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I know it is not worth saying because she did jeopardize her own safety in this instance. But, why should someone speed up, violating safe conditions deemed proper by law and break the law to merge with traffic?


If anything is appropriate the argument should be made that she should have slowed down and merged behind the traffic.


Because the situation wouldn't allow it.

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Haven't read all the replies in the thread, but nothing irks me more than someone purposely sitting in the left hand lane for no reason other than he/she doesn't want anyone to pass.


Pass the trucks, move to the right and get on with your life . . . The guy in the truck did little to nothing wrong. . .heck he wasn't even that close to her rear end . . . If there were indeed karma, a meteor would have fallen on her stupid a$$ as soon as the truck wiped out.

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Haven't read all the replies in the thread, but nothing irks me more than someone purposely sitting in the left hand lane for no reason other than he/she doesn't want anyone to pass.


Pass the trucks, move to the right and get on with your life . . . The guy in the truck did little to nothing wrong. . .heck he wasn't even that close to her rear end . . . If there were indeed karma, a meteor would have fallen on her stupid a$$ as soon as the truck wiped out.

He tailgated someone on a congested roadway.

He pulled to the right of her, then proceeded to make faces and flip her off.

Then he dangerously pulled in front of her and got into an accident, which could have easily caused others harm.


And you assert that he did little to nothing wrong?

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She didn't cause an accident!!!


That's like saying Nicole Brown Simpson caused O.J. to kill her by making him angry.


Her video taping had absolutely no bearing on the outcome. His reckless, aggressive driving had everything to do with the outcome.


I'm glad he didn't get hurt. But he got what was coming to him.

IF she wasn't being a dick going slow in the passing lane then this specific accident may not have happened. Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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IF she wasn't being a B word and going slow in the passing lane this specific accident may not have happened.


IF he wasn't being a dick and going too fast whilst passing this specific accident would not have happened.

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Haven't read all the replies in the thread, but nothing irks me more than someone purposely sitting in the left hand lane for no reason other than he/she doesn't want anyone to pass.


Pass the trucks, move to the right and get on with your life . . . The guy in the truck did little to nothing wrong. . .heck he wasn't even that close to her rear end . . . If there were indeed karma, a meteor would have fallen on her stupid a$$ as soon as the truck wiped out.

When you can't see anything but grill it's a pretty good indication that the guy behind you is tailgating.


Because the situation wouldn't allow it.

What situation wouldn't allow her to slow down and merge right?
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Now I know shes got to be related ... look at the film again.


from what I say it wasn't a congested roadway.


All you see in the video is the truck behind her in the left lane, no vehicle in the right lane for what seems like 2 minutes, at which point she passes a truck.

then the guy is next to her throwing the bird, she speeds up and he has to speed up to pass her again.


then he does a dick move and changes lanes fast and loses control.

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Sorry.. the guy is an a-hole. People who drive around with hard-ons make the roads dangerous for everyone. Glad he wasn't seriously injured, and didn't injure anyone else...I will admit, I laughed my ass off when he sped out of control. Texas roads are full of a-holes in 4x4's that think they, and everyone else are invincible. Not sure about Florida, but in Texas, when it rains, even in the slightest, the roads get extra slick, as if they are coated in oil.. people should really just slow the !@#$ down sometimes. OItIt

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It is a me first world now, especially on the roads.


Playing devil's advocate here. Why shouldn't it be (commenting on what you said)? It is a highly competitive, zero-sum world we live in. Our culture stresses me, me, me... Screw you. Why should this not carry over to the roads. Just saying, culture isn't going to just shut itself on and off @ will just because one is behind the wheel of 2 ton vehicle. We reap what we sow.


Speaking of karma... He got his early and right away... And hopefully she will get hers soon! Both were douchbags.


I say again: an even tiny bit of self control on the part of the guy and the entire situation plays out without incident...


...but what fun would that be?


This too. One douche bested another douche.


He tailgated someone on a congested roadway.

He pulled to the right of her, then proceeded to make faces and flip her off.

Then he dangerously pulled in front of her and got into an accident, which could have easily caused others harm.


And you assert that he did little to nothing wrong?


This too! Why didn't he just stay in the right lane. He got what was coming to him. She did instigate. If this was the NHL. She gets two for instigating, two for roughing (speeding up). He gets four (double minor) for roughing (for getting in front of her) and two for unsportsmanlike conduct (the finger and jawing) and a game misconduct for crashing! :lol:

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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He tailgated someone on a congested roadway.

He pulled to the right of her, then proceeded to make faces and flip her off.

Then he dangerously pulled in front of her and got into an accident, which could have easily caused others harm.


And you assert that he did little to nothing wrong?


Hardly a congested highway . . In the whole video she passes 2 vehicles. He was close, but i wouldn't call it tailgating . . . AND she not only doesn't move to the right after passing the trucks, she does the ULTIMATE DICK MOVE of speeding up when he does go to pass her (cuz she won't move to the right so that drivers who want to go faster can do so)!!

WTF? If she could have gone FASTER(!?!?!?!) why didn't she just go faster while he was behind her?


She antagonized him the whole way . . . He did little to nothing wrong other than get PO'd at the slow moving *$$hole in front of him . . .

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He did little to nothing wrong other than get PO'd at the slow moving *$$hole in front of him . . .


She's going the speed limit. She has a right to that lane and not yield to a law breaker. I don't care what your defensive driving instructor says. Yes, she agitated. Yes, she took a risk by agitating, it paid off for her. She got him to crash without hurting anybody else. Game over for the dude. Yes, he lost his cool and paid for it. Let's look @ it as the glass half-full. Maybe she saved a life by agitating him into his own, one car wreck. If she lets him by, who knows what happens. He's now outta the game for that day. Win-win.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I agree. I don't get how you could be so mad as to flick a total stranger off like that.

I don't get how you could be so mad as to reach for a cellular device, unlock it, open the camera/camcorder application then begin recording, film in front of and around you while commentating at the same time whilst also slowing your vehicle to prohibit someone from getting about their day then, as they wreck their automobile, laugh and call them a foul name and then see nothing wrong with posting it to the internet in order to prop yourself off as some sort of modern day vigilante against ignorance.


Yeah, that's extremely healthy.

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