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Should the NFL have a Hair Rule?


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Should the NFL, institute a hair length rule?


Players like Clay Matthews, Troy Polamalu and Richard Sherman would all be effected.


Call me old fashioned, but NFL players shouldn't need to wear their hair past their shoulders during the season.


If your hair covers your nametag my high school coach would say it's too long.


Its also a safety issue. Players can't grab the Jersey, but they can yank your hair, like we did in grade school.

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It is. But I'm thinking there is is an unwritten rule among players that you don't grab the hair. I can't imagine Randy White or Fred Smerlas not grabbing a guy by the hair given the chance.

It still happens. I can't remember who it was, but I remember a Lion DB coming up from a pile with a chunk of dreadlock in his hand two or three seasons ago.

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Agreed, all this "look at me" stuff is offensive when I turn on my TV to look at these guys. It's almost like they think 70,000 people paid a bunch of money to come watch them play? I don't think a hair rule goes nearly far enough, though. For starters, we need to stop encouraging showboating and individuality by putting player's NAMES right on their jerseys. Get rid of those right now, and hopefully we can get rid of the numbers eventually. Even without a name on his jersey, everyone would still know #18 on the Broncos was Peyton Manning -- kind of defeats the purpose, you know?


Once we get rid of the names, we can start in on all this listen to me jawing the players do on the field. I'd like to see a 20-yard penalty added for talking on the field of play. I'm sick of having to listen to these thugs yelling through my screen every 5 seconds. "Omaha! Omaha!" "43 is the MIKE!!" What kind of message does that send to the kids?

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Its called freedom of choice.. Who the !@#$ are any of you to think people need to be groomed to your approval


What's next telling athletes to get their tattoos removed because in my opinion tattoos are way more offensive and distracting, and do way more in the look at me complaints, but that's not my place to tell these adult humans what to do.



But heck we do live in America where we have this freedom to make these choices on our own, if they choose ot wear their hair long, then who the hell is anyone to tell them something different.

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With out rules there is chaos, were just talking about not having your hair go down any further than the top of your name tag.


When the season is over you can be a hairbag and people are getting all in a huff about it. I don't see an issue.

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With out rules there is chaos, were just talking about not having your hair go down any further than the top of your name tag.


When the season is over you can be a hairbag and people are getting all in a huff about it. I don't see an issue.


Says the guy who is making the issue out of hair.


Although that first line may be just awesome enough to make the sig.....

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