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That could have been me... Left lane is for the faster drivers.


I would have done the same only with more horn and less finger and no accident.


From the story:


‘I couldn’t move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn’t going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were,’ she wrote on the YouTube video."

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just a few comments


what was the woman doing videoing someone while SHE was driving? that is just as bad.

what was the woman doing driving SLOW in the left lane? - How I hate people going slower than the SL in the left lane.



who bitches about driving on a slick road but a BAD driver - IF you are afraid of a slick road STAY HOME!!!


From the story:


‘I couldn’t move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn’t going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were,’ she wrote on the YouTube video."

I have to disagree and call BS


as I saw it, the video clearly showed that she had time to move over before she passed the other truck.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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From the story:


‘I couldn’t move over because there were trucks in the right lane, and I sure as heck wasn’t going to speed on a rainy day with the roads being as slick as they were,’ she wrote on the YouTube video."


Yea that's what she said...commenters below in article go both ways though.

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I was hoping someone would post this. That women is why we have road rage in the first place. So, if you don't want to speed up to get around the truck, slow down for 3 seconds, and move into the right lane BEHIND him.But no, the left lane being for passing has totally been lost


.Also, she says is scared of a slick road, but not so scared of them i guess to focus her attention on filming another driver, with only one hand on the wheel! and this lady is getting praise today....wow. What if she had rear ended a van with kids while she was focused on this guy...think that would be called karma? cause we all know driving with one hand on the wheel while focusing on and filming another car while going 55 is way safer than focusing on said road with 2 hands on the wheel at 60! Wow, just wow.



It is a me first world now, especially on the roads.


Posted a while ago, i drive a lot(25-30K miles per year) and on the interstates on the east coast, at least 75% of the time i am passing in the right lane..

Edited by plenzmd1
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Possible scenario:


Woman was behind big rig in middle lane.

Woman got in left lane to pass big rig.

Big rig sped up so woman could not safely pass.

Redneck in big pickup obnoxiously tailgates woman.

Woman is now trapped with big rig to right and angry redneck behind.


Did she belong in the left lane? Obviously not.

Could the redneck have possibly achieved anything by tailgating her? Nope.

Should the redneck have just passed on the right - which is what most people do when slow drivers are in the left lane? Yup.

Did the redneck get what he deserved? You bet your ass he did.

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I was hoping someone would post this. That women is why we have road rage in the first place. So, if you don't want to speed up to get around the truck, slow down for 3 seconds, and move into the right lane BEHIND him.But no, the left lane being for passing has totally been lost


.Also, she says is scared of a slick road, but not so scared of them i guess to focus her attention on filming another driver, with only one hand on the wheel! and this lady is getting praise today....wow. What if she had rear ended a van with kids while she was focused on this guy...think that would be called karma? cause we all know driving with one hand on the wheel while focusing on and filming another car while going 55 is way safer than focusing on said road with 2 hands on the wheel at 60! Wow, just wow.



It is a me first world now, especially on the roads.


Posted a while ago, i drive a lot(25-30K miles per year) and on the interstates on the east coast, at least 75% of the time i am passing in the right lane..

The reason I posted a "?" in the thread title was to elicit thoughts on both sides of the subject. Perhaps next time I'll consult you.


She was going 50, I believe.


She wasn't on an interstate, maybe an "expressway."


You seem tense.

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Possible scenario:


Woman was behind big rig in middle lane.

Woman got in left lane to pass big rig.

Big rig sped up so woman could not safely pass.

Redneck in big pickup obnoxiously tailgates woman.

Woman is now trapped with big rig to right and angry redneck behind.


Did she belong in the left lane? Obviously not.

Could the redneck have possibly achieved anything by tailgating her? Nope.

Should the redneck have just passed on the right - which is what most people do when slow drivers are in the left lane? Yup.

Did the redneck get what he deserved? You bet your ass he did.


I think both were in the wrong here Gungy. I must say i am guilty as well of sometimes being so frustrated on the road sometimes I too tailgate folks. Prolly not the wisest thing in the world to do, but when you are traveling for 10-12 miles behind a car that will neither slow down nor speed up to open up the passing lane, and as far as you can see behind you cars are stacked up due to this, you try to do something to get the person to recognize the results of their ignorance. Again, based on my experience in the last ten years, a ton of accisdents are caused by people going to slow in the passing lane,


And there is no way in hell you can tell me that what she was doing was somehow safer than what he was doing.

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Could the redneck have possibly achieved anything by tailgating her? Nope.

He ended up bringing about the woman's passive aggressive behavior. She may have slowed down while passing the trucks to make a point. She definitely sped up a bit as he was going around her.


The fact that she was recording the entire thing tells me that she wasn't an innocent in the whole affair.

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The reason I posted a "?" in the thread title was to elicit thoughts on both sides of the subject. Perhaps next time I'll consult you.


She was going 50, I believe.


She wasn't on an interstate, maybe an "expressway."


You seem tense.


haha, i am tense! :w00t:


as you can tell, i spend a lot of time on the roads!

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2010-2011 F250 or F350.


I have an '06 F350. I have people pull out in front of me all the time. My belief is that they see a big truck and they either:

A) Think they're in a little car and will be able to go faster then me

B) Think they're in the right to travel at their safe speed in the passing lane.


In North Carolina it is customary for travel to occur in the passing lane, especially on I85, which around Charlotte and the two lane system there, is a nightmare.


I generally do not tailgate on anyone, nor do I let people ride my bumper. This woman had no business taunting the man like she did. She wanted to cause a little bit of drama and wanted to aggravate the guy for no good reason. A-holes are going to be a-holes and she is not at all very smart.


Proof that the woman is a moron is looking at her surroundings. It is clear that she is on a busy medium speed road with no median buffer wall in to oncoming traffic. Further, she is beside heavy industrial traffic as seen by the two large semis she passes. The truck that wrecks outweighs her car by at least 2 1/2 tons. The average car might weigh 4,500lbs. Those trucks start in at 8,000 lbs.


For no reason should she have endangered her life or anyone others to make a point that someone else is being stupid. She sank to someone elses level.


Edit: Also, that was a Magic Hat truck at the very end traveling opposite her.

Edited by jboyst62
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2010-2011 F250 or F350.


I have an '06 F350. I have people pull out in front of me all the time. My belief is that they see a big truck and they either:

A) Think they're in a little car and will be able to go faster then me

B) Think they're in the right to travel at their safe speed in the passing lane.


In North Carolina it is customary for travel to occur in the passing lane, especially on I85, which around Charlotte and the two lane system there, is a nightmare.


I generally do not tailgate on anyone, nor do I let people ride my bumper. This woman had no business taunting the man like she did. She wanted to cause a little bit of drama and wanted to aggravate the guy for no good reason. A-holes are going to be a-holes and she is not at all very smart.


Proof that the woman is a moron is looking at her surroundings. It is clear that she is on a busy medium speed road with no median buffer wall in to oncoming traffic. Further, she is beside heavy industrial traffic as seen by the two large semis she passes. The truck that wrecks outweighs her car by at least 2 1/2 tons. The average car might weigh 4,500lbs. Those trucks start in at 8,000 lbs.


For no reason should she have endangered her life or anyone others to make a point that someone else is being stupid. She sank to someone elses level.


Edit: Also, that was a Magic Hat truck at the very end traveling opposite her.

There is zero proof to indicate that she "pulled out in front of him." I stopped reading at that point.
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