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Ben Carson Is Right to Compare Abortion to Slavery
by David French
This weekend, Ben Carson did what he does best. He clearly and plainly stated a mainstream conservative view that most Republican politicians dare not utter — in this case, that the debate over abortion is comparable to the debate over slavery. Speaking to NBC’s Chuck Todd, Carson said: “During slavery — and I know that’s one of those words you’re not supposed to say, but I’m saying it — during slavery, a lot of slave owners thought they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave, anything that they chose. And what if the abolitionists had said, ‘I don’t believe in slavery, but you guys do whatever you want’? Where would we be?”
Carson’s statement is an entirely mainstream, pro-life view. As my National Review colleague Ian Tuttle wrote in July, the debate over abortion is “every bit as urgent a question of justice, of fidelity to our fundamental tenets” as the debate over slavery. He continued: “In the Civil War, we fought to vindicate every man’s right to liberty. What is at stake in the current conflict is the only right more fundamental: that of life.”
The Left responded to Carson with predictable outrage, with Slate proclaiming that Carson “likens women seeking abortion to slave owners,” and outlets from Think Progress to Gawker to the Huffington Post reporting the statement as if its mere utterance were beyond the pale – as if there were no actual thought, no actual argument supporting his reasoning. (Gawker, for example, just called Carson’s statement “word garbage.”)
It is telling, however, that leftist media outlets not only failed to deal with the intellectual substance of Carson’s view, they also focused — as they always do — on allegations that Carson was demonizing women. Yet that’s not merely a caricature of Carson’s argument; it’s also a caricature of how the pro-life movement analyzes the morality of the abortion industry, an industry that preys upon millions of disproportionately poor and minority women by actively deceiving them about the status of their child, deploying rhetoric that minimizes or entirely denies the child’s fundamental humanity.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/426081/abortion-slavery-comparison-Ben-Carson-is-right

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How is being pro-life an 'extremist view'.....because it's different than yours?

Not talking about his view on abortion. I can understand the differences there, its a difficult issue.


It's nearly all the rest of his nonsense I'm referring to

Edited by JTSP
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But you have to admit he's said some stupid ****. That is unless I'm falling into the sound bite trap. I'm not following that closely at this point.

What specific things has he said that you'd categorize as stupid?


I'm not saying he hasn't said stupid things, I just don't know what things you're refering to.

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At least he has real experience as opposed to say.....voting present. I would trust a successful private citizen any day over a career politician.

I know a lot of people with real experience (whatever that means). That doesn't mean they'd make good presidential candidates.


There's something to be said for the head of our government having some government experience. Carson on policy and how the government works is very weak. It will come through tonight. Tonight's topics will play to Carson's weakest points, Trump will do Trump things, and Rubio and Bush should win the night.


Carson will play the "I have to balance my checkbook, I don't see why the government can't do it" line or its equivalent to a roar of appeal from the crowd, while the candidates with depth will give practical plans.


The best thing I hear people saying about Carson is that he's a nice guy. Pretty shallow praise.


Tonight's topics are more about policy and governance--the outsiders will have their soundbites ready but I don't expect them to be substantive.

Edited by Observer
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I know a lot of people with real experience (whatever that means). That doesn't mean they'd make good presidential candidates.


There's something to be said for the head of our government having some government experience. Carson on policy and how the government works is very weak. It will come through tonight. Tonight's topics will play to Carson's weakest points, Trump will do Trump things, and Rubio and Bush should win the night.


Carson will play the "I have to balance my checkbook, I don't see why the government can't do it" line or its equivalent to a roar of appeal from the crowd, while the candidates with depth will give practical plans.


The best thing I hear people saying about Carson is that he's a nice guy. Pretty shallow praise.


Tonight's topics are more about policy and governance--the outsiders will have their soundbites ready but I don't expect them to be substantive.

Keep.in mind this is a supposed man of science saying things like this....the standards are higher, not some useless turd like tasker.


Climate change

Carson rejects the scientific consensus that human activity causes climate change



Carson's views on evolution and creationism have been controversial.[64] In a 2006 debate, Carson stated: "I don't believe in evolution



In an October 2015 interview, Carson stated: "I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do. It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding on that basis."[77][78] On the AP U.S. History curriculum, Carson said it overemphasizes wrongdoing by the United States: "I think most people, when they finish that course, theyd be ready to go sign up for ISIS."


Gun control

Carson stated in 2013 that semi-automatic firearms should be better regulated in large cities and high-crime areas.[81] This statement attracted criticism from conservative opponents of gun control. Carson has declined to backtrack from that view, but also says he is strongly in favor of the Second Amendment and that while guns being used on innocent people "is horrible", it is not nearly as horrible as having a population that is defenseless against a group of tyrants who have arms"


Marijuana and drug policy

On the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado, Carson said "I don't think this is something that we really want for our society. You know, were gradually just removing all the barriers to hedonistic activity and you know, its just, were changing so rapidly to a different type of society and nobody is getting a chance to discuss it because, you know, its taboo".


Marriage and homosexuality

In March 2013, Carson described his views about same-sex marriage on Hannity, saying: "Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition."



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Keep.in mind this is a supposed man of science saying things like this....the standards are higher, not some useless turd like tasker.


Climate change

Carson rejects the scientific consensus that human activity causes climate change



Carson's views on evolution and creationism have been controversial.[64] In a 2006 debate, Carson stated: "I don't believe in evolution



In an October 2015 interview, Carson stated: "I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do. It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding on that basis."[77][78] On the AP U.S. History curriculum, Carson said it overemphasizes wrongdoing by the United States: "I think most people, when they finish that course, theyd be ready to go sign up for ISIS."


Gun control

Carson stated in 2013 that semi-automatic firearms should be better regulated in large cities and high-crime areas.[81] This statement attracted criticism from conservative opponents of gun control. Carson has declined to backtrack from that view, but also says he is strongly in favor of the Second Amendment and that while guns being used on innocent people "is horrible", it is not nearly as horrible as having a population that is defenseless against a group of tyrants who have arms"


Marijuana and drug policy

On the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado, Carson said "I don't think this is something that we really want for our society. You know, were gradually just removing all the barriers to hedonistic activity and you know, its just, were changing so rapidly to a different type of society and nobody is getting a chance to discuss it because, you know, its taboo".


Marriage and homosexuality

In March 2013, Carson described his views about same-sex marriage on Hannity, saying: "Marriage is between a man and a woman. No group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality, it doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition."



There's that word again.


Honestly I don't care about some of those, and only disagree with a few. Most of them are personal beliefs. Whatever.

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CNN's lead story is about friends of Carson who don't remember anything about the story Carson tells about his violent attempt to kill someone, and how he found his faith from that incident.


Interesting, really. They found nine people who knew Carson, and none of them knew the story, but all of them say it probably happened and they weren't aware of it.


Big story.


Good thing an ISIS sympathizer didn't didn't just stab five people in California or this Carson story would get buried, amirite?

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CNN's lead story is about friends of Carson who don't remember anything about the story Carson tells about his violent attempt to kill someone, and how he found his faith from that incident.


Interesting, really. They found nine people who knew Carson, and none of them knew the story, but all of them say it probably happened and they weren't aware of it.


Big story.


Good thing an ISIS sympathizer didn't didn't just stab five people in California or this Carson story would get buried, amirite?

Too bad for America that Obama and Clinton's past wasn't investigated with the same vigor as they will try to discredit every conservative candidate.

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Media Try To 'Other' Carson By Calling Him Crazy, Unscientific. http://www.dailywire.com/news/926/media-try-other-carson-calling-him-crazy-ben-shapiro#.VjuE8Onn_yk.twitter




"...The calmest, smartest candidate (from either party) is ACTUALLY a wild-eyed loon...!" ---- The Media :bag:



Apparently, Ben Carson, a world renown black neuroscientist isn't black enough or sciency enough for the left.




It's amazing how racist stereotypes are OK with the liberal media, if it involves a popular black Republican.

Ben Carson is forcing liberals to expose how much they hate Christianity, and how much they actually prefer politicians over Christians

What Carson believes about the Pyramids is much less relevant to me than what Obama's friends believe about America

Reminder: Same media that's very curious about Dr. Carson's Pyramid theories actively buried the John Edwards love-child story.

Just Today, cnn has done more research into Ben Carson's background than into Obama's in 8 years.

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CNN's lead story is about friends of Carson who don't remember anything about the story Carson tells about his violent attempt to kill someone, and how he found his faith from that incident.


Interesting, really. They found nine people who knew Carson, and none of them knew the story, but all of them say it probably happened and they weren't aware of it.


Big story.


Good thing an ISIS sympathizer didn't didn't just stab five people in California or this Carson story would get buried, amirite?


Wonder how many people they found that did know about it...

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