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Report: NFL to change drug policy regarding marijuana use

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Report: NFL to change drug policy regarding marijuana use

The NFL will revamp its drug policy to “significantly increase the threshold for a positive marijuana test and reduce the punishments for violations involving that drug,” according to ESPN.com’s Dan Graziano on Tuesday night, who cited a league source.


Many players have lobbied for relaxing punishments on marijuana use, citing the drug as a way to relieve pain and stress.

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Josh Gordon is arguably the most exciting player in the NFL. Suspending Gordon is biting their nose off to spite their face


I agree that weed should be legal and I've been known to be a fan. But you're an idiot if you know the policy, already been suspended once, and do it again. He should get suspended for being an idiot.

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I agree that weed should be legal and I've been known to be a fan. But you're an idiot if you know the policy, already been suspended once, and do it again. He should get suspended for being an idiot.


This is funny. That should be the formal cause. Not violation of policy, suspended for idiocy!


Lov it!



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I don't have as much of an issue with it's occasional use, but given marijuana's effect on personal motivation, it does concern me just a bit regarding someone like our new guy Richardson, not to mention Henderson, as far as grit and motivation to be in good physical condition as its effects may also be difficult to manage their eating habits....I'm not saying that in light of all the new legislation that has been passed and pending and certainly being moved into current discussion marijuana penalties in the NFL shouldn't be reduced and dealt with differently than other drugs / performance enhancers, but the "slippery slope" argument is usually one I adhere to in nearly every situation and am concerned about its long-term effects on the players to manage it appropriately, instead of abusing it....just a thought

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How long before cocaine violations are relaxed? It was once used for it's medicinal value as well.


This is a slippery slope.

Cocaine is still used medicinally as is Methamphetamine. As far as I know the NFL can't restrict their use if prescribed by a Doctor. The difference with marijuana is that it's illegal federally and cannot be legally prescribed. Think about that for a second, you can get cocaine and meth from your doctor.

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How long before cocaine violations are relaxed? It was once used for it's medicinal value as well.


This is a slippery slope.


Dear Lord, what an awful comparison. Also, it shows how stupid drug policies are. Coke is out of your system in a few days. Weed last for a month. It's why coke is the white collar drug of choice.

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Finally the NFL passes a rule that makes some freaking sense, cut back on the weed violations!

Edited by Heitz
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