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Veterans Administration Scandal Widespread?

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  • 4 months later...

Hey Barry...when you're about to do a CNN Town Hall taking questions from the military, and a guy who became the face of the VA problems dies from cancer right before you do your town hall because you did nothing to help anyone, maybe you should get the point.


Says the wife of Barry Coates: "The only true change is that I am now a widow."



Edited by LABillzFan
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Hey Barry...when you're about to do a CNN Town Hall taking questions from the military, and a guy who became the face of the VA problems dies from cancer right before you do your town hall because you did nothing to help anyone, maybe you should get the point.


Says the wife of Barry Coates: "The only true change is that I am now a widow."



But B O is so smart. I've read that here. He's so knowledgeable about well, everything! He's brilliant. Did you know he wrote two books? Isn't that fantastic. He's got a mind like a Rube Goldberg mouse trap. He went to not one but two very prestigious universities and has a law degree from one of them. That's a sign of brilliance. He cares about everyone and everything. He knows just about everything there is to know.


He also has a Vice President - Joe Biden - have you heard of him? Well, he told Joe to get on that cancer thing and told him to make it stop! That takes onions and smarts too. He would probably have put an end to cancer by himself already, but he couldn't find the time between golfing, fundraising, golfing, giving speeches, golfing, using his phone and pen, golfing, lecturing the country on race relations, golfing, chastising policemen and police departments all across the nation, golfing, traveling to Martha's Vineyard, golfing, traveling to Europe, golfing, traveling to Asia (you've heard of these places - right?), golfing, and some plane old relaxing and did I mention golfing?

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And he's got a Nobel Peace Prize, which is odd since he's about to send another 600+ troops into Iraq. That brings him to...what? Over 5,000 now?


Peace be with ya, Barry.


And he's really good at killing people with drone strikes. Both terrorists and innocent civilians.

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I think what makes it odd is that he has spent every single day of his presidency at war.


Not just that, since you could argue he inherited that war, but he has spent the last 8 years selling more arms and munitions than any administration since WW2. He's done this while shredding regulations which prohibit sales to certain foreign parties while simultaneously railing from his pulpit about the need to restrict US citizens' access to firearms.


Under his watch we've committed war crimes in Syria, are actively trying to provoke a shooting war with Russia, we've been active participants in the destruction of four countries and orchestrated a coup in the world's third largest democracy (Syria, Yemen, Libya, Ukraine, and Brazil), all the while his administration continues to fund, train, supply, and arm ISIS and Al-Qaeda while simultaneously stressing the need to destroy ISIS and jihadists to the public.


And that doesn't even touch on his flying robot army of doom.


The saddest part is nothing is going to change. It's not Presidents who dictate foreign policy, they just do what they're told according to James Baker. And HRC follows orders better than most so the next 8 years should make these past 8 years look like a utopia.

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