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Ellen Page Comes Out As Lesbian


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i liked the movie alot...not the greatest story, but i thought the characters and the acting were fabulous, but i think just about anything j.k. simmons is in is great, much like william h macy and steve buscemi. also loved the soundtrack


Someone needs attention, and probably needs to find a way to stay relevant, and get more roles.


"Juno" is still one of the most overrated movies ever made.

Edited by The Poojer
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Someone needs attention, and probably needs to find a way to stay relevant, and get more roles.


"Juno" is still one of the most overrated movies ever made.


As an actress she has two speeds: wooden and sarcastic.


READ: she's not that good.


Juno was a fine movie, but it DEFINITELY suffers from Little Miss Sunshine/Nebraska levels of unwarranted hype.

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Nebraska not that good ? Was planning on renting soon.


Little Miss Sunshine was solid IMO. Granpa ruled it in that one.


Agree on Juno w most, super average. I'd be fine never seeing page again, gimme more Michael Cera though.


They're all fine movies that were liked a little too much by the noise machine.

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it's getting there, but these public figures coming out are paving the way for the average person who feels completely isolated,


October 11 is National coming out day, have parades, sing songs, whatever, long for the day when the response to such is "so what!"

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Who the hell is Ellen Page and who the hell cares if she's gay?




I thought this thread was just 20 years too late, but that's the other Ellen (and also the last time we needed a thread about a C-list celebrity announcing they're gay).


The obsession with other people's sexuality is bizarre.

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I thought this thread was just 20 years too late, but that's the other Ellen (and also the last time we needed a thread about a C-list celebrity announcing they're gay).


The obsession with other people's sexuality is bizarre.

Actually I'll one up that too.


I see this stuff and it's like boring. boring boring. boring.


Clist, blist, alist. who cares. boring.


interesting would be if Jayz announced he was gay or michell obama. crazy stuff like that is ok. but just another celebrity, "im gay" good for you. want a ding dong or what. like lame. like for sure.

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They're all fine movies that were liked a little too much by the noise machine.


Apparently, not enough hype, since it's getting all these "Who?" responses.


I guess being nominated for Best Actress puts you in the Who? category.

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The Juno and little miss sunshine comparison is perfect.


We're getting to the point where the tropish "indie" aesthetic has become the goal. Can't say I blame filmmakers for going this route since the Hollywood tastemakers (in all their infinite wisdom) are so easily manipulated into stamping these movies with approval.


See also: Sideways, anything starring Zoe Deschanel, The Descendants, The Kids are Alright, blah blah blah.


Highly pretension, meandering, stubbornly paced globs of schmaltz that rarely achieve anything. Kind of entertaining or kind of enlightening, but never both. Cue the slow-zoom soliloquy! We're building us a two hour Oscar reel!



Apparently, not enough hype, since it's getting all these "Who?" responses.


I guess being nominated for Best Actress puts you in the Who? category.


Reminding folks that you're too cool for movies made after 1975 never gets old for some people!

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