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Are We Becoming A Nation of Pussies?

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It seems the new masculine ideal is for men to be a bunch of soft, sensitive, emotional pu$$ies. I see it everywhere.


And before some pu$$y jumps in here with a strawman (i.e. The only alternative to being an emasculated pissant is to be a super dominant male monkey mother!@#$er) let me explain what I mean.


In my mind, masculinity is having the strength and courage to set emotion aside to think and act rationally and appropriately, from a reasonabe perspective, even in the face of fear or other conflicting emotions. It has little to do with willingness to resort to violence or unwillingness to show compassion.


It seems anytime anyone does anything that offends our sense of justice there's a huge overreaction, the story gets overblown, people get nauseatingly sanctimonious, and any measure of perspective goes out the window. What really bothers me is the extent to which the reaction of grown men so often resembles what you might expect from a 13 year old girl.

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It seems the new masculine ideal is for men to be a bunch of soft, sensitive, emotional pu$$ies. I see it everywhere.


And before some pu$$y jumps in here with a strawman (i.e. The only alternative to being an emasculated pissant is to be a super dominant male monkey mother!@#$er) let me explain what I mean.


In my mind, masculinity is having the strength and courage to set emotion aside to think and act rationally and appropriately, from a reasonabe perspective, even in the face of fear or other conflicting emotions. It has little to do with willingness to resort to violence or unwillingness to show compassion.


It seems anytime anyone does anything that offends our sense of justice there's a huge overreaction, the story gets overblown, people get nauseatingly sanctimonious, and any measure of perspective goes out the window. What really bothers me is the extent to which the reaction of grown men so often resembles what you might expect from a 13 year old girl.


I'll let you know how I feel about this by passing LA Billz a note in study hall...

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I manage a guy (400lb gay guy) and we were talking about his time management issues. I said the first step was to at the end of the day jot down what he did and how much time he spent on each task. He thought I was accusing him of slacking off and he started to cry. Not small tears kind of whimpering but full on snot running down his face bawling. WTF dude?!?!?!?! Oh and he's 47 years old.


I get "well you're different, you're from NY" all the time. Uhhhh, I left NY in 1982 at the age of 21.


I could make a fortune with a testicle location service up here in the Bay Area.

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It seems the new masculine ideal is for men to be a bunch of soft, sensitive, emotional pu$$ies. I see it everywhere.


And before some pu$$y jumps in here with a strawman (i.e. The only alternative to being an emasculated pissant is to be a super dominant male monkey mother!@#$er) let me explain what I mean.


In my mind, masculinity is having the strength and courage to set emotion aside to think and act rationally and appropriately, from a reasonabe perspective, even in the face of fear or other conflicting emotions. It has little to do with willingness to resort to violence or unwillingness to show compassion.


It seems anytime anyone does anything that offends our sense of justice there's a huge overreaction, the story gets overblown, people get nauseatingly sanctimonious, and any measure of perspective goes out the window. What really bothers me is the extent to which the reaction of grown men so often resembles what you might expect from a 13 year old girl.


How about showing us some examples? Without those, you seem to be showing the exact same character traits you proclaim to loath

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I manage a guy (400lb gay guy) and we were talking about his time management issues. I said the first step was to at the end of the day jot down what he did and how much time he spent on each task. He thought I was accusing him of slacking off and he started to cry. Not small tears kind of whimpering but full on snot running down his face bawling. WTF dude?!?!?!?! Oh and he's 47 years old.


I get "well you're different, you're from NY" all the time. Uhhhh, I left NY in 1982 at the age of 21.


I could make a fortune with a testicle location service up here in the Bay Area.

Wait, you're surprised that a gay guy started to cry when he thought you were accusing him of slacking?

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