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Let's recheck out Hatred...


Who do you have more?  

131 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you have more?

    • The dolphins
    • The patriots

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Well I understand that we will give the patriots props for their winning, I also hope I can count on an ever-living hatred of them.


Since they are getting all the media coverage, and winning, etc, I was wondering if your hate for them has outgrown your hate for the dolphins.


Oh, and I know - I shouldn't hate.



DAMN! Title should read OUR HATRED

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MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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It's still the Fish for me, too much history there. Although I must say the current New England team is approaching Notre Dame (#2 behind The Fish) levels for me right now. They always seem to pull something out of their asses to win a game. Tom Brady has made a deal with Satan I am convinced. That being said, a split against New England next year will be much more satisfying than a sweep against the Fish just because they are a way better team. Beating the Dolphins this year was like winning a game of Marco Polo at a school for the deaf.

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Sorry, to me the phins are yesterday's news. What we did to them in the playoffs back in the Glory Days and their current state make up for the '70's. Gotta quit livin' in the past. I hate the Patriots more now. :w00t:

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The felons are still #1, but the Patsies are right on their heels IMO as they have past the Cowgirls. The Pasties deserve to be screwed on a controversial call in a big game beit a tuck rule or a catch that the ref says "give it to them"



Go Eagles!!!!!!!

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This is really an "age" thread. No way can anyone who has been a Bills fan for more than 25 years hate the Patriots more than the Dolphins. Impossible.


Hating the Patriots is comical. Now, hating the Dolphins - that is justified.


And by the way for all the so called Bills "fans" out there who are now starting to hate the Patriots, understand I am indifferent to the Pats not a fan of theirs, I also admire well played and smartly coached football. Respectively, unfortunately, Brady and Belichick do those well.


I am just stunned that a Bills "fan" can hate the Pats more than the dolphins. Hearing that reminds me of those lists that say "The kids born today will never have seen an 8-track, blah, blah, blah".

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you need to add brady to that list.


the pats are a good team. so i can respect that.


i will always hate the fins.


i hate tom brady the person the most. not really because of anything that he did. but because of what the media has made him in to. if they mention Joe Montana one more time... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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Sorry, to me the phins are yesterday's news.  What we did to them in the playoffs back in the Glory Days and their current state make up for the '70's.  Gotta quit livin' in the past.  I hate the Patriots more now. :blink:




Living in the past, isn't that what TSW is all about? :w00t:



:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Dolphins!!!!!!!!!


As I explained in an earlier post, it is not even close. The Dolphins owned us for an entire decade (Bills were 0-20 in the 70's, still a professional sports record I believe, defiinitely an NFL record for futility) and then when we started dominating them in the Kelly/Marino era, they still got all the press. The had a higher national profile than either the Bills or Pats ever had. So, all the pre-seaons picks always gave them much more "respect" than their play warrented. When the Bills were going 13-3, or 12-4, the Dolphins were always right on our heals. Yet, whenever it mattered, we blew them out of the water!


I for one, take some solace in the Pats success. Their history is not unlike ours, and in fact, before 2001 even worse. Yet, they just kind of dropped out of the sky, and have been dominating the leauge ever since. It doesn't hurt that the Bills have been for the most part putrid during that time span. Now, next year, when I expect the Bills to be fighting them tooth and nail for the division title, my tune may change. But for now, Dolphins vs Pats is not even close!

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