of how crappy and stupid it is.


Pop music has always been pretty crappy. Look at some of the schlock that was top 40 in the 60's and 70's. However there was a lot more great stuff being created then than now. That's all I'm really saying

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Pop music has always been pretty crappy.


It's worse now. Much worse. Unbelievably overproduced, hyper-compressed, digitally enhanced garbage with a shelf life of about a week and a half. It's really more about the marketing which seems bent on getting kids pregnant, drug addicted and in prison as quickly as possible.

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