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McKelvin and/or Byrd going to play this week?


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Just out curiosity, do you find no flaw in the Bills' logic even though their "move" was as little admirable as Byrd's?



The Bills thought they would force Byrd to play this season by tagging him without having to commit to a long term deal. They, at the very least, miscalculated given who Byrd's agent is.


Please help me understand how Byrd/Parker's strategy is a beneficial one. How do you game plan for a showdown when your opposition doesn't aspire to a logical outcome?


This strikes me as a Leroooooooooooooooooooooy JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEnkins moment.

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The Bills thought they would force Byrd to play this season by tagging him without having to commit to a long term deal. They, at the very least, miscalculated given who Byrd's agent is.


There is no "forcing" a player to play one way or the other. Byrd is proving that. It's the price you pay when one side bargains in good faith and the other doesn't know the meaning of the word. I don't think the Bills or any team for that matter, should have to worry about the professionalism of their players when it comes to honoring a contract. They now know something about Byrd that they didn't before. Tough lesson, but virtually unprecedented from what I can gather.


The Bills, as they have stated numerous times, WERE and ARE committed to a long term deal. Byrd refused it. As was his right.



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No one is denigrating women. We all have girlfriends, wives, moms, sisters and daughters --whom we love--on this board.


Football players are supposed to be masculine--tough. Women, feminine--caring. Women tend to do more feminine things. Men tend to do more masculine things. Yes, women may be tough. But they're not expected to be. Men--football players in particular--are.


The poster's line was a joke already--maybe not a particularly funny one to some--but not to be taken seriously. Let's limit the lecturing, please. There's enough political correctness censoring us and intruding on us in this world. Would wish it wasn't here on this board.


Do you feel overly censored? Is it really such a trial not being able to use jokes containing racist, misogynistic or homophobic slurs? Were you hoping this board would be a safe haven for racial humor? I don't have any problem getting through the day without denigrating people, it hasn't really hampered my self expression. I am terribly sorry you feel so put out by having to go through life without using your favorite racial or gender based slurs to make your friends laugh.


The women I know are tough, toughness doesn't have a gender and neither does weakness or gentleness. I wasn't aware that society doesn't expect women to be tough but then, I don't have a stereotyped view of what men and women are supposed to be like.


Whether it was meant to be a joke or not, It very much is an insult to women and it does have an effect on them to hear that kind of thing over and over and over again. He has the freedom to use whatever denigrating language he wants, just as I have the right to my say and you have the right to whine about how awful it is to live in a world that no longer appreciates such knee slappers as humiliating a man by comparing him to a woman.

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Byrd won't play until he's "100 percent" -- his words -- and right now his footsies hurt.


pisses me off that new england had a RB playing the whole game with a broken hand/wrist, and Amendola's hamstring was so bad he couldn't play in subsequent weeks. Yet "sore feet" are keeping Byrd out. Yeah, its not about the contract. Man up, show up, and play. you are making more per game that most people cheering you on make in TEN years.

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Do you feel overly censored? Is it really such a trial not being able to use jokes containing racist, misogynistic or homophobic slurs? Were you hoping this board would be a safe haven for racial humor? I don't have any problem getting through the day without denigrating people, it hasn't really hampered my self expression. I am terribly sorry you feel so put out by having to go through life without using your favorite racial or gender based slurs to make your friends laugh.


The women I know are tough, toughness doesn't have a gender and neither does weakness or gentleness. I wasn't aware that society doesn't expect women to be tough but then, I don't have a stereotyped view of what men and women are supposed to be like.


Whether it was meant to be a joke or not, It very much is an insult to women and it does have an effect on them to hear that kind of thing over and over and over again. He has the freedom to use whatever denigrating language he wants, just as I have the right to my say and you have the right to whine about how awful it is to live in a world that no longer appreciates such knee slappers as humiliating a man by comparing him to a woman.


Buddy. I know you didn't just use the "I know this guy who defeats your generalization" argument.




Are we not allowed to insult women because they're women? Or is it because they're people? And if it's the latter, who's going to lay down their musket first? Nobody? Great. Then everybody can remove the stick and get on with life without being "insulted" by every little thing.


You don't have a stereotyped view of men or women? Then gender means nothing to you? There aren't things that men do better than women, and visa versa? Why is gender role a derogatory concept?

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Do you feel overly censored? Is it really such a trial not being able to use jokes containing racist, misogynistic or homophobic slurs? Were you hoping this board would be a safe haven for racial humor? I don't have any problem getting through the day without denigrating people, it hasn't really hampered my self expression. I am terribly sorry you feel so put out by having to go through life without using your favorite racial or gender based slurs to make your friends laugh.


The women I know are tough, toughness doesn't have a gender and neither does weakness or gentleness. I wasn't aware that society doesn't expect women to be tough but then, I don't have a stereotyped view of what men and women are supposed to be like.


Whether it was meant to be a joke or not, It very much is an insult to women and it does have an effect on them to hear that kind of thing over and over and over again. He has the freedom to use whatever denigrating language he wants, just as I have the right to my say and you have the right to whine about how awful it is to live in a world that no longer appreciates such knee slappers as humiliating a man by comparing him to a woman.

You are obviously morally, intellectually and spiritually superior to us Neanderthals who have stereotyped views of what women and men tend to be like.


We will strive to be more like you and to take our soon-to-be-attained superiorities super seriously.

Edited by Just in Atlanta
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There is no "forcing" a player to play one way or the other. Byrd is proving that. It's the price you pay when one side bargains in good faith and the other doesn't know the meaning of the word. I don't think the Bills or any team for that matter, should have to worry about the professionalism of their players when it comes to honoring a contract. They now know something about Byrd that they didn't before. Tough lesson, but virtually unprecedented from what I can gather.


The Bills, as they have stated numerous times, WERE and ARE committed to a long term deal. Byrd refused it. As was his right.




Out of curiosity, what makes you 100% sure that the Bills, knowing they had the tag to fall back to, bargained in good faith?

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Out of curiosity, what makes you 100% sure that the Bills, knowing they had the tag to fall back to, bargained in good faith?


I would think that making an offer that pays him a top 5 safety wage is bargaining in good faith. And I DO believe those reports because it's the M.O. of the front office given their history with certain players like my previously mentioned deal for Wood which pays him as a top 5 center.


I also believe Byrd won't take a penny less than highest paid to stay in Buffalo. For many reasons I think that's ridiculous including the bad faith aspect of refusing to negotiate that number as well as signing a fully guaranteed $6.9m contract knowing you won't be suiting up because you are unhappy with that amount.



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Jairus reminds me of the kid that takes the ball and goes home because darn it all he is right and that is his right!


Disclaimer: unless he is actually hurt.



PF just is not that kind of ailment, it actually DOES heal, it does not take months and years. I know blah blah, everyone is different, but with good treatment it should be over in a coiple of weeks. Byrd is just dogging it, the prick, and stealing 6.9m. in collusion with Parker. They are negating the CBA by not playing according to the rules. It would not surprise me if the PF story from last year was wholly false, just Parker thinking in the long term that he may want a legit excuse this year to do exactly what he is doing.

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I wish the Bills had the wherewithal to franchise Byrd next year, too; then release him after the 2014 season and let him "test" the market as a person who hasn't played in two seasons.


they get 1/32nd of the tv revenue. they have plenty of wherewithall.

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I wish the Bills had the wherewithal to franchise Byrd next year, too; then release him after the 2014 season and let him "test" the market as a person who hasn't played in two seasons.


I hate doing so, but I agree with this. At some point they have to stop accommodating players. A poor tone was set, and as much as it hurts, they are doing the right thing wrt Byrd.

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I think it might be Byrd's(E.Parker's) plan to sit most of the year and come back for just enough games to show the rest of the league that he still has the ability to be great. This minimizes his chances of getting hurt and at the same time, in his mind, to be able to get top money in free agency. He would also think that this would force the Bils to not franchise him next year. Of course that would be violating the collective bargaining agreement but too hard to prove since it's a convenient type of injury for this course of action.

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