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NFL networks coverage of Michael Sam

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This sentence is where my argument is pointing. I think we are on our way to this happening. We aren't getting better as a society we're just changing what is tolerable. In my parents day if you supported people being gay you were ostracized, today it's shifting in the other direction. Christians are feeling their rights are being stripped on a daily basis but people like you don't care because the shift is happening towards your point of view. We aren't becoming more tolerant we're changing what's tolerated. Before you use the "poor you" card again, understand that this is something that we're fully aware would happen based on the scriptures. I'm merely pointing out that it's here.

Rights being stripped?


This thread has an awful destiny ahead of it.

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Oh, you're nuttier than I thought.


Maybe you should find that part of the book that talks about compassion for all mankind. Not sure your views toward an estimated 10% of the population are all that Christian, brother Triple.


Clearly you're not smart enough to have this conversation with, I'm out.

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Clearly you're not smart enough to have this conversation with, I'm out

...of the closet and into the street??


If you're going to insult my intelligence, at least try to use a complete sentence. That run on isn't supporting your case.

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Meh, I just don't care about other people. So, I'll see your not caring about their differences and just go ahead and say that I generally do not care about other people. The 100-150 people I know and regularly associate with, even if it is on here (and those are mostly the ones I know personally) matter to me. All others, Jackie Robinson, Michael Sam, Michal Jordan, the country of Jordan.


None of those people affect me and therefore I simply do not waste a moments thought about them and just wish them well and hope they do just fine. Yup, I'm pretty simple like that. A nice as can be guy but not going to waste my time thinking about Thurman Thomas, C. Thomas Howell...well you get the idea.

What about the children?


jk. Most people are like that. They have interest in their circles. Sometimes the circles are very small. Just your immediate family and eff the world.


So I can understand how this subject wouldnt interest you. Doesnt mean you're a bad guy, just your care factor towards this subject is low. Same here pretty much.

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...of the closet and into the street??


If you're going to insult my intelligence, at least try to use a complete sentence. That run on isn't supporting your case.

Dude you closed your argument as an english teacher???


That's no fun.


does THis b other u 2.?


this thredd shud close as quik az now...!!..

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This sentence is where my argument is pointing. I think we are on our way to this happening. We aren't getting better as a society we're just changing what is tolerable. In my parents day if you supported people being gay you were ostracized, today it's shifting in the other direction. Christians are feeling their rights are being stripped on a daily basis but people like you don't care because the shift is happening towards your point of view. We aren't becoming more tolerant we're changing what's tolerated. Before you use the "poor you" card again, understand that this is something that we're fully aware would happen based on the scriptures. I'm merely pointing out that it's here.




So because Michael Sam kissed his significant other on live TV, it's a sign that End Times are here?

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This sentence is where my argument is pointing. I think we are on our way to this happening. We aren't getting better as a society we're just changing what is tolerable. In my parents day if you supported people being gay you were ostracized, today it's shifting in the other direction. Christians are feeling their rights are being stripped on a daily basis but people like you don't care because the shift is happening towards your point of view. We aren't becoming more tolerant we're changing what's tolerated. Before you use the "poor you" card again, understand that this is something that we're fully aware would happen based on the scriptures. I'm merely pointing out that it's here.


Please elaborate.

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So because Michael Sam kissed his significant other on live TV, it's a sign that End Times are here?

The scary thing is some people think this way. Anytime something someone has not been exposed to occurrs the initial reaction is typically to reject it.

Look in 10 years from now we will see this more and more in all sports. Get use to it, it is not going anywhere

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Mickey –

If you don't mind, despite your vast and detailed knowledge of the experiences of LGBT persons, I will instead rely on the Crime Statistics as reported by the FBI (a known "flaming liberal" law enforcement agency) which show that in 2012, there were 1,376 crimes perpetrated against gay and bisexual Americans which were motivated solely because of their sexual orientation. In 2011, there were 1,572. In 2010, there were 1,528. In 2009, there were 1,482. The FBI doesn't track hate crimes against people who are trans though will start doing so in their next report. There have been 12 trans people murdered in this state. These numbers only include cases where federal charges were brought. The majority of such crimes never get reported to the FBI and are prosecuted by the state. The most frequently reported bias motivating hate crimes against people in NY in 2012 was sexual orientation (26.4%).


New York also does not collect data regarding violence against people who are trans. However, Islan Nettles was murdered in NYC last summer. She was standing on the street with some of her friends, all students at a fashion institute when some young men passing by realized she was trans and proceeded to beat her to death in the street. But according to you, that never happened so I guess we have nothing to worry about. Nor did all those thousands of other reported crimes.


Given how off you are on the danger faced by gay people and that you got there without even a cursory effort at obtaining the facts, there is clearly no need to further cloud your bubble with 21st century thought.

Oh I am well aware that gay’s folks get beat up because they are gay. When I say it simply does not happen is really a play on words. What I meant was that it is simply so rare as to be insignificant, statistically. Furthermore, Michael Sam is not going to be beaten up by anyone. What was his fear of coming out? Was he afraid of being beaten up? Nice try, Mick. The narrative requires context to be validated, and YOU DON’T have context, let alone the facts. I notice you’re using the new politically correct buzz word for tranny, or shemale. Well played.. But forgive me if I continue to call them tranny’s and shedogs.. You don’t get to redefine deviance for me or anyone else.

Enjoy the rest of your 21st century day.



NoSaint -

I'll again suggest googling D521646 before getting too deep into this debate with him, for the newcomers to this topic


Yes, please do, and if there's anything you wish to debate then I'm all ears. Coward!


Do you take any specific objection to anything I've stated here or anywhere else? Whatcha got, saint?



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Mickey –


Oh I am well aware that gay’s folks get beat up because they are gay. When I say it simply does not happen is really a play on words. What I meant was that it is simply so rare as to be insignificant, statistically. Furthermore, Michael Sam is not going to be beaten up by anyone. What was his fear of coming out? Was he afraid of being beaten up? Nice try, Mick. The narrative requires context to be validated, and YOU DON’T have context, let alone the facts. I notice you’re using the new politically correct buzz word for tranny, or shemale. Well played.. But forgive me if I continue to call them tranny’s and shedogs.. You don’t get to redefine deviance for me or anyone else.


Enjoy the rest of your 21st century day.



I'm frankly surprised you could even spell deviance... now you just need to learn its definition. One step at a time though.

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NoSaint -


Yes, please do, and if there's anything you wish to debate then I'm all ears. Coward!


Do you take any specific objection to anything I've stated here or anywhere else? Whatcha got, saint?



You are very boring. All the specious arguments in your arsenal, especially your pre-frontal cortex leap of faith, do not change the fact that you began with the premise of "I don't like homosexuals" and then desperately rationalized that view.

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The reason he lasted this long is his being gay. That is all. Anybody saying otherwise is either lying or fooling himself. They picked a kid from Marist before this guy. He will help the Rams.

Funny how people look at things. I figured the NFL pressured teams to pick him because he was gay. Since the NFL seems to be socially and politically active these days.
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Scripture foretold the drafting of a homosexual tweener OLB/DE bearing the mark of the false idol, golden ram would herald the beginning of the rapture.

It is false. Should be in LA and should be white and blue!
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Juronimo -

...of the closet and into the street??


If you're going to insult my intelligence, at least try to use a complete sentence. That run on isn't supporting your case.


To be fair, it only required a semicolon.



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All in all, if you figure that Bills fans are going to be a pretty fair representation of the general adult white male population, I'm proud to see that most people are on team normal and that the nutjobs are relatively few and outspoken. Just imagine how drastically different this dialogue would have looked like 30 years ago. Then again, imagine how ridiculous some of your comments are going to look 30 years from now. I think that when in doubt, you should try and align yourself with the right side of history.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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Juron-imo –

You are very boring. All the specious arguments in your arsenal, especially your pre-frontal cortex leap of faith, do not change the fact that you began with the premise of "I don't like homosexuals" and then desperately rationalized that view



Specious.. LOL Would you care to demonstrate falsity of my hypothesis? :)



Oh and do you expect me to believe that you really think I’m boring? Yeah ok. I’m anything but boring to you. Repugnant maybe, and I’m ok with that, but boring? Naw, if I were boring you wouldn’t have spent hours scanning the internet looking for my posting history on the subject. In spite of your arduous efforts to discredit my ideas on the subject matter, you have yet to demonstrate just how wrong I am. Still waiting on that.. But if you want to cower behind your internet terminal, I’m ok with it. Just don’t feign superiority. I have no ego to bruise; distilling your position on gay religion as somehow containing a mere ounce of validity, isn’t going to wash.



Have a great and glorious day Juron-imo.






I'm frankly surprised you could even spell deviance... now you just need to learn its definition. One step at a time though.





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Then that's really too bad because people who have bothered to take the time know that he had a terrifically difficult childhood and family history that has zero to do with his sexuality. Also, reducing a person's existence to the sex acts he may or may not commit is something that rarely happens with straight people. Just saying.


In all fairness, Sam brought that on himself. Not when he came out, but when he indulged the media circus surrounding him.

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